Projects from community of 82383+ Experts

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  • Universiti Brunei Darussalam
  • Contact:Dr Nagender Aneja
  • Application invited for:Remote Research Collaboration

Deep learning needs lots of data for training; however, in some industrial applications, the significant amount of data may not be available, limiting the deep learning approach. Modern techniques like transfer learning and generative adversarial networks show some hope to solve this challenge. The objective of the project is to propose new techniques for deep learning training.


  • Universiti Brunei Darussalam
  • Contact:Dr Nagender Aneja
  • Application invited for:Remote Research Collaboration

Deep-learning networks are susceptible to butterfly effect wherein small alterations in the input data can point to drastically distinctive outcomes, making the deep learning network inherently volatile. Thus, the output of deep learning network may be controlled by altering its input or by adding noise. Research has shown that it is possible to fool the deep learning network by adding an imperceptible amount of noise in the input.


  • Universiti Brunei Darussalam
  • Contact:Dr Nagender Aneja
  • Application invited for:Remote Research Collaboration

Generative Adversarial Networks may have potential to solve the text-to-image problem, but there are challenges in using GANs for NLP. Image classification have got benefitted with large mini-batches and one of the open question the question is if they can also help to scale GANs

Bacterial toxins

Bacterial exotoxins role in food environment

Biofilms in food environments

Biofilms role in food environments in competition

Life Cycle Assessment

  • Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
  • Contact:Helen Morabi Heravi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis)[1] is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling. Designers use this process to help critique their products. LCAs can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by: Compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases; Evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases; Interpreting the results to help make a more informed decision

Source Separation

  • Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
  • Contact:Helen Morabi Heravi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Source separation may refer to: Signal separation, the analysis of mixtures of signals Blind source separation, the separation of a set of source signals from a set of mixed signals, without the aid of information (or with very little information) about the source signals or the mixing process Source separation (recycling), where each material is cleaned and sorted prior to collection Waste sorting, the process by which waste is separated into different elements Urine separation, the separate collection of human urine and feces at the point of their production, i.e. at the toilet or urinal

كتاب عن تاريخ المشرق الاسلامي

  • جامعة بغداد كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية قسم التاريخ
  • Contact:Prof.Dr.Suaad Hadi Hassan AL-Taai
  • Application invited for:التاريخ السياسي والعلمي للبويهيين

يتناول تاريخ البويهيين

بحث عن تاريخ المغول

  • جامعة بغداد كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية قسم التاريخ
  • Contact:Prof.Dr.Suaad Hadi Hassan AL-Taai
  • Application invited for:اثر الحضارة الإسلامية على المغول

يتناول المظاهر العمرانية للمغول

بحث عن المدن المغولية

  • جامعة بغداد كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية قسم التاريخ
  • Contact:Prof.Dr.Suaad Hadi Hassan AL-Taai
  • Application invited for:التطور والازدهار العمراني للمغول

يتناول اهم المدن التي بناها المغول

بحث عن تطور اقتصاد اليابان

  • جامعة بغداد كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية قسم التاريخ
  • Contact:Prof.Dr.Waleed Abood AL-Dulaimi
  • Application invited for:ضرورة دراسة اقتصاد اليابان

اهم الأسباب التي أسهمت في تطور اقتصاد اليابان

Remote Sensing in Soil Science

  • University of Baghdad
  • Contact:Amal Muhammad Saleh
  • Application invited for:Remote Sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area.

Remote sensing techniques and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques are used to estimate soil types and its spatial distribution with reasonable costs and much better accuracy in very larger earth spaces. Soil erosions were estimated by remote sensing, geographical information system and. In general, remote sensing data were used to create the cover management factor image by land cover classifications, while Geographical Information System tools were used for derive the topographic factor from DEM (Data Elevation Model) data. Remote sensing methods provided perspective for spatial and instantaneous measurement of soil content. Thermal emissions from soils in the region were used to find soil series and sensitivity of the surface. Less amount of water in a soil that emits low amount of microwave radiation. Soil series were calculated by active microwave remote sensing via synthetic aperture radata data. Microwave radiometer widely used for mapping large area soil types.

Soil Taxonomy

  • University of Baghdad
  • Contact:Amal Muhammad Saleh
  • Application invited for:Soil classification is a window into knowledge about soils at a given moment in time.

Soil taxonomy is the system of soil classification used for mapping and classifying soils by the National Cooperative Soil Survey in the United States; it is used in many other countries as well. Soil taxonomy is a hierarchical soil classification system with six categories, or levels: order, suborder, great group, subgroup, family, and series. Soil taxonomy is a morphogenetic soil classification system using diagnostic horizons and features to infer pathways of soil genesis and formation. It employs a unique mnemonic system based on Greek, Latin, or other root words for assigning names to taxonomic classes. Soil orders and suborders are well suited to small-scale maps, illustrating patterns of soil geography for continents or nations. The lower soil classification categories are suited to more detailed soil-mapping efforts, which depict regional and local soil patterns.

GIS in Soil Science

  • University of Baghdad
  • Contact:Amal Muhammad Saleh
  • Application invited for:Spatial variability is a term indicating changes in the value of a given property over space.

The use of GIS in soil mapping is called Digital Soil Mapping (DSM), which involves creating geographically referenced soil databases from spatially explicit environmental features and field surveys. The data that goes into creating these DSM use remote sensing technologies. Prior to the use of remote sensing, traditional soil surveys were entirely field-based and consequently were labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive. A traditional soil survey would involve soil samples being collected at regular intervals throughout the plot of land. But, with advances in GIS software much can be done without the use of field surveys now. This doesn’t mean traditional soil surveys are not completely done for, as most DSM surveys will require an element of ground-truthing and hands-on data collection. However, the fieldwork is significantly reduced. Today, most soil scientists will go into the field with digital imagery already uploaded onto a rugged tablet or handheld computer.

A Secure Protocol in IP-Based Internet of Things: Using Symmetric Cryptography

The data and information security are considered a significant problem in networks especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) systems. In this paper, we design a completely implemented security system for the IoT based on existing standard internet protocols. The main protocol that has been improved in this paper is the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol. The public key cryptography (RSA) has been used as a cryptography algorithm in this proposed work. We present an implemented architecture and system based on low-power hardware scheme convenient for IoT environment.

Archaeological theory/methods and built material culture studies

  • BETTER Inc.
  • Contact:David Benjamin
  • Application invited for:collaborate, correspond, funding, networking, research position

Goal: To conbribute to the advancement and international discussion of both theory and method for enquiry into pre-historic architecture, the agency of craftspeople making cultural heritage, its relationships to landscape, and also to contribute to the discipline of material culture studies through this research and discussion.

narratives for the future/present, future archaeologies and anthropologies

  • BETTER Inc.
  • Contact:David Benjamin
  • Application invited for:collaborate, correspond + networking funding

Goal: Seeking ways, knowledge, knowledge forms and collaborative partners to formulate and demonstrate virtuous narratives, incl designs for the planet that are culturally relevant, incl especially work with craftspersons and artisans.

Sustainable Transformation

  • BETTER Inc.
  • Contact:David Benjamin
  • Application invited for:collaborate, networking, correspond, funding, research position

Goal: Transforming the modernistic architecture of the welfare society into livable and efficient neighbourghoods. Focus on a future interpretation which optimize both the expression and the comfort. Methods: Practice-Based Research, Case studies, Surveys, Integrated research

Hybrid nano materials

  • Contact:Dr S Kalaiselvan
  • Application invited for:Nanomaterials

Synthesis of hybrid nano materials from fossil wastes

Plastic Based Pavers Brick

  • Contact:Dr S Kalaiselvan
  • Application invited for:Plastic Bricks

Production and design of pavers brick from plastic waste to increase plastic waste


  • Contact:Dr S Kalaiselvan
  • Application invited for:Biofuels

Continuous Production of biodiesel from used cooking oil using hybrid catalyst

Beam-Column Connection

  • Moslem University of Indonesia
  • Contact:Muh Syarif B
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Precast connection system in structure element must be designed in such way to result in required behaviour, such as plastic hingesmust be well-planned to be able to shed earthquake energy and to limit seismic loading that goes inside the structure. This research is experimental study that precast beam connection which is modeled using steel plate. The result of this model design use to compare the occurence of structure deformity rigidity in monolith concrete construction (BN) and precast concrete (BP1 and BP2). The testing dimension consists of column with the size 300x300 mm and height 3300mm, beam 200x300 mm and width 3300 mm, with steel plate 200x400x8 mm and 300x400x8. This study resulted in monolith testing material (BN) produces average value 47.8 % from its previous rigidity, BP1is 57.13% from its previous rigidity, and BP2 is 52.22% from its previous rigidity

social marketing, corporate social responsibility, sustainability and business ethics

  • Comeve Asociados, SA de CV
  • Contact:perezla
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

International certification of corporate social responsibility, with system B

Social Marketing to Prevent disease and strengthen health promotion programs

  • Comeve Asociados, SA de CV
  • Contact:perezla
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Quantitative research to diagnose the effectiveness of Social Marketing to Prevent disease and strengthen health promotion programs

Apply the goals and objectives of SDG 2030, for Municipalities

  • Comeve Asociados, SA de CV
  • Contact:perezla
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Qualitative and quantitative research to apply the goals and objectives of SDG 2030, for Municipalities

الانفتاح على الخبرة

يهدف الى تعرف مستوى الانفتاح على الخبرة لدى طلبة الجامعة وعلاقته بمتغير ادارة الذات

الصمود النفسي

يهدف الى تعرف مستوى الصمود النفسي

ادمان الانترنت

يهدف الى التعرف على مدى ادمان الانترنت لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانوية وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات

Virtual World | Real Lives -1: Sculpting New Realities with ML, AI, and IoT

  • Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani India.
  • Contact:Rishabh Garg
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The project aims to investigate the convergence of virtual realms and practical applications of cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). The project will delve into the pivotal roles played by ML and AI algorithms in crafting lifelike simulations and fostering intelligent virtual entities. The project will also probe into machine learning methods applied in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and behavioral modeling within virtual settings. It will feature compelling case studies and real-world examples that demonstrate how virtual realms, ML, AI, and IoT are revolutionizing diverse industries, including gaming, healthcare, education, and business.

Virtual Worlds | Real Lives - 2: Crafting Dreams with AR, Metaverse and Blockchain

  • Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani India.
  • Contact:Rishabh Garg
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The project would explore a wide range of topics related to the convergence of augmented reality (AR), the metaverse, and blockchain technology. It would provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of how AR, the metaverse, and blockchain technology are coming together to create new virtual worlds and impact various aspects of our real lives.

Codes beyond Bits & Bytes: A Blueprint for Artificial Life

  • Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani India.
  • Contact:Rishabh Garg
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The present task integrates Machine Learning and Genomics to create Artificial Life (AL) through gene editing. We propose a specialized sub-network of a Siamese Neural Network (SNN) called TASAG, designed for Genetic Sequence Analysis using Transformer Architecture. TASAG compares a desired gene sequence with a target sequence, identifies differences, and displays necessary edits. These edits enable the incorporation of the desired sequence into the target. A Computerized DNA Synthesizer (CDS) then chemically constructs the edited DNA sequence shown on-screen, aided by microprocessors. These synthesized DNA strands can be inserted into an egg cell to initiate development, culminating in an H-Bot.


  • ODELA (Observatori de l'Alimentació). Food Observatory
  • Contact:Margalida Mulet Pascual
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Knowledge is at the root of change and transformation. Therefore, one of the specific goals of this project is to collect qualitative and quantitative data on the food itineraries of older people. This data will be used to explore whether they are keeping safe, healthy and culturally acceptable food practices; what their possible needs are; and what impact these needs could have on the food production and distribution chain, as well as on the social, commercial and/or catering services of the places where we carry out the fieldwork. Research questions are organized around three axes: What, How, Why.

Hydrogen production from disposed solar panels

  • KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Contact:Lineesh Punathil
  • Application invited for:Green hydrogen production and development of fuel cell for domestic cooking applications

The disposed solar panel contains several materials. To recover each materials present in disposed solar cell, suitable chemical reactions are identified. During this chemical reaction Hydrogen will be released. The produced hydrogen will be used in fuel cell for domestic cooking stove. The lab scale experiments are successfully finished. Further aim is to upgrade the lab scale technology to pilot scale for green hydrogen production.


the relations between space and social relations.

Historical Sociology of Iran

It deals with development issues concerning Iranian land reform and development.

Rock Painting of Central India

  • Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh
  • Contact:Mohanlalchadhar
  • Application invited for:India

Rock Painting of India with Special Reference to Central India

Sociedade, Desenvolvimento e Regionalidade

  • Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Contact:Sergio Moretti
  • Application invited for:Partner

Esse projeto objetiva desenvolver estudos que aprofundem no conhecimento sobre as relações desenvolvidas entre as organizações e a sociedade, contribuindo para a compreensão das mudanças sociais e culturais que influenciam a composição das sociedades contemporâneas. São temas de estudo ancorados nesta linha de pesquisa: estudos que abordem temas como cultura, comportamento organizacional, trabalho, diversidade, identidade e poder nos diversos formatos e suas fronteiras; as relações e comportamento de consumo; as organizações sociais; a sustentabilidade; a responsabilidade social; e ainda incluem-se aqui as pesquisas sobre perspectivas do ensino de administração para o desenvolvimento regional.

Indicadores de hospitalidade de micro e pequenas empresas de serviço no Triângulo Mineiro

  • Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Contact:Sergio Moretti
  • Application invited for:Partner

O objetivo deste projeto é propor um modelo de referência para a medição do desempenho das micro e pequenas empresas de serviços (MPEs) com base na prática de hospitalidade, de forma que se identifique os principais problemas limitantes à suas práticas, além de criar as bases para o estabelecimento de indicadores de benchmarking de hospitalidade que contribua para o aumento da competitividade das empresas de serviços, tanto local, regional e global. O projeto envolve pesquisas de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, envolvendo estudos de casos. Os resultados esperados são: a criação de um modelo melhores práticas de hospitalidade, a elaboração de uma tabela de indicadores para as práticas de hospitalidade direcionada para as MPEs.

Formación inicial y permanente de profesionales de la educación

  • Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Contact:Luis Manuel Ferrás
  • Application invited for:Desarrollo de competencias

Desarrollar las competencias básicas para el desempeño de los profesionales de la educación en su formación continúa

Didáctica interdisciplinar para la formación inicial de profesionales universitarios

  • Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba
  • Contact:Luis Manuel Ferrás
  • Application invited for:Métodos Interdisciplinarios

Búsqueda de métodos didácticos que permitan desarrollar el pensamiento interdisciplinar de docentes universitarios y los profesionales que estos forman.

Blockchain and energy

Use of blockchain technology to commercialize distributed energy

The Use of Information Systems to Improve Academic Supervision in Colleges

A supervisory service known as academic advice aims to familiarize the student with the university and its scientific departments, the domains in which graduates work, the facets of care, and the services the university offers to its students. The academic advising service assists students in adjusting to the university environment and taking advantage of the opportunities available to them by equipping them with fundamental knowledge and skills that raise their educational attainment. Academic advising is an important link in guiding students to achieve the best performance during the teaching and learning processes, to obtain the best educational outcomes and the best possible academic achievement. Exam anxiety, academic pressures, low achievement, a lack of study time, weak motivation to learn, low self-concept, social and economic pressures, and other issues are common during the university stage and prevent students from adjusting to the university environment. As a result,

Desenvolvimento de materiais e de técnicas restauradoras adesivas objetivando a melhoria no desempenho e na longevidade dos procedimentos restauradores

Os objetivos específicos deste projeto são: 1) Caracterizar um sistema adesivo experimental de dois frascos, contendo diferentes concentrações (1%, 3% e 5%) de silicato de sódio e silicato de magnésio visando avaliar propriedades de selamento, resistência mecânica, biocompatibilidade e efeitos antimicrobianos. 2) Avaliar a efetividade de técnicas de tratamento da dentina visando melhorias na adesividade e na diminuição da permeabilidade dentinária/ sensibilidade pós-operatória..

AAi2 Lab+

The AAi2Lab+ project is inspired by broad conceptions of creativity and innovation as inducing forces of social and institutional co-evolution, of exploring the potential of documentary and of artistic photography and mapping, combined with qualitative and quantitative approaches, for making imaginative questions on space appropriation, urban perception and socio-cultural diversity, as well as for addressing transversal problems within interdisciplinary debates on Architecture, City and Territory.

Urea granules coated with Ca and Mg nanoparticles as controlled release pathway for macro and micro nutrients

This project aims to achieve an intelligent release system of granular urea based fertilizer coated with CaCO3 and MgO nanoparticles. The work will seek to: a) determine the influence of the parameters used in the preparation of coated urea granules on properties fundamental to the release kinetics of macro and micronutrients; b) characterize the urea granules in relation to the properties that influence the controlled release of the fertilizer; and c) determine the efficiency of coated and uncoated granulated urea on the cultivation of eucalyptus seedlings.

Ga (III) -phthalocyanine-containing PLGA-PEG nanospheres: preparation, characterization and evaluation of photodynamic efficiency in MCF-7 tumor cells

This research project has as its general objective the preparation, characterization and evaluation of photodynamic efficiency of polymeric lactide-co-glycolide acid (PLGA) nanospheres linked or not to polyethylene glycol (PLGA-PEG) molecules, containing phthalocyanine of gallium (GaPc) as a photosensitizer in reducing the viability of MCF-7 breast tumor cells. The influence of parameters involved in the preparation of nanospheres on nanoparticulate properties will be studied by chemometric procedures. Experiments will be performed to evaluate the effect of photosensitizer encapsulation on GaPc photobleaching as well as on the side effect of photosensitivity on non-cancerous cells.

3D Bioprinting in Airway Surgery

  • Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Rome Italy
  • Application invited for:Ministerial approval

Pre clinical in vivo study on animal model (ovine) to assess the biocompatibility, integration and tolerance of 3D printing in Policaprolacton graft in laryngotracheal reconstruction.

Plant virology

  • Tarbiat modares univrsity
  • Contact:Razieh Yazdani
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Management and control of plant viruses

Designing a Secure Blockchain based Framework for the Sentiment Analysis of the opinions.

  • Symbiosis Institute of Technology Nagpur
  • Contact:Pratik Kamal Agrawal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

This research work will aims at developing a blockchain based secure platform for the authentication of the opinions expressed by the user. The work focuses on the problems that currently exist in NLP domain for opinion data analysis, such as weak data source reliability, data being easily tampered with, and asymmetric permissions for data access. - Proposed to submit a Research Project at R & D in Information Technology, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (In Progress).

Garbage Collection and Management System (Patent Granted on 11th May 2023) -Product development is in progress for the commercialization

  • Symbiosis Institute of Technology Nagpur
  • Contact:Pratik Kamal Agrawal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The research work has focused in developing a system in which a smart bin is designed and developed for accurate level prediction of large bin. The intelligent bin also detect the presence of fire in the bin and management remedies for controlling. The calculation of approximate time required for filling for prediction of collection unit required, detection of human presence in the bin and alerting the system for appropriate measures, finding optimal path by geo mapping location of bin and collecting unit, analyzing the next bin that is to be collected in the same optimal path by incorporating the different controllers and sensor of the IOT module and artificial intelligence approach for analyzing and path finding.

Designing a Multimodal Opinion analysis system using deep learning approaches

  • Symbiosis Institute of Technology Nagpur
  • Contact:Pratik Kamal Agrawal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The research work aims at developing a novel approach for multimodal sentiment analysis. The approach is based on a multimodal fusion architecture that integrates text, audio, and visual modalities. Traditional sentiment analysis techniques usually rely solely on analyzing text data. However, in many real-world scenarios, such as social media posts, videos, and voice recordings, the sentiment expressed can also be conveyed through non-textual modalities. Hence, multimodal sentiment analysis aims to integrate the information from these multiple modalities to improve the accuracy and reliability of sentiment analysis.

Study, implementation, and installation of solar distillation brackish water desalination units for providing fresh water in remote areas.

  • Research Unit for Renewable Energies in the Saharan region (URERMS) Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER), 01000, Adrar, Algeria, Thermal and Thermodynamic ConversionDivision
  • Contact:MOUNGAR Houcine
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The primary goal of this project is to establish solar distillation units for desalinating saline water and producing fresh water in remote areas of the Adrar wilaya, including Bouda, Mallouka, and imiaouine. The desalination unit will consist of a series of solar greenhouse effect distillers, and the total fresh water production will depend on the type of distillers used. To accomplish this, research efforts will be conducted in two parallel ways. The first will focus on improving the daily production of distillers by studying, creating, and testing distillers of different configurations. Local authorities will issue certificates of potability for the chosen prototypes. The second approach involves establishing a pilot desalination unit to study its operation under various weather conditions, enabling the prediction of operational anomalies and the proposal of relevant solutions. Ultimately, a series of distillers will be developed for production and water quality.

Educação Sexual científica.

  • Universidade Federal de Jataí
  • Application invited for:Pesquisadores iniciantes na graduação e projetos de pesquisa para mestrado.

Uma abordagem em Educação Sexual voltada para a perspectiva da Epistemologia da Ciência e a Filosofia da Ciência.

Artificial Neural network

Artificial Neural network

Bio-Char application to agricultural Crops

  • Tamilnadu Agricultural University
  • Application invited for:Students

In dryland agriculture, improving the soil moisture storage and to influence the nutrient availability specifically in vertisols to improve crop yield.

Design of RF Amplifier for 3 GHz

  • New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
  • Contact:Gurulakshmi A B
  • Application invited for:1.Start ups 2.Students 3.Rf design Engineers

Objective of this project is to simulate the stable RF amplifier for high frequency applications using ADS. The optimized design will be fabricated and tested in Research lab for commercialization

Design of LNA for satellite cmmunication

  • New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
  • Contact:Gurulakshmi A B
  • Application invited for:1.Start ups 2.Students 3.Rf design Engineers

Objective of this project is to simulate the Low Noise Amplifier for high frequency applications using ADS. The optimized design will be fabricated and tested in Research lab for commercialization

Optimizing Synthetic Route of Potential Insulating Oil from Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) using Lipase from Candida Rugosa.

One of the concern on the homogeneous-catalyzed reaction is the water content due to presence of Free Fatty Acid (FFA) during transesterification which result in the formation of soap that will reduce the performance of the catalyst and less WCOME is formed (Demirbas, 2009; Yaakob et al., 2013). This formation of soap also affects the separation and purification process during posttreatment of WCOME (Talukder et al., 2010).Besides that, the presence of impurities in waste cooking oil has been highlighted, hence, our focus is also to explore advanced purification techniques to reduce the impurities which include free fatty acids, water content and food particles in the oil prior to chemical modification to give WCOME with a better quality and stability of insulating oil.

Mechanism of Crosslinkers in modified chitosan for superabsorbent material (SAH).

Comparative studies of synthesis of different crosslinkers in chitosan for hydrogels

Research on Some Optimization Algorithms for Risk and Conflict Management in Software Project Scheduling (NAFOSTED 102.03-2019.10)

  • Haiphong University, Haiphong, Vietnam
  • Contact:Dac-Nhuong Le
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Risks and conflicts are subjective events that interfere with the development of software projects. Because risks and conflicts cannot be completely eliminated during the project schedule due to complexity arising from unique characteristics, variability, lack of data, structure, and deviation in prediction/estimation. Many different techniques and tools have been developed to support better project scheduling, but the quantification of risk factors and conflicts has not been adequately considered. In it, the most challenging problem is estimating the time and resources for each specific task in project scheduling. Most research on software project risk analysis focuses on finding the link between risk factors and project outcomes. The goal of risk and conflict management problems in software projects is to provide a multi-objective optimization plan to manage and minimize its level of damage. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find exact algorithms in polynomial time. Then, we need to consider the design of optimal algorithms with the best approximation to help accurately predict, quantify risks, conflicts, as well as their consequences, impact on the project from the critical process, is project planning.

Estimation of the Diffusion Coefficient and Hydrodynamic Radius (Stokes Radius) for Inorganic Ions in Solution Depending on Molar Conductivity as Electro-Analytical Technique-A Review

  • Institute of technology/ Baghdad
  • Contact:Muhammed J. Kadhim
  • Application invited for:Diffusion coefficient; Hydrated radius; Molar conductance; Movement of ions

Diffusion coefficient (D) and radiuses of inorganic charge ions (R) in different environments is of importance in scientific fields, explaining certain features of ions. D values were obtained using the Einstein-Smoluchowski equation depending on limiting molar conductivity (λo) of inorganic charge ions. Inorganic ions have D values at the range of 1−3×10−9 m2.s-1, except hydroxyl and hydrogen ion (5.2×10−9 and 9.1×10−9 m2.s-1, respectively). The hydrodynamic radius R for diffusing ions was calculated using the Stokes–Einstein equation based on D values. Inorganic ions have R, values at the range of 1−3×10−10 m, except hydroxyl and hydrogen ion (R=0.47×10−10 and 0.27×10−10 m, respectively).

Hydration thermodynamics and hydrodynamic (Stokes) radius of the lanthanide ions

  • Institute of technology/ Baghdad
  • Contact:Muhammed J. Kadhim
  • Application invited for:hydrodynamic (Stokes) radius of the lanthanide ions

Biochemical and physiological properties depend on the size of ions and the thermodynamic quantities of ion hydration in numerous states. The diffusion coefficient (D) of lanthanide series ions (Ln+3) in solution (1.558-1.618 ×10−9 m2 s−1) as calculated by the Einstein–Smoluchowski relation depended on conductance measurements as electro - analytical measurement. The association constant (KA) of Ln+3 ions (210.3-215.3 dm3 mole-1) was calculated by using the Shedlovsky method, and the hydrodynamic radius was (1.515-1.569 ×10−10 m) as calculated by Stokes–Einstein equation. ΔHo, values were obtained from the literature. The thermodynamic functions (ΔGo, ΔSo) were calculated by suitable equations, ΔGo, for ion hydration, had negative values in the range (13.25 - 13.31 kJ/mole), ΔSo also were of negative values, results have been shown in the limit (11.299 - 12.573 kJ/ K. mole).

Benefits of Consuming Citrus Fruits as Vitamin C Source in the Treatment of COVID-19

  • Institute of technology/ Baghdad
  • Contact:Muhammed J. Kadhim
  • Application invited for:COVID-19- Citrus fruits- Vitamin C

COVID-19- Citrus fruits- Vitamin C: COVID-19 is a virus that affects people unevenly with most cases showing mild symptoms, especially in children and young adults. However, some cases can appear severe and dangerous, as many patients require medical care in hospitals. Nutrition is very beneficial to health, especially in cases where it may need to strengthen the immune system, fruits are one choice in this field like citrus fruits (ex; oranges, clementine, and grapefruit) because it's a famous source of vitamin C. This letter focuses on introducing vitamin C's benefits in treating influenza and COVID-19 viruses.

Animal behaviour & Animals' comfort zone

  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
  • Contact:Raufur Rahman Akanda
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Animals' daily behavior and their response to critical situations.

Testing the efficacy of grafting machine for soft wood grafting

  • Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
  • Contact:Ravindran Chandran
  • Application invited for:Funding agency

Fruit crops play an major role in nutritional security. The supply of true to type of planting materials is very much essential for increasing yield. Production of planting materials through mechanized means will be an effective and precision in production of true to type of planting materials

La educación ambiental comunitaria en los estudiantes de la carrera Licenciatura en Contabilidad y Finanza

Educar a los sujetos del proceso formativo de la carrera de Licenciatura en Contabilidad y Finanzas en el valor responsabilidad ambiental para hacerlos capaces de enfrentar los problemas presentes y futuros del medio ambiente.

Product development

  • JSPM's Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Pune
  • Contact:Pravin Marotrao Ghate
  • Application invited for:Students

Product for agriculture

Software development

  • JSPM's Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Pune
  • Contact:Pravin Marotrao Ghate
  • Application invited for:Students

Better management

Sustainable Construction material development

  • SR University, Telangana, India
  • Contact:Gobinath R
  • Application invited for:Research Scholars and collaborators

This project work involves obtaining sustainable construction materials without depleting the natural resources and by using non convetional material development techniques. It involves lot of analysis, simulation based works and the work is initiated under the aegies of Center for Construction Methdos and Materials of SR University

Study of threats associated with cloud infrastructure systems

  • Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology For Women
  • Contact:Shiva Sai Prasad CH
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Cloud infrastructure is the new euphemism in professional developers view these days round the clock. The rewards of cloud storage and its unique functionalities are absolutely massive and as such it is a concern of phenomenal significance. It offers various outstanding features such as Multi-tenancy, on-demand support, pay per use etc. This paper generates a report on the possible consequences of cloud computing.Processing infrastructure-as-a-Service illustrates the distribution of threats and how cloud doing so can affect their performance.The cloud infrastructure addresses the various situations where the attacks exist also the steps should be followed to mitigate the attacks. The research also tries at classifying steps have to take when using cloud services to reduce the impacts of undesirable consequences and to safeguard data integrity.

Cultivation of Cash Crops using Automated Greenhouse using Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women, Warangal
  • Contact:Mahesh Lakum
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Cultivation is the fundamental wellspring of pay of the general population in a nation like India adding up to 15-16% of the Gross domestic product of the nation. As per the financial overview of India 2018, around 55% of the number of inhabitants in India relies upon cultivating as their wellspring of occupation pay and time has come to acquaint a few changes with supplant those conventional cultivating rehearses with the development of money trims under computerized nursery utilizing IoT through remote sensors, actuators, microcontroller, raspberry pi, GSM module and associating links. In this paper, we have proposed a low-cost greenhouse prototype model which can be afforded by the Indian farmers for the cultivation of cash crops such as saffron, vanilla, sugarcane, etc. and they can carry out the cultivation under this automated greenhouse thus improving their social, economic and financial condition by a great extent.

Project on bio control potential of spermosphere microbioms on rice brown spot pathogen

  • Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam
  • Contact:Sheela
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Just started

Juventudes e Movimentos Sociais Regressivos nas Periferias da Cidade de São Paulo.

A emergência de agrupamentos juvenis identificados com os espectros políticos de direita e de extrema direita tornou-se recorrente no cenário contemporâneo. Algo, até recentemente, circunscrito a determinadas esferas privadas ou de pouca expressão pública, estes grupos e/ou indivíduos ganharam proeminência e representatividade política. Seja no âmbito institucional bem como no societário, por meio de expressões públicas caracterizadas, muitas vezes, pela intolerância à diferença e ao culto à violência. A atuação desses grupos juvenis coloca novos desafios para a pesquisa sobre juventudes em face das dificuldades teóricas e metodológicas de abordagem desses jovens. Este projeto de pesquisa propõe estudar os grupos juvenis que se auto intitulam “de direita” tendo como campo empírico as periferias da cidade de São Paulo. Serão abordados etnograficamente reuniões, eventos e atos públicos promovidos por esses jovens. Complementarmente serão realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os jovens participantes desses movimentos. O trabalho pretende estabelecer comparações entre os grupos juvenis autointitulados conservadores que atuam nas periferias. Visa-se por meio dessa comparação compreender as possíveis linhas de continuidade entre os grupos juvenis conservadores nos diferentes espaços associativos das periferias, suas percepções sobre as políticas públicas voltadas à juventude e os possíveis elos de intercâmbios políticos, ideológicos e representacionais entre esses grupos.

A Python Environment for Numerical Continuation Methods

  • Federal University Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria
  • Contact:Jafar Anafi
  • Application invited for:collaborators

Developing computer models is a natural part of scientific computing. These models typically combine components of mature scientific software of varying levels of complexity. Using low-level software libraries leads to a better performance when running the computer model, but slows down and distracts from model development because of the need to deal with software related technical details. High-level interactive programming environments such as Python simplify and speed up the development of computer models but the speed of the numerical solution of the model may be unacceptable for many research problems. One way to solve such problems is to write Software wrappers and make classical low-level sources available in a Python environment.

V10i2 = Vol 10, No 2(2018) DOI: 10.5101/nbe.v10i2.p117-128 Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil in Aqueous Solution by Differential Pulse Polarography: An Assessment of Optimum Conditions

The potassium phosphate buffer as a supporting electrolyte of anticancer drug (5-fluorouracil (5 FU)) was the best among solutions of sodium phosphate buffer and Britton Robinson buffer in differential pulse polarography (DPP) at pH = 7.0 and T = 37 °C. The changes of temperature did not effect on inactivity of the supporting electrolyte (potassium phosphate buffer at T = 10-50 °C), and pH of the solution did not exceed 2% of each 5 °C (at pH = 7.0, by modified thermostat cell). However, the frequency measurements showed clear effect of temperature on diffusion current (IP /μA) of the chemotherapy compound in the range of 20-50 °C and under primary conditions. Then, the polarography measurements of 5-FU drug (at 10 μM, pH = 7 and T = 37 °C) gradually led to the optimum conditions: deposition potential =–0.9 V; drop size = 9.0 mm3; deposition time = 15.0 s; equilibration time = 5.0 s; pulse amplitude = 100 mV; pulse time = 7.0 ms; voltage step = 6 mV; voltage step time = 0.3 s; and sweep rate = 20.0 mV/s. The thermal assessment of 5-FU drug (after achievement of the optimum conditions) in a new thermostat vessel at HMDE by DPP showed that the reaction of 5-FU molecules represented pseudo first order reaction, instead of first order); the secondary waves of 5-FU drug may be due to formation of molecular complexes in aqueous solution and the reduction of 5-FU molecules at mercury surface electrode appeared as physisorption, instead of chemisorption.

V10i3 = Vol 10, No 3(2018) DOI: 10.5101/nbe.v10i3.p224-234 Stability of Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil in Aqueous Solution: An Assessment of Kinetic Behavior

Spectroscopic measurements of pharmaceutical compound 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) drug was achieved in solvents with different polarity. The drug gave clear absorption peak at 259, 269, 270 and 266 nm in hexane, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and ethanol, as well as phosphate buffer respectively, which was consistent with the standard values in literatures. The results of extension coefficient (ε) and wave length (λmax) showed reduction in polar medium as compared to non-polar medium. The calibration curve of 5-FU drug was achieved by using serials solutions dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4 and T = 37 °C) within the range of 1×10–6 ~ 1×10–4 M. The stability of 5-FU drug was studied in phosphate buffer at pH = 5, 6, 7, 7.4 and 8 with 1×10–5 M and T = 37 °C, according to the equation of first-order reaction. The hydrolysis of 5-FU disappeared at alkaline solution, but had noticeable hydrolysis in acidic solutions with the rate constant 25, 14 and 20 at pH of 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The calculation of molar extension coefficient and half-life (t1/2) showed same sequence of 5-FU hydrolysis. Then, rearrangement of obtained results offered complicated reversible equilibrium state by the combination between thermodynamic and kinetic behaviors of 5-FU hydrolysis; with Keq = 8.46, 6.11 and 142.8 at pH of 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The acidic hydrolysis of 5-FU occurred spontaneously within free energy (ΔG) did not exceed 10 kJ/mol, which meant the electro motive forces of interactions were weak, notable to release energy such as Van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding.

Where can I find Justice?

This project comes from the necessity to fight against politics and money interfering in the judicial process in Brazil and the main study will be a proposition to change Justice the way it is today.

Where can I find Pindorama people?

Pindorama was the name indigenous people called the country where Brazil took place by the Portuguese. This project is to collect historical evidence of the genocide of these original people and how much of their land is being taken from them. There is an urgent call for these peoples whom suffered from the colonial times until these days.

Island parthenogenesis

  • Universidade da Madeira
  • Contact:Dora Aguin-Pombo
  • Application invited for:A student to studt the reproductive biology of asexual forms

The study of asexual reproduction is a core issue in evolutionary biology. One reason is that, despite the two-fold cost of sex, asexual reproduction is uncommon among most animal taxa Geographical parthenogenesis predicts that asexual reproduction is relatively common on islands. One explanation is that parthenoforms more easily colonise insular environments, since a single female is sufficient to establish a new population. However, detailed studies on the origin and history of colonization of asexual taxa on islands are scarce. We recently made an unusual report of three parthenoforms of Empoasca leafhoppers on Madeira Islands. This extraordinary finding can be interpreted as a natural variation of reproductive biology in insland populations, the result of hybridization or an infectious case of parthenogenesis. We propose to study the origin and history of island colonization and the reproduction of Empoasca leafhoppers in the Madeira archipelago through a multidisciplinary approach.

iorremediação Bioacumulação e Biomagnificação de derivados de petróleo oriundo do derramamento no Nordete brasileiro em 2019: estudos ecotoxicológico, comportamental e transgeracional em Arthrospira platensis, Artemia salina e Danio rerio.

  • Paulista University
  • Contact:Martha
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

erá alimentada com a cianobactéria Arthrospira platensis exposta a PAHs do óleo oriundo de derramamento em praia do litoral do Nordeste brasileiro.. A Artemia salina por sua vez, será usada para alimentação de animais adultos de Danio rerio (zebrafish), e então, realizar os análises moleculares, transgeracionais, fisiológicas e comportamentais, completando com análise da bioacumulação por transferência trófica, bem como avaliar a eficiência da biorremediação em relação aos danos causados pela água contaminada com petróleo.

Relação dos prejuízos cognitivos e comportamentais com o nível de funcionalidade em dependentes crônicos de substâncias psicoativas em situação de risco social

  • Paulista University
  • Contact:Martha
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

O uso de substâncias psicoativas tem se tornado um problema de saúde pública mundial e mesmo com a implementação de políticas públicas de saúde para controle e combate ao uso abusivo destas substâncias, o número de usuários vem aumentando exponencialmente. O uso abusivo de múltiplas substâncias psicoativas, sendo a cocaína e o seu subproduto o crack as de maior consumo e que causam maior dependência; já que atuam no sistema nervoso central ocasionam alterações neurocomportamentais como, por exemplo, distúrbios cognitivos (alterações de atenção e memória) bem como alterações de funções executivas. O objetivo deste estudo será verificar através de uma avaliação qualitativa, mediante aplicação de instrumentos específicos, as alterações cognitivas ocasionadas pelo uso abusivo destas substâncias e sua relação com os aspectos socioeconômicos, culturais e educacionais.

Molecular design and synthesis of new indole-based hybrid molecules as potential anti-cancer agents

New indole-based hybrid heterocyclic scaffolds will be identified as anticancer agents based on Schrodinger’s software. These molecules with varied structural modifications will be synthesized, well-characterized, and evaluated for in vivo and in vitro anticancer properties to establish structure-property relationships. Thus, the lead molecule will be identified.

Synthesis of new poly(pyrrole)-based nanocomposites for biosensing applications

New poly(pyrrole)s will be synthesized electrochemically and their nano-composites will be prepared and characterized. Their bio-sensing applications will be investigated and new devices will be fabricated as an analyzing tool.

Applications of NMR Spectroscopy as an Important Tool for Metabolomics Research

NMR-based studies on metabolites in combination with LCMS tool: Characterization of various metabolites in biosamples.

A comparative study model of the behavioural pattern of different user groups during a festival through cybernetic approach: A case of Durga Puja in Kolkata

  • Jadavpur University
  • Contact:Soumyadeep Dutta
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Kolkata popularly known as the ‘City of Joy’ becomes the ‘Theatre of Dreams’ during Durga Puja. Having started in the 16th century the legacy and age-old traditions have been successfully passed down to present generations. The magnanimity of this event can be inferred by observing the radical transformation of the city. The dazzling lights along with ethereal artistry enthrals one and all, as every nook and corner of the city comes to life for this weeklong event which otherwise remains unruffled for the rest of the year. The main aim of this paper is twofold - firstly to figure out how human behaviour and perception towards a particular environmental setting varies before and during Durga Puja and secondly to identify the possible factors that drive people to readily participate in organising this weeklong event in spite of obstacles. Two distinct cases have been considered for furthering the arguments and analysis.

Urban re-resilience for public places in post pandemic scenario: case of urban canalfronts

  • Jadavpur University
  • Contact:Soumyadeep Dutta
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Spaces when given a definitive meaning becomes a place. Each place has its own physical and social structure, set of activities and character which helps in establishing the urban imageability by enabling it to be easily identifiable to people. Public places allow a high degree of social engagement by encouraging a diverse mix of values and cultures of each individual in a particular setting. The sense of visual perception and cognition have allowed people to interpret public places in their own way based on its impact in their everyday lives. The transmission of the Sars-CoV-2 virus at the community level has affected millions worldwide causing implementation of stringent rules like nationwide lockdown, provision for emergency services only, social distancing and self-isolation. As a precautionary measure public places have been shut down completely. Like every other pandemic, this too will subside in future leaving behind life lessons on preparing for more resilient places. The burning question that arises is: How are we going to cope with our inadequacies and prepare a holistic framework for resilient public places within the urban fabric as part of our preparedness for not only COVID-19 but also post-pandemic situation in future? This paper aims to provide comprehensive urban design guidelines for consolidating the existential arguments that surrounds COVID-19 in public places and reinforcing best possible measures that can be taken for adapting to the ‘new’ normal. A case of urban canalfronts has been deliberated to demonstrate how the urban transformation of social space, recreation and amenities can become re-resilient through urban design principles. The adopted method will intrinsically look for optimized solutions based on case and site study on the key parameters for successful canalfronts like edge conditions, activity nodes, connections and accessibility to retain the significance of the place without compromising public health and safety.


Nuchal cord occurs when the umbilical cord becomes wrapped around the fetal neck 360 degrees. Nuchal cord occur in about 10–29% of fetuses, and the incidence increases with advancing gestation age. Most are not associated with perinatal morbidity and mortality. Still, a few studies have shown that nuchal cord can affect the outcome of delivery with possible long-term effects on the infants. Nuchal cord more likely to cause problems when the cord is tightly wrapped around the neck, with results of a tight nuchal cord conceptually similar to strangulation. Umbilical cord compression due to tight nuchal cord may cause obstruction of blood flow in thin-walled umbilical vein, while infant’s blood continues to be pumped out of the baby through the thicker-walled umbilical arteries causing hypovolemia, acidosis and anaemia. Some of these infants have physical features secondary to tight nuchal cords that are distinct from those seen with birth asphyxia. The purpose of this article is to review the pathophysiology of tight nuchal cord and explore gaps in knowledge and research areas.

Design of Smartphone Sensors for immunosorbent assay

  • University of Technology
  • Contact:Taif Alawsi
  • Application invited for:COLLABORATORS

Due to the emerging outlook of using smartphone sensors in multidisciplinary research environment, the immunosorbent assay is now being categorized in sensing areas of smartphone sensors.

Machine Learning with Bio-Imaging

  • University of Technology
  • Contact:Taif Alawsi
  • Application invited for:COLLABORATORS

Bio-Imaging techniques with good machine learning platform is the focus of this research.

Simulation of sensors in food safety applications

  • University of Technology
  • Contact:Taif Alawsi
  • Application invited for:COLLABORATORS

Using commercial software for analyzing and simulating the optical sensors for food safety applications.

Estrés académico en la pandemia por COVID-19

La educación médica constituye un período de muchas tensiones, las cuales por la situación actual de pandemia pueden incrementar los niveles de estrés. Con el objetivo de evaluar según género y ciclo los niveles de estrés académico, los criterios respecto al apoyo docente en la educación en línea, nivel de satisfacción estudiantil, principales dificultades y la situación personal y familiar con respecto al contagio con COVID-19 en estudiantes de primer y segundo ciclo de la carrera de medicina de la Sede Azogues de la UCACUE durante el periodo Marzo-2020 Febrero 2021, se realizará un estudio descriptivo longitudinal que incluirá al total de estudiantes que acepten participar y hayan cursado su primer o segundo ciclo en el periodo Marzo- Agosto del 2020 y continúen en el ciclo Septiembre 2019 a Febrero 2020. Los participantes completaran vía internet el inventario SISCO y la encuesta dirigida a indagar sobre las dificultades académicas, personales y familiares enfrentadas durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Se creará una base de datos en SPSS y realizarán análisis estadísticos que incluyen, t de student para muestras pareadas y no pareadas y Chi cuadrado. Como principales resultados se espera el diagnóstico de los niveles de estrés académico, principales estresores, dificultades tecnológicas, el apoyo a los estudiantes en el proceso de la educación en línea, satisfacción, entre otros. Resultados que permitirán las correspondientes evaluaciones sobre la base de estresores propios del proceso docente y aquellos que se suman por la situación de pandemia en medio de la cual se desarrolla el proceso de aprendizaje.

Hábitos tóxicos en estudiantes de la carrera de medicina durante la cuarentena por Covid - 19

El aislamiento o cuarentena obligatoria decretada por la mayoría de países como consecuencia de la pandemia por Covid-19, ha provocado cambios significativos en las rutinas habituales de las personas, sobre todo en la población joven. Modificaciones en los hábitos de estudio, de sueño, de actividad física, hábitos alimenticios, así como el consumo de sustancias toxicas ya sean legales o ilegales. El objetivo de la presente investigación será evaluar los hábitos tóxicos en estudiantes de primer a décimo ciclo de la carrera de medicina durante la cuarentena. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y de corte transversal; que incluirá al total de estudiantes de la carrera de medicina de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca de la sede Azogues que acepten participar y esten cursando algún ciclo dentro del período Septiembre 2020-Febrero 2021. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos se aplicará un cuestionario que permita identificar el tipo de hábito de tóxico, frecuencia y motivo de consumo; durante la cuarentena decretada por estado ecuatoriano como consecuencia de la pandemia por Covid-19. Se creará una base de datos en SPSS y los resultados se exhibirán mediante frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Además se aplicará la prueba de Chi cuadrado para medir asociación entre las variables del estudio. Entre las principales resultados se espera conocer la prevalencia de hábitos tóxicos en los estudiantes de medicina; los hábitos tóxicos más frecuentes entre los que destacan: consumo excesivo de café, bebidas energizantes, alcohol y probable consumo de drogas de abuso (cocaína y marihuana). Los resultados que se obtengan servirán de línea base para nuevas investigaciones o proyectos de vinculación que tengan como meta mitigar los efectos negativos que pudiera tener el confinamiento sobre la población estudiantil y los posibles efectos sobre los resultados académicos.

Percepciones de los docentes y estudiantes de las Carreras de Educación, Tecnologías de Información, Ciencias de Salud y Bienestar de la Sede Azogues, ante el COVID-19

El proyecto se orienta a determinar y analizar las percepciones que tienen los docentes y estudiantes de las Carreras de Educación, Tecnologías de Información, Ciencias de Salud y Bienestar de la Sede Azogues, ante la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19, la investigación es tipo no experimental, cualicuantitativo y de cohorte longitudinal, se empleará un muestreo aleatorio estratificado y la recolección de datos se realizará mediante de encuestas, entrevistas y grupos focales, que permitan establecer el sentir de los docentes y estudiantes en cuanto a la ejecución de actividades académicas, administrativas, prácticas pre profesionales y vinculación con la sociedad que ejecutan las diferentes Carreras involucradas en el proyecto, datos que permitirán a las autoridades Universitarias tomar decisiones en cuanto a la mejora de servicios durante o pos pandemia.

Inservice training to science teachers

To Organise the programme on Inservice training to science teachers in Thoothukudi district.

Histological structure of the Eye in Tree Frog Hyla arborea savignyi

This research was conducted to study the histological structure of the eye in the tree frog (Hyla arborea savignyi) and showed that it is composed of the eyeball and the lens and optic nerve. Appeared eyeball is surrounded by three Tunica from the inside to the outside are Tunica Interna, Tunica vasculosa, Tunica fibrosa. The tunica interna consists of the retina that consists of 10 layers are from outer to inner pigment epithelial layer, rods and cones layer, external limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer , ganglion cells layer , nerve fibers layer, internal limiting membrane .The vascular tunic or Uvea consists of the choroid, ciliary body , and iris . The fibrous coat consists of sclera ,cornea ,limbus cornea. The lens showed Biconvex discoid.

NPK, MS Team and Jio alliance for virtual learning

  • Shri Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House's New Polytechnic, Kolhapur-416005, INDIA
  • Contact:Dr Sanjay Dabhole
  • Application invited for:Virtual learning for Rural Community students in South-Western Maharashtra Region

We are extended thank you for your support to MS Team user Id's under academic institution and complete the task to avoid academic loss of rural students with Zero rental

Emerging Technologies: SkillsBuild IBM Platform for Rural Community Skill development online training courses

  • Shri Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House's New Polytechnic, Kolhapur-416005, INDIA
  • Contact:Dr Sanjay Dabhole
  • Application invited for:Rural community Skill development online training courses

IBM's SkillsBuild platform offers best in class content and in-depth guidance to help learners success. Learners are able to assess the alignment of their skills and personality with in-demand job roles, engage in online learning, receive guidance from IBM mentors, and work on real projects to create a portfolio. Online learning is further supported by in-person work through NGO partners. SkillsBuild’s goal is to put the success of the learner first, beginning with skills and moving into a lifelong career trajectory

The intersection of Transitional Justice and literature, specifically drama

  • University of Baghdad
  • Contact:Hind Naji Hussein Ithawi
  • Application invited for:scholars interested interdisciplinary studies

The fictitious character who is looking for justice in Dorfman's 'Death and the Maiden' resembles real-life victims of dictatorships everywhere in the world. Can they find the justice they are looking for? is truth attainable for them?

Inverse methods in evaluating gas radiative properties

  • BLDEA's Dr P G Halakatti college of Engineering and Technology
  • Contact:Shashikant Cholake
  • Application invited for:Faculties and research scholar working in radiation heat transfer

Gas radiative properties are highly non-linear and are functions of temperature, wave number, pressure, and mole fraction. Several forward models are available to calculate gas radiative properties, however, in some complex cases, it is required to use the inverse methodology to calculate the same.

I+D+I PROYECT (P18-RT-1475) Violencia en las relaciones de pareja del Violence in the relationships of the students of the Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla. Study and proposals for prevention and training in values

Violence in the relationships of the students of the Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla. Study and proposals for prevention and training in values

Marketing Management , Performing Art actresses বঙ্গ বাজার অর্থনীতি এবং নটী সংস্কৃতির কাল বাদ পরশু

Marketing Management is very important in todays life. so Performing Art actresses need that.

Khamotayaner Britte Bongo Noti

  • Visva Bharati
  • Application invited for:co-researcher and funding

Khamotayaner Britte Bongo Noti

Bengali children films of Satyajit Ray

  • Visva Bharati
  • Application invited for:co-researcher and funding

Bengali children films of Satyajit Ray

Biosynthesis and Characterization of Gold and Copper Nanoparticles from Salvadora persica Fruit Extracts and Their Biological Properties

  • National Organization for Drug control and Researc
  • Contact:Alaaeldin Ahmed Hamza
  • Application invited for:International Journal of Nanomedicine 2022, 17:6095-10.2147/ijn.s385543

Introduction: Metal nanoparticle synthesis using plant has emerged as an eco-friendly, clean, and viable strategy alternative to chemical and physical approaches. Methods: The fruit extract of Salvadora persica (SP) was utilized as a reducing and stabilizing agent in the synthesis of gold (AuNPs) and copper (CuNPs) nanoparticles. Results: UV–Vis spectra of the AuNPs and CuNPs showed peaks at the wavelengths of 530 nm and 440 nm, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy showed that nanoparticles exhibited a mainly spherical form, with a distribution range of 100 to 113 nm in diameter for AuNPs and of 130 to 135 nm in diameter for CuNPs. While energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was able to confirm the existence of AuNPs and CuNPs. The alcoholic extract of the fruit SP was analyzed by GC-MS in order to identify whether or not it contained any active phytochemicals. Fourier-transform infrared spectra confirmed the presence capping functional biomolecules of SP on the surface of nan

Technology integration in mathematics

  • College of Natural and Computational Science, Department of Mathematics, Wachemo University
  • Contact:Tola Bekene Bedada(Ph.D.)
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Integration of technology in the 21 century has no doubt. in order to go with this century, it is better to see whether the current education more specifically Mathematics is integrated with the day technology or not. The study will comprise of three main ideas. what is the integration of technology to the perception of teachers' and students' sides? second, what does the educational curriculum of mathematics seems like? the third which educational theory helps the education to integrate technology into the education system?


O Obradipp trata-se de uma iniciativa livre e independente de acadêmicos interessados no estudo da área de Direito Internacional. Não temos qualquer vínculo institucional direto com entidade de pesquisa ou ensino, ou mesmo registro em plataforma para este fim.A organização encotnra-se em processo de estruturação e, por isso,todos os novos membros serão parte deste esforço experimental de construção do Observatório voltado para a investigação, o estudo e o acompanhamento do domínio do Direito Internacional Público e Privado..

wearable electronics

  • Contact:Selvakumar
  • Application invited for:Industry tie up

Embedded electronics for health care monitoring

*Work Environment Analysis, Innovative Work Behavior [IWB], Compensation for Mediated Job Satisfaction DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28552.34566 Project: research

  • Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang
  • Contact:Fauzan Almanshur
  • Application invited for:

Abstract:Objective - Research to analyze the influence of the work environment, innovative workbehavior and job satisfaction at the Batu City Tourism Office. It is expected that employees willbe able to try to be creative and implement a combination process, so that they can add value toproducts, services, work processes and policies that have implications for the organization,stakeholders and society in general.Design / methodology / approach - This paper selects a quantitative research method based onthe philosophy of positivism, emphasizes testing theories through measuring research variableswith numbers and analyzing data using statistical procedures, including 44 questionnaires. Thedata is equipped with research instruments, quantitative or statistical data analysis (SPSS) withthe aim of testing the established hypothesis.Findings - Research_ Path analysis test shows that the independent variable of compensationcannot mediate the effect of Innovative Work Behavior [IWB] on employe

Accurate Estimated Model of Volatility Crude Oil Price

  • University Of Lampung
  • Contact:Supriyanto
  • Application invited for:

Crude oil price (COP) data are time-series data that are assessed as having both volatility and heteroscedasticity variance. One of the best models that can be applied to address the heteroscedasticity problem is GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) model. The purpose of this study is to construct the best-fitted model to forecast daily COP as well as to discuss the prepared recommendation for reducing the impact of daily COP movement. Daily COP data are observed for the last decade, i.e., from 2009 to 2018. The finding with the error of less than 0.0001 is AR (1) – GARCH (1,1). The implementation of the model is applicable for both predicting the next 90 days for the COP and its anticipated impact in the future. Because of the increasing prediction, it is recommended that policymakers convert energy use to renewable energy to reduce the cost of oil use.

Characteristics of banks as determinants of profit management for islamic and conventional banks in ASEAN

  • University Of Lampung
  • Contact:Supriyanto
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

This study aims to analyze company characteristics as a determinant of conventional and Islamic bank earnings management in several ASEAN countries (Association of South East Asian Nations). The Multiple Discriminant Analysis was applied to determine the differences between Islamic and Conventional Banks. This test was conducted based on Capital Adequacy Ratio, Income Before Tax and Interest, Non-Performaning and Changing Loans, and Company's Size in the banks of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam from 2014-2018. The data obtained from 200 banking entities were analyzed discriminatively. The results showed that there were simultaneous differences between Capital Adequacy Ratio, Earnings Before Tax, Loan Loss Provision, Non-Performing and Changing Loans, and Company's Size as determinants of earnings management between Islamic and conventional banks. Also, it was found that Company's Size was the dominant variable determining the management differences. Based on Discriminant Analysis, there were significant differences in the determinants of conventional and Islamic earnings management. The Changing Loan variable showed the highest contribution in determining earnings management in Islamic banks. Overall, this study found that conventional banks dominated Islamic system in practicing earnings management.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Foreign Investor Selling Transactions (Case Study at LQ45 Company for the 2019-2020 Period)

  • University Of Lampung
  • Contact:Supriyanto
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

This study aims to determine the significant differences in the fair value, equilibrium price, and volatility of LQ45 stock returns before and after the first COVID-19 event. We applied the Multiple Discriminant Analysis test by taking data 75 days before and after the national announcement of the first COVID-19 event for the period 2019-2020. The results showed the significance value of the fair value and the balance price of 0.129> 0.05 and 0.814> 0.05 decreased compared to before the COVID-19 incident. Meanwhile, the value of the volatility of stock returns was 0.047 <0.05. after the announcement shows the value has increased.


  • IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
  • Contact:Imam Sibaweh
  • Application invited for:sejarah, ritualitas dan budaya khataman Alquran di era milenial

Budaya khataman Alquran menjadi tradisi yang berkembang bahkan menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat Cirebon apabila berhasil mengkhatamkan Alquran, budaya ini merupakan sebuah budaya yang saat ini menjadi semakin berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat Cirebon, yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak bahkan oleh orang dewasa yang telah selesai mempelajari Alquran dengan baik dan benar. Pendekatan penelitian dengan metode penelitian qualitatif analisis deskriptif

Healing in multifunctional laminated composites for aerospace applications.

  • Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology (A), Rajahmundry
  • Contact:Tankeshwar Prasad
  • Application invited for:DST Project

In view of the inevitable damage due to interlaminar as well as intralaminar fracture in laminated composites the concept of healing is endorsed in this research proposal. Presently, most of the industrial and academic research highlights the development of healable polymer composites with single step healing. This proposal is based on the development of innovative repeatable healing enabled fiber reinforced laminated composite (FRP) and their evaluation to recommend them as next generation smart composites.

Development of Leg Power, Force and Reaction Testing Device Based on The Affordable Platform with Android in Badminton

  • universitas pendidikan indonesia
  • Contact:Agus Rusdiana
  • Application invited for:Sport Science

The purpose of this study is the development of leg power, reaction time, and force device based on affordable platform with android in badminton. The method used the Research & Development (R&D) approach. 30 samples were involved in testing the prototype device instrument. The materials used were Loadcells TAL220 sensor, Arduino Nano Microcontroler and Bluetooth HC-05. The results showed that the correlation coefficient values for the measurement of the leg power, reaction and force variables each had values r = 0.904, r = 0.891 and r = 0.687, while the reliability were leg power r = 0.832, reaction r = 0.841, and force r = 0.972 using a significance level of 0.05.The conclusion from these data shows that the prototype of this device instrument has a high value of validity and reliability after compared with standard commercial tool so that this prototype is very feasible to be used especially in badminton

Analysis Differences of Vo2max between Direct and Indirect Measurement in Badminton, Cycling and Rowing

  • universitas pendidikan indonesia
  • Contact:Agus Rusdiana
  • Application invited for:Sport Science

One of determinant factors of an athlete’s high achievement is a good physical condition. The cardiorespiratory endurance becomes one of the vital physical condition components in sport. The measurement of cardiorespiratory endurance for the aerobic capacity can be conducted by measuring the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max). The measuring method of VO2max value can employ the direct and indirect measurement approaches. The purpose of this study was to analyze the VO2max with the direct and indirect measurement in badminton, rowing, and cycling by considering the different mechanism of the dominant movement of each other. The method was a descriptive quantitative study with comparative approach. The sample of this study were male athletes in rowing, badminton, and cycling involving 24 athletes. Each sport consisted of eight athletes as the samples.

Effect of Fatigue on Biomechanical Variable Changes in Overhead Badminton Jump Smash

  • universitas pendidikan indonesia
  • Contact:Agus Rusdiana
  • Application invited for:Sport Science

Background. The badminton forehand overhead jump smash is one of the high speed and powerful motions among various racket sports. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of fatigue on the kinematic variable movement changes during overhead jump smash in badminton. Methods. This study is descriptive quantitative research with the pre-test and post-test design methods used to obtain data from 15 male badminton players, aged 19.4±1.6 years, height 1.73 ± 0.12 m, and weight 60.8 ± 3.7 kg. The study used three high-resolution handy-cams, motion software Frame DIAZ IV, and 14 point manual markers to analyze body segments’ movement when carrying out a jump smash. Furthermore, an ergo treadmill was used to test the players’ level by running. Results. The results showed that the shuttlecock velocity was faster during pre-fatigue (188 km/h) than under the condition (145 km/h).


The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits and skills of students from internships during the COVID 19 pandemic from students' and supervisors' perspectives. The survey was conducted through a set of structured questionnaires were given to accounting students majoring in Indonesia's apprentices and supervisors. This research found that the skills developed during the Internship was willing to learn, the ability to work together, and enthusiasm. In contrast, the less developed skills are accuracy, ability to work independently, absorb new things, analytical skills, discipline, and on time. This research was conducted on interns in accounting, and because research on perceptions will allow subjective explanations. This study provides feedback to students, departments, and supervisors to improve internship activities in accounting majors. This research was conducted in the accounting department during the COVID 19 pandemic and from students and supervisors

The COVID-19 Monster that Triggers Indonesian Socio-Political Changes: A Phenomenological Review

More than 90,000 people are suffering from the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) resulting in the world-ranking cases. The outbreak was a catastrophe by the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 2663 lives with 77,658 cases and is currently the biggest health threat to the global community. The Chinese government has established special hospitals and travel restrictions to reduce the spread of this disease, and its wide-ranging effects on Indonesia have caused 10,118 cases, 7,804 people treated, 792 people died, 1,522 people cured until the end of April 2020, and the number will rise exponentially. The objectives of this research are (1) to outline the phenomenon of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) that potentially brings forth socio-political changes, and (2) to describe how the government's strategic policies set to solve the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases. Using a qualitative research method, researchers took the data from several e

The Paradigm Shift of E-learning System in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Perspective

Shortly after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in mid-February 2020, the Indonesian government called for solutions toward its spread, including the Ministry of Education and Culture that ordered the educational authorities or providers to carries online learning from home so that the online learning system has become a policy in Indonesia. The objectives of this research are to (1) outline the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic that has shifted the paradigm of the e-learning system in Indonesia, (2) describe how to implement an independent learning system based on e-learning as a strategic government policy in handling the Coronavirus cases, and (3) highlight the results of a problematic analysis of e-learning system during the Covid-19 times through a phenomenological perspective. As qualitative research using a phenomenological approach, the data were collected from various events, participants, in-field findings, literacy, coding processes, analysis and representation, criter

A Brief History of Catholics in Bali, Indonesia

Most of the population on the island of Bali in Indonesia is Hindu. It would be interesting if there were also a small group of people who were Catholic. Therefore, to find out this unique thing, historical research can provide an input that can help to better understand the situation there.

energy storage device

  • R N S Institute of Technology, Visveswaraya Technological University
  • Contact:Smitha M G
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

An organic conducting polymer Polypyrrole with perovskite nano material composite will be synthesized which can work as an effective energy storage device

Nitrogen Hetero cycles of Pharmacological importance

  • Channabasaveshwar Institute of Technology, Gubbi, Tumkur, Karnataka, India
  • Contact:Dr.Umesh Laddi
  • Application invited for:Funds

Some 1,2,4-Triazoles and their derivatives will be prepared and tested for pharmacological properties

Combined efficiency of iron nanoparticles (IONPs) and salicylic acid (SA) on in vitro propagation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) under combined drought and salinity

Drought and salinity are the most important environmental factors that hamper agricultural productivity worldwide. Several adaptations and mitigation strategies are needed to deal with both stresses. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the iron nanoparticles (IONPs) and salicylic acid (SA) under combined drought and salt stresses (DS) (PEG6000 + NaCl) on growth and some biochemical constituents of date palm cv Barhee cultured in vitro. The optimal combination was 1 mg L−1 IONPs and 50 mg L−1 SA. Such a combination under DS improved the callus growth and increased its weight to 219 mg. This combination also showed the highest response rate and the number of shoots per jar (55.65% and 6.80, respectively). The addition of IONPs and SA to the medium was most effective on the contents of organic solutes (soluble sugar, soluble protein, and proline), where the best results (4.213, 2.37, and 1.42) mgg−1 respectively, were obtained using 1 mg L−1 IONPs and 50 mg L−1 SA ap


Now-a-days people are looking for ‘organic’ labels in food due to harmful ill effects of indiscriminate agrochemical usage. Organic farming, natural farming etc ensure eco-friendly foods. Here, a novel, yet, traditional way of food production using only trees and their parts and products to cultivate crops and maintain soil fertility is discussed. LBNF is a traditional Indian system of farming to produce quality food. Here, indigenous and introduced leguminous tree leaves serve as soil fertility builder and leaf extracts serve as foliar nutrition for crops growth and protection from pests and diseases. Three principles of LBNF are BMT, LTS & TBE.

increasing student hardiness during learning from home

  • Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Contact:Mochamad Nursalim
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

increasing student hardiness during learning from home

Thèse de Doctorat « La Libye post-Kadhafi et l'évolution de la question amazighe », sous la direction de Kamal Naït Zerad (Lacnadd, Inalco – Paris) et Federico Cresti (Università di Catania, Italie).

  • Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
  • Contact:FERKAL Masin
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Les Berbères qui ont joué un rôle important dans la guerre menée contre le régime de Kadhafi ont été confrontés à l’hostilité des autorités libyennes à la dimension amazighe de la Libye. Les divergences ont donné lieu à un bras de fer entre les deux parties. Tout en exerçant des pressions sur les autorités libyennes pour imposer leurs droits, les Berbères, à travers leurs instances représentatives, notamment le Haut conseil des Amazighs de Libye, œuvrent pour internationaliser leur cause et occupent le terrain culturel et politique en territoire berbère. Cette recherche consiste à étudier les relations qu’entretiennent les Berbères avec les différents acteurs politiques et militaires libyens, leur rôle dans les différents conflits et les alliances ponctuelles qu’ils établissent. Il sera question également de voir comment gèrent-ils leurs villes et villages (administration, action culturelle, action sociale, etc.) avec un intérêt particulier à leurs rapports à leurs langue et identité.


Frequency of [aac(6’)-Ie-aph(2”)] gene and aminoglycosids drug resistance in clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates by two phenotype and molecular methods (Oral Presentation) (ICB 2017 International Congress On Biomedicine)

Interculturality and Social Movements

  • Assumption College Autonomous Changanacherry, Kottayam, Kerala
  • Contact:Dr. Poulami Aich Mukherjee
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Application of Interculturality model for solving the problems of inequality, exclusion, and social unrest in the contemporary world.

Portugues Legacy and Heritage Conservation

  • Assumption College Autonomous Changanacherry, Kottayam, Kerala
  • Contact:Dr. Poulami Aich Mukherjee
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Understanding the notions of nation, nationality, trans-national ideas, and contemporary legacy studies through the perspectives of heritage conservation in the contemporary world.

Maritime Cultures and Coastal Societies

  • Assumption College Autonomous Changanacherry, Kottayam, Kerala
  • Contact:Dr. Poulami Aich Mukherjee
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Perceiving coastal life, material culture, and the romance of maritime culture and their legacies.

How to save the Iraqi fish from extinction

Goal: This project aims to raise awareness to keep the Iraqi Fish as a national resource needs care and attention by the government and the citizen. It is facing threats from overfishing and their numbers are receded significantly.


Abstract. Trade Credit is an important service in modern business operation. Therefore to incorporate the concept of vendor-buyer integra- tion and ordersize, dependent trade credit, we present a stylized model to determine the optimal strategy for an integrate vendor-buyer inven- tory system under the condition of trade credit. This paper develops an approach to determine the optimum economic order quantity and total annual integrated cost for both vendor and buyer under the fuzzy arith- metical operations of function principle are proposed. A full fuzzy model is developed where the input parameters annual demand, production rate, set up cost, holding cost, purchase cost, transportation cost, order processing cost, carrying cost are fuzzy trapezoidal numbers. The optimal policy for the fuzzy production inventory model is determined using the algorithm of extension of the Lagrangean method for solving inequality constraint problem and graded mean integration method is used for def

Критерий оценок знаний и умений в условиях ДОТ

  • Кыргызский экономический университет им. М.Рыскулбекова
  • Contact:Фарида Кулуева
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

В статье рассматривается критерий оценок знаний и умений в режиме on-line.

Evidence for Mesoproterozoic Components in the Arabian-Nubian Shield

Reviewing and summarizing the early ideas on the existence of Mesoproterozoic components in the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). It sheds more light on their significance in crustal evolution of the ANS. Nowadays there is a general agreement among geologists that the late Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian period is one of the most remarkable geological record in Earth’s history. It began with the fragmentation of Rodinia supercontinent (1300 Ma and 900 Ma) and ended by the amalgamation of Gondwana supercontinent.

Uranyl minerals deposits of the Arabian Nubian Shield

Uranyl minerals deposits are found filling cavities and as surface encrustations on some crystalline rocks of the Arabian Nubian Shield (ANS). The mineral assemblages include not conclusively uranophane, kasolite, soddyite, boltwoodite, autunite, meta-autunite, liandratite, brannerite, uranopyrochlore, ishikawaite, fergusonite and betafite. Several locations in the ANS were investigated in order to identify the genetic history of these deposits.

Execution of the foreign Judgements and documents in Iran

  • Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch
  • Contact:fatemeh andy
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

foreign documents and executing the communities grow and develop ties crucial and inevitable task. Two of the sentences in the courts and execution of arbitral awards are done. In sentences and documents in the world, there are several systems that have any kind of a legal system with a ruling identified. Like most countries in the intermediate system is a control system that follows is limited. Implementation of this decree stipulated in Article 169 of the Civil execution Act accurate and expressed. Iranian court in such circumstances and conditions to determine if the application performs compliance with the requirements of Article 169 and thereafter requested and accepted the sentence or document issued by a foreign And otherwise it rejects. The execution of arbitral awards should also be said that the complex system that governs the terms and procedures of law governing the conditions and procedures.Due to these qualities, we can say that in principle the execution of foreign docum


  • State University of New York at Binghamton, NY, USA
  • Contact:Trivedi Gargi Naresh
  • Application invited for:Doctoral Position (Funded)

I am currently a doctoral student at the Watson Institute for Systems Excellence (WISE), Binghamton University, New York. I am always interested in contributing my research in ‘Green and Clean Energy’. My research interest always has been in the Energy Market, Optimization Techniques, Grid Integration of Renewable Sources, and Engineering Education. I like to share work with a person working in the same areas. I am always ready to work on a new idea, which could be mine or others. It is always grateful to me if anyone wants to share work with me.

Case study on distance students’ readiness for using library information resources: implications for online information literacy training

Abstract Purpose – This paper reports a case study on first-year distance students in the School of Accountancy at the University of South Africa (Unisa), their self-rated levels of readiness for using online library information resources, the library website and the implications for online information literacy training. Design/methodology/approach ‒ A survey case study based on an electronic questionnaire was done from July to August 2015 with first-year students in the School of Accountancy. 29 685 students from four academic departments (Auditing, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, and Tax) were invited; 587 questionnaires could be used for the analysis. Descriptive quantitative and limited qualitative data were collected. Findings ‒ Findings revealed that students lacked searching and information retrieval skills such as searching for books from the online catalog, retrieving articles from electronic databases, searching for online reference sources. Barriers in using th

Design, develop an information literacy programme for rural crop farmers in Lepelle-Nkumpi municipality, Limpopo Province

In this era of the fourth industrial revolution, information and technology play an important role in every sphere of the economy and life in general. Information literacy, information literacy programmes and information literacy skills training have become a subject of interest and a topic of discussion in many subject areas, particularly in library and information science professions. However, in the field of agriculture, information literacy skills are either overlooked or not provided. Therefore, this study designed an information literacy programme for the rural crop farmers in the Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality in the Limpopo province. In performing this study, the researcher explored the extent to which such a programme can assist rural crop farmers in attaining skills to access the agricultural information needed to enhance their crop farming. Furthermore, the study determined the level of information literacy skills among rural crop farmers in the Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Munic

Epidemiology and Management of Northern Leaf Blight (Exserohilum turcicum) of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Ethiopia

  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
  • Contact:Mesele Haile Onu
  • Application invited for:Funds for training and to carry out the laboratory research

The frequent emergence of new races of the Exserohilum turcicum pathogen has posed a big challenge in the management of the disease. Most cultivars currently grown by farmers in Ethiopia are potentially vulnerable to this disease. Nevertheless the Despite the importance of disease and the potential for considerable production losses, no investigation has been undertaken on the factors influencing epidemics or the association of factors with disease development, and pathogen diversity, from which management strategies could be derived. Therefore, the current study will be formulated with the following objectives: To assess the spatial distribution and association of NLB severity with biophysical factors, To determine the diversity of E. turcicum isolates causing NCLB in Ethiopia and to identify promising NCLB-resistant maize inbred lines; to determine the combining ability and nature of gene action for resistance to NCLB; and to quantify the effects of host and fungicide application.

Tratado sobre la especie humana

Revisión sobre nuestra definición como especie e individuos: Animal de Realidades Guía existencial para el ser humano Modelo existencial tridimensional Teoría del On

The Implementation Of Demonstration Method To Increase Learning Outcome In Natural Science Lessons

  • Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar
  • Contact:Kevin William Andri Siahaan
  • Application invited for:Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

The purpose of this research is to improve student learning outcomes in Natural Science subjects by using the demonstration method. This type of research is classroom action research. This research has two cycles. Each cycle consists of two sessions and four phases, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were grade 2 elementary school students who collected 21 people. The results of the study concluded that the use of the demonstration method can improve student learning outcomes in science subjects Class 2 State Elementary School 173606 Pangururan

Peran Sistem Maron Masyarakat Tani Kota Serang dalam Komunikasi Pembangunan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi Berbasis Syariah

Peran Sistem Maron Masyarakat Tani Kota Serang dalam Komunikasi Pembangunan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi Berbasis Syariah

Philology Studies at the Tjong A Fie Mansion Museum

  • Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Contact:Rudiansyah
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

This article discussed the study of Chinese calligraphy texts/characters at the Tjong A Fie Mansion museum as covered in philological scholarship. The notion of philology in this paper is not limited to the root words but is broader along with the development of this science from time to time, in studying the cultural treasures of the past from the object of study which is called a manuscript. The research method was paradigmatic in order to create a form of research report that has been done. Presented starting from the descriptive, analytical and comparative stages. Utilizing the theory of philological explanation from Henri Chambert-Loir.


  • Institute for the Study of the Globalization of Science
  • Contact:Sujay Rao Mandavilli
  • Application invited for:collaborators

From a global perspective


  • Institute for the Study of the Globalization of Science
  • Contact:Sujay Rao Mandavilli
  • Application invited for:collaborators

Fr0m a global perspective


  • Institute for the Study of the Globalization of Science
  • Contact:Sujay Rao Mandavilli
  • Application invited for:collaborators

From a global perspective

Mathematical Modeling of Consciousness

  • N S S College, Kerala University
  • Contact:REJI KUMAR K
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The aim of the project is to develop a mathematical theory of Human Consciousness. An axiomatic approach to the study of consciousness is already under consideration. According to this theory, models form the basic units of consciousness. There are three types of models

Domination in Graph Theory and Related Topics

  • N S S College, Kerala University
  • Contact:REJI KUMAR K
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Domination is an established area of research in Graph Theory. The project aims at further research in this area.

Mathematics for Social Change and Development

  • N S S College, Kerala University
  • Contact:REJI KUMAR K
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Mathematics is not a subject just for study and teaching. It has the fascinating potential of applications in all fields of knowledge. This project aims at exploring all such possibilities.

Customer Shopping Behaviour

  • Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College
  • Contact:Kavitha S
  • Application invited for:Relevant research article

Analysis the behaviour of customer shoppinghabbits, what they purchased and purchasing frequently


Objective. To describe the complete blood count (CBC) values of pediatric patients with Down syndrome and report the most common non-malignant hematological alterations. Materials and Methods. The analysis includes data from 450 patients with Down syndrome, aged 0-18 years, whose clinical charts included CBC panel results for the period January 2008 through March 2018. Results. A total of 3438 CBC panels were analyzed with descriptive statistics to find the values and statistical dispersion of the major indicators, with percentiles, and reported separately by sex and age group. The most common non-malignant hematological alterations found were macrocytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytosis. There were differences in values in all three series. Conclusions. The CBC panels and hematological alterations are summarized for patients with Down syndrome.

Reference values of serum creatinine in healthy dogs in relation to body weight

Serum creatinine is one of the parameters most used in clinical practice to assess nephrotic function and kidney injury in domestic animals through the indirect assessment of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In veterinary medicine, there is a scarcity of information on creatinine metabolism as a function of anthropometric characteristics (gender, breed, age and weight) of animals evaluated individually. The objective of this work is to determine the reference values of serum creatinine for healthy dogs in relation to body weight treated by the Hospital Veterinário (HV) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). A descriptive analysis of the recorded data of healthy the 120 canine patients treated in the routine of the HV/UFG will be carried out, in the period 2017 to 2022, in which information reactive to sex, race, age, weight and results of laboratory tests will be recorded (blood count, creatinia and urea). The animals will be stratified according to sex (male or female), age gr

Scene understanding in Autonomous Driving

  • University Politehnica Bucharest
  • Contact:Ceachi Bogdan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

One of the major challenges that autonomous cars are facing today is driving inurban environments. To reach this goal, the main focus will be on studying themost recent and relevant state-of-the-art results on scene representation, to predictand detect events that may occur in autonomous driving. The research that I wishto undertake, aims to investigate the interpretation of pedestrian behavior andpedestrian tracking in autonomous driving.

"A Middle Eastern Religious Minority in Search of Peace: Historiography of 74 Instances of Yazidi Mass Atrocities and Genocides"

Article II of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide “defines genocide as the commission of certain acts with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group” (The United Nations Convention 1948). This proposed research explores ways of highlighting the genocides suffered by the Yazidis and suggests how authorities can avert future incidents. First, this research will document the genocides suffered by the Yazidis in the Mesopotamian region. There is a common narrative that Yazidis have experienced 74 genocides; second, this research project will use this claim to frame the investigation and to determine the historical context of the genocides. Before the 2014 genocide, Yazidis were forgotten and left to the mercy of their Muslim neighbors. Their painful history was ignored and lacked proper documentation.

A Book: Yazidi Encyclopedia: A Concise History of Yazidi Religion and Culture.

A lot has been written on Yazidism, but this book is an attempt to provide maximum information about the Yazidi religion, culture and history under one cover. This book is a collection documenting and preserving Yazidi history, the history of their genocides, the causes of these genocides, strategies for preventing future genocides, gender roles, status of women and the concept of disability in Yazidism, violence and segregation against Yazidis, and customs, traditions, culture and religious practices of Yazidism.


  • Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik
  • Contact:Dr. Kavita Salunke
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Encyclopedia of Education Development

Comunidades Académicas de Compromiso (student engagement) en ambientes híbridos y virtuales de aprendizaje.

  • Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga -UNAB-, Colombia
  • Contact:Adriana Martinez
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Las Comunidades Académicas con Compromiso describen la capacidad de un estudiante para comprometerse de manera afectiva, conductual y cognitiva en un curso que se ofrece en modalidad híbrida o virtual. Basado en la zona de desarrollo próximo de Vygotsky, el modelo examina cómo la capacidad de un estudiante para comprometerse aumenta con el apoyo de dos tipos de comunidades: la del curso y la personal

Competencias digitales como marco integral de formación y acompañamiento a profesores

  • Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga -UNAB-, Colombia
  • Contact:Adriana Martinez
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Las competencias digitales son las capacidades, conocimientos y habilidades para usar de forma segura y crítica la tecnología. En el ámbito de los profesores, las competencias digitales pueden verse como marco integral para el diseño de programas de formación y acompañamiento para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Tanto el Ministerio de Educación de Colombia como la Unión Europea (DIGCOMP) han establecido lineamientos en este sentido, donde se resaltan competencias tecnológicas, pero también comunicativas, pedagógicas, de gestión y de investigación.

Database creations

Compile information either scattered or not minded. Any data could be accessed anywhere offering links to any related information.

Laboratory simulations

For equipment in lab. Create virtual equipement to show students how to use the material in lab. Show them the techniques, from a chemical, biological, biochemical, physical, medical, biomedical lab. Any kind of lab. Ask questions and show laboratory real results including prerecorded results of mistakes and errors.

Book publishing

To accompany databases and articles. For libraries and students. From different situations, write books, to keep them in libraries. Topics: education, dinosaurs, biochemical mathematics (lab), biotechnology, space, evolution of the human species.

Astrophysical plasmas and fluids

  • Tezpur University, Assam, India
  • Contact:Pralay Kumar Karmakar
  • Application invited for:Collaborators, Experts, Examiners, etc

I am interested in structure formation dynamics

Bidirectional Realtionship between Oral Cancer and Pain

  • SGT Dental College Hospital & Research Institute, Gurgaon
  • Contact:Mohit Sharma
  • Application invited for:Closed

Title:/Research Question: Potential two-way associations b/w oral cancer and cancer pain mediators: An unobserved vicious cycle or Correlation between the tumorigenesis and oral cancer pain: A narrative review Aim: To prove a bidirectional association between cancer and the molecular pain mediators Objective: 1. To identify the molecular markers of pain in lieu of the above 2. To characterize the role of these markers in cancer pathogenesis 3. To Schematically illustrate this relationship


  • St. Joseph College of Arts and Science
  • Contact:HENSON.T
  • Application invited for:Science, Engineering and Medical Equipments with Collaborators and Students

Applications of Fuzzy logic in Science and Technology, Engineering , Economics, Life and Medical Sciences.

Soil Ecotoxicology

Usefulness of some enzyme of selected species of earth worm as biomarker to detect heavy metals pollution in soil

Soil Ecotoxicology

Usefulness of some molecular biological technique of Porcelio laevis ( Isopoda) as biomarker to detect heavy metals pollution in soil

Bioremediation of Plastic pollution

Utility of earthworm gut containing bacteria in degradation of polythene & polypopeline


  • Gulbarga University, kaaburagi, Karnataka, India
  • Contact:Subhaschandra J. Malled
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

ABSTRACT: Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, the expansion of available areas for tropical and subtropical crop production, two crop cultivation, and crop fertility as a result of fertilization are positive effects of global warming. The weather affects every aspect of our lives, from our food sources to our transportation infrastructure, what clothes we wear, where we go on holidays. It has a huge impact on our livelihood, our health and our future. Weather is a long-term model of weather conditions at any given location. A mix methods approach including quantitative and qualitative data were employed. Primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire through a household survey during September and October 2020. The study respondents were 50 Marginal farmers in the flood-prone areas of Hyderabad Karnataka. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, coefficient of correlation and stepwise regression.This will have a major impact on agricult

Voice to Text Recognition for smart desktop applications

  • Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
  • Contact:Dr P.Chandana
  • Application invited for:Collaborators and Students

This project is intended to help out the blind persons and software employees to use resources of a computer efficiently with a desktop assistant gets activated with a voice.

Need and Resource management during Natural Calamities

  • Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
  • Contact:Dr P.Chandana
  • Application invited for:Collaborators and Students

This project is to provide the immediate help for the people who got stucked at the time of Natural calamities like Flood, EarthQuakes, Tornados etc. The aim of this project is to use Google Maps, Social Media to have a communication and tacking of nearby resource centers or ngos for extending the help.

Agriculture and Food Security / from Research Innovation to Green Entrepreneurship.

First project; It depended on Bio- Converting raw material (organic waste) by using mushroom into a sustainable product that has added value and a competitive advantage as following; Background ; Safe disposal by BIO- Converting wastes for both of agricultural products and food processing by using mushrooms into vital and food products. The method; Maximizing the vital role of using mushrooms. The results; Converting organic wastes into non-traditional products. Conclusion; It recommended that, the importance the role of mushrooms for the future green Entrepreneurship projects.

Agriculture and Food Security / from Research Innovation to Green Entrepreneurship.

Second project; Maximizing used wholly prickly pear fruits free of thorns as a natural economic resource of high vital value. Research won the award of the best researcher for the best research 2020. It produced non-traditional products as following; Background; This study confirmed that, the importance use for both of wholly prickly pear fruits and its peels free of thorns as nutrition additives, where the ratio of peel to fruit pulp was (47.2: 48.4), according to principle is (no loss or waste). Method; Interesting towards to sustainable investment a safe and healthy environment, through cultivation of prickly pears plant by using modern methods is regular lines, and irrigation (drips). The farm will be managed and what follows it using digitization, artificial intelligence, there is no competitor before. Results;It is sustainable investment for sustainable development including great economic,social and environmental return “no loss no waste”. Conclusion; there is no competitor.

Technology of Food Processing and food security / From Research Creativity to Sustainable Development.

Maximizing the used for second degree dates as food and marketing it and horticultural crops various and specific by activating the role of food processing sciences, for adding added value added and competitive advantage.


open science


just transitions

Epimorphic regeneration in salamanders

  • Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH)
  • Contact:Hugo Varela-Rodríguez
  • Application invited for:Data collection and analyzing

Understand from the omics perspective the different regulatory mechanisms underlying salamanders, which allow them to regenerate a wide diversity of tissues and even complex biological structures, without triggering malignant neoplastic events.

A Study on the Use of E – Journals among the Students of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology in Tiruchengode”

  • Contact:Mrs INDRANI T
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

 Published paper on “A Study on the Use of E – Journals among the Students of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology in Tiruchengode” Volume 4, Issue 3. July – Sept.2014 (ISSN 2349302X, IJODLS)

 Published paper on “Water Quality Assessment in Kalingaraya Canal – A Distributary of River Bhavani Erode District – Tamilnadu” Volume 6, Issue 2 April – June 2018 (ISSN 2348-313X, IJLSR

  • Contact:Mrs INDRANI T
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Published paper on “Water Quality Assessment in Kalingaraya Canal – A Distributary of River Bhavani Erode District – Tamilnadu” Volume 6, Issue 2 April – June 2018 (ISSN 2348-313X, IJLSR

 Published paper on “ Relationship between Adjustment and Success among Post Graduate Students” Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020 (ISSN 1021-9056, Infokara Research)

  • Contact:Mrs INDRANI T
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

 Published paper on “ Relationship between Adjustment and Success among Post Graduate Students” Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020 (ISSN 1021-9056, Infokara Research)

Development of new drugs / molecules for the emerging diseases

  • Kasthooribha Gandhi Pharmacy College
  • Contact:Dr M Senthilraja
  • Application invited for:Looking for Collaborators in this fields

Infectious tropical diseases have a huge effect in terms of mortality and morbidity, and impose a heavy economic burden on affected countries. These diseases predominantly affect the world’s poorest people. Currently available drugs are inadequate for the majority of these diseases, and there is an urgent need for new treatments. This Review discusses some of the challenges involved in developing new drugs to treat these diseases and highlights recent progress. While there have been notable successes, there is still a long way to go.

String Theory

  • Iowa State University
  • Contact:Chen-Te Ma
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Double Field Theory is a theoretical framework that seeks to unify the traditional concepts of T-duality and general coordinate invariance in String Theory. T-duality is a symmetry of String Theory that relates different string configurations, while general coordinate invariance is a symmetry that ensures that the laws of physics remain the same regardless of how we choose to describe spacetime. In Double Field Theory, spacetime is described by a doubled geometry, which consists of both the original torus and its dual. This doubled geometry encodes the information of both position and momentum and is invariant under T-duality transformations. In Double Field Theory, spacetime is described by a doubled geometry that includes both the original torus and its dual, and this doubled geometry encodes the information of both position and momentum. By using this doubled geometry, Double Field Theory allows for a manifestly T-duality invariant framework for String Theory.

Quantum Information

  • Iowa State University
  • Contact:Chen-Te Ma
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The Ryu-Takayanagi prescription is a powerful tool for studying the connection between entanglement and spacetime in the context of the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. This correspondence is a conjectured duality between a gravitational theory in AdS spacetime and a conformal field theory on its boundary. The Ryu-Takayanagi prescription allows us to calculate the area of a co-dimension two surface in the AdS spacetime, which is proportional to the entanglement entropy of a subregion of the boundary CFT. This implies that the geometry of spacetime can emerge from the entanglement structure of the boundary theory. The study of quantum chaos is indeed an important area of research in the study of quantum information, particularly in understanding the behavior of many-body quantum systems. The out-of-time-ordered correlation function (OTOC) is a measure that characterizes the spread of Quantum Information in a system and is used to probe the onset of Chaos.

Quantum Field Theory and Lattice Theory

  • Iowa State University
  • Contact:Chen-Te Ma
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The perturbation method is a powerful tool for studying weakly coupled systems, but it becomes less effective when the system is strongly coupled. In strongly coupled systems, the perturbative expansion breaks down, and one cannot rely on small perturbations around a known solution. The study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is a challenging problem in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is a challenging problem in QCD due to its strong coupling nature. However, recent developments in lattice QCD, a numerical technique for simulating QCD on a discrete spacetime lattice, have allowed us to study the properties of the QGP from first principles. Lattice QCD calculations provide a non-perturbative approach to studying the strong coupling regime, and it has been successful in predicting several experimental results in heavy-ion collision experiments.

Dynamics of Nanofluids: Modeling and Simulation

  • The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Contact:Muhammad Faisal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

To gain an understanding of the heat transfer performance  Applications of extending surfaces in nanotechnology  Stability analysis of the solution  Numerical Inspections of Newtonian and non-Newtonian nanofluid flows

Dynamics of Hybrid nanofluids: Modeling and Simulation

  • The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Contact:Muhammad Faisal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

1. Inspection of heat transport in hybrid nanofluids. 2. Discussion on thermo-physical properties of various nanoparticles. 3. Thermal conductivity of heterogeneous two-component systems. 4. Unsteady flows towards stretching devices. 5. Numerical Simulation via Keller-Box method.

Dynamics of Ternary Hybrid nanofluids: Modeling and Simulation

  • The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Contact:Muhammad Faisal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

1. To study the aspects of random motion and thermo-migration of nanoparticles. 2. Discussion on the shapes of nanoparticles. 3. Numerical Simulation via Keller-Box method. 4. Unsteady flows towards stretching devices.

organic farming

  • Medinirai Medical College , Palamu, Jharkhand
  • Application invited for:approval

Organic farming is a method of farming system, which primarily aims at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, so as to keep the soil alive and in good health. It is the use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials, mostly produced in situ along with beneficial microbes (biofertilizers) to release nutrients to crops, which connotes the ‘organic’ nature of organic farming. Use of Biofertilizers and microbial cultures Biofertilizers viz: Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB and Pseudomonas etc have been found to be very effective tools of fertility management and biological nutrient mobilization. Recently customized consortia of such biofertilizer organisms, better adapted to local climatic conditions have also been developed and are available commercially. Efficiency of such microbial formulations is much higher under no-chemical use situations, therefore application of such inputs need to be ensured under all cro

Grupo de investigación "Observatorio científico de Eventos" Icono14 - UDIMA

  • Profesora adjunta
  • Contact:Olga Sánchez González
  • Application invited for:

A través de la Asociación Científica Icono14 se crea el Grupo de investigación "Observatorio Científico de Eventos" para ofrecer información, datos y documentación a la industria de eventos española. Actualmente los eventos son un reclamo para la Sociedad. Instituciones privadas y públicas se sirven de ellos para la transmisión de la Imagen corporativa. España por su oferta y acogida de importantes eventos nacionales e internacionales se posiciona entre los cinco primeros países a nivel mundial. Los incidentes ocurridos durante años, los atentados junto con la política, el malestar social, la crisis, la falta de formación y coordinación han provocado desafortunados sucesos. Destinos turísticos se ven gravemente afectados con lo que debemos incluir y actualizar los riesgos y amenazas a los que nos enfrentamos a la hora del diseño , planificación, control y gestión de distintos eventos.

Material Science-OLEDS

  • GM Institute of Technology, Davangere
  • Contact:Dr. G H Pujar
  • Application invited for:Fabrication and sensing applications

Photophysical/Optoelectronic properties, characterization of novel organic compounds and laser dyes, Energy Transfer studies in nanomaterial dispersed organic compounds & their possible role in emerging applications, Computational Physics (G09 Pro).


  • Application invited for:RESULT

Graphene supported Pd–Rh–Sn trimetallic electrocatalysts are prepared by the thermal decomposition of a polymeric precursor method, and used as the anode electrocatalysts for membraneless fuel cell. The physical and electrochemical properties of the as-prepared electrocatalysts are investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA) and fuel cell test. XRD results show that the diffraction peaks in Pd–Rh–Sn/G catalysts shift slightly to higher 2θ values compared with that of Pd/G catalyst, suggesting the formation of Pd–Rh–Sn alloying. TEM results show that the morphologies of Pd–Rh–Sn trimetallic catalysts are uniformly spherical with the particle size of about 4.5 nm on the graphene surface. Besides, it has been found that the Pd–Rh–Sn /G (1:1:1) catalysts have much higher catalytic activity for the oxidation of Ethanol than Pd/G catalyst. The membraneless fuel cell with Pd–Rh–Sn /G (1:1:1) anode ca


  • IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna
  • Contact:Elena Pasini
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

During 2022-2025 we expect to begin the stereo-electroencephalography study of the patient affected by cryptogenic focal pharmacoresistant epilepsy. All this project will be possible thanks to the collaboration with the collegues of Niguarda Hospital of Milan. Project financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region

Neuro-critical care unit monitoring

  • IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna
  • Contact:Elena Pasini
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

During the last years we improve our experience in the field of the long term monitorig EEG and therapy of refractory and super refractory status epilepticus. At the same time we pursuit an important project of multidisciplinary evaluation of the long term prognosis in patients with severe brain injuries

Lafora Disease

  • IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna
  • Contact:Elena Pasini
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Clinical and electrophysiological characterization of Lafora affected patients

Plastic pollution in Aquatic animals

  • Dr. V. S. Krishna Govt. Degree College (A)
  • Contact:Dr. Karri Rama Rao
  • Application invited for:Financial support

Plastic is a petroleum-based synthetic organic polymer with qualities that make it appropriate for a wide range of uses such as packaging, building and construction, home and sports equipment, cars, electronics and agriculture. Every year, over 400 million tonnes of plastic are manufactured, half of which is used to manufacture single-use goods such as shopping bags, cups, and straws. Plastic garbage, when thrown carelessly, may impact the ecosystem and biodiversity.

A Critical Edition of Persian Manuscript “Jazb-al Qulub Ila Dayar-al Mehboob”

  • University of Delhi
  • Application invited for:will be completed within one year.

Proposal for Critical Edition of Persian Manuscript “Jazb-al Qulub Ila Dayar-al Mehboob” for Faculty Research Programme under IOE scheme 1. Name: Aleem Ashraf Khan 2. Position: Senior Professor 3. Email: 4. Telephone: 9315174986 5. Department: Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 Introduction: Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi was a great scholar of Islamic Sciences. His ancestor, Agha Mohammad Turk, migrated to India in 13th Century A.D. during the reign of Sultan Alauddin Khilji (1296-1316A.D.) when the Mongols destructed the Central Asia. Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi described this event in Akhbar-al-Akhyar fi Asrar-al Abrar. Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi was born in the holy month of Muharram on A.H. 958/A.D. 1551 at Delhi during the reign of Islam Shah (A.H. 952-90/A.D. 1545-1552). The contemporary of Shaikh Abdul Haq, Abul Fazl Allami was also

Quilombos e a constituição de sociedades neotéricas no Mundo Atlântico - Maroon settlements and the constitution of neoteric societies in the Atlantic World

Research on colonial maroon settlements in Brazil and in other sectors from the Atlantic world, ir order to address the processes of building new identities in contexts of resistance to the colonialism.

Opportunities and Challenges of Post Covid Learning among the Engineering Students.

There are opportunities and challenges followed by the pandemic period. Although we have not overcome the situation, I find this is the right time to look into the situation of the aspirants of engineering studies.

Health Monitoring and Prognosis of Electric Motors in Electric Vehicle

  • National Institute of Technical Teacher's Training and Research
  • Application invited for:Collaborator

Electric mobility has become an essential part of the future of transportation. Detection, diagnosis and prognosis of fault in electric drives are improving the reliability, of electric vehicles (EV). Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives are used in a large variety of applications due to their dynamic performances, higher power density and higher efficiency. In this study, health monitoring and prognosis of PMSM is developed by creating intelligent digital twin (i-DT) in MATLAB/ Simulink.


  • College of Health Science of Bina Cipta Husada
  • Contact:Fajar Husen
  • Application invited for:Anatomical resistance

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) is the third food crop commodity after rice and maize in Indonesia. This plant is also known as the most important source of vegetable protein, which is relatively inexpensive, but a decrease in soybean productivity can occur due to infection with disease-causing pathogens, one of is Cercospora kikuchii which causes Cercospora leaf blight (CLB). The research objectives were to determine the anatomical resistance and disease severity of soybean cultivars against CLB. The method was an experiment with a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern; factor 1 being soybean cultivars (Dering, Slamet, Grobogan, Wilis) and factor 2, namely pathogen inoculation (0 conidiospores/mL and 105 conidiospores/mL). Anatomical method preparations using paraffin, staining with 1% safranin. Disease criteria are based on the council of scientific and industrial research (CSIR) assessment method. Data were analysis used analysis of variance (p<0.05)

Ethanol extract of the mushroom Coprinus comatus exhibits anti-diabetic and antioxidant activities in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats

  • College of Health Science of Bina Cipta Husada
  • Contact:Fajar Husen
  • Application invited for:Antidiabetic effect

To identify the benefits of ethanol extracts of the C. comatus fruit body in streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats by evaluating their blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), and glutathione (GSH) levels, with and without extract administration

Antioxidant Activities and Properties of Coprinus comatus Mushroom Both Mycelium and Fruiting Body Extracts In Streptozotocin-Induced Hyperglycemic Rats Model

  • College of Health Science of Bina Cipta Husada
  • Contact:Fajar Husen
  • Application invited for:Antioxidant supplement

The study evaluated in vitro and in vivo treatments to evaluate antioxidant effect and activity of C. comatus. The in vivo treatment was conducted using six groups of Wistar rats (n = 24). Group 1 healthy control (HC), groups 2–6 received 45 mg/Kg BW of streptozotocin once, group 2 just streptozotocin-induced (NC), group 3 was given 45 mg/kg BW of metformin (PC), groups 4–6 were given 250 (T1), 500 (T2), and 750 mg (T3) of C. comatus extract for 14 days, and the in vitro was conducted using an antioxidant oxidant assay. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Duncan’s multiple-range tests

Fundamentals of Semiotax: models of sentence equations for Artificial Intelligence

Development of a Linguistic Theory, focused on the sentence and whose ultimate goal is to formulate models of sentence equations useful for Natural Language Processing

UEMS na Rota/Corredor Bioceânico

O projeto de pesquisa busca contemplar de maneira inter/multi/transdisciplinar cinco eixos temáticos - Direito, Inovação e Integração; Educação, cultura e impactos sociais; Turismo, Gestão e sustentabilidade; Saúde e Fronteira e Território, negócios e transporte - relacionados o corredor Bioceânico. O projeto tem por objetivo geral promover pesquisas que darão suporte a implementação do corredor Bioceânico por intermédio de um programa institucional da UEMS. O enfoque metodológico pauta-se em perspectivas qualitativas e quantitativas para contemplar as diversidades dos contextos e das áreas do conhecimento. As pesquisas possuem em comum os estudos que abarcam o território do corredor Bioceânico dos quatro países (Brasil, Paraguai, Argentina e Chile) de acordo com as especificidades do enfoque de cada pesquisador. A fundamentação teórica é ampla e atende as especificidades da cada área do conhecimento envolvida.

Broadcast Technology for 2030 Reference: Srivastava, A., & Srivastava, H. O. . (2021). Broadcasting in 2030: Crystal Gazing. European Journal of Applied Sciences,9(6), 453–462.

  • World Development Foundation, India
  • Contact:Aprajita Srivastava
  • Application invited for:Funds and Collaboration

Broadcasting has informed, educated and entertained the world population during last 120 years of its inception. There has been lot of technical evolution during this period namely coming of digital and compression technologies, emergence of satellite, internet and fiber optics adding to the earlier terrestrial mode of transmission and providing simplex to duplex mode and interactivity. This has also led to any person becoming a broadcaster using her/his smart phone and the social media like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook etc. apart from tens of thousands of DTH channel operators. In this scenario, the content called king, has suffered most, losing its appeal, integrity, reliability and ethics. Authors feel that by 2030, this will lead to the closure of most of the Public Broadcasting services, News Channel and unethical content broadcasters. Only A few bigger global delivery companies will survive who harness the potential of interactive and enhanced TV (ITV and ETV).

Data-Driven Knowledge Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Enhancing Farm Productivity & Global Food Security Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: A Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1 V

  • World Development Foundation, India
  • Contact:Aprajita Srivastava
  • Application invited for:Funds and Collaboration

Data-driven Knowledge agriculture using mechanized intelligent computer-based monitoring and control systems and complex Software for machine learning and visualization for predicting a variety of parameters such as future food requirements, resource planning for higher yield, and supply chain is the future of farming. This needs to be urgently adopted by the world farming community to provide food to the growing world population, remove hunger, and at the same time sustain planet resources by judicious uses of input such as water, fertilizer, pesticide etc., as envisioned by Sustainable Development Goals 2030. This paper discusses data-driven technology for identifying trends and other insights for making informed decisions for enhanced productivity and profitability, through market research and evaluating customer needs and sentiments.

Working on ECGC's Project-IV

ECGC's Project-IV looking the root cause behavior of decline in ECGC's MLT Insurance business in India

political science

political science

political science

political science

political science

political science

Redesign of land suitability criteria for agriculture commodity

  • Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Contact:Nurdin
  • Application invited for:for center of soil research, agriculture department, plantation corporation, students

Rearrange land suitability criteria based on land characteristics and quality that are directly related to agricultural crop production

Fundamentals of Semiotax: models of sentence equations for Artificial Intelligence

  • Consejería de Educación. Junta de Andalucía
  • Contact:Gloria Lopez Ramos
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Development of a Linguistic Theory, focused on the sentence and whose ultimate goal is to formulate models of sentence equations useful for Natural Language Processing

Physical-Food Program Effect on Some Physical Measurements to Reduce the Infection of Polycystic Ovaries in Women aged (20-25) Years.

  • Physical Education and Sports Science college for Women-University of Baghdad
  • Contact:abeer Dakhil hatem Al-selmi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the predominant pathological conditions in the majority of women.Which results from endocrine disorders. Approximately 6-10% of women of childbearing age suffer from this at ages (12-45%), which results in a lack or loss of fertility in females, due to an increase in androgens in women, which leads to a lack of ovulation and an increase in body weight and the emergence of obesity, and thus will lead to irregular or interrupted menstruation. (Stadnicka G.& etal:2015) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and obesity is one of the risk factors for developing it, in addition to lack of movement and the presence of similar cases in the family. The diagnosis of PCOS depends on two of three things that can be found in the syndrome, anovulation, and an increase in the level of androgens. And ovarian cysts, which can be detected by ultrasound, and that PCOS has no specific treatment, and tre

sports training

  • Physical Education and Sports Science college for Women-University of Baghdad
  • Contact:abeer Dakhil hatem Al-selmi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

New sports training methods

racket games

  • Physical Education and Sports Science college for Women-University of Baghdad
  • Contact:abeer Dakhil hatem Al-selmi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

badminton, tennis


  • jackxcode404
  • Contact:jackxcode404
  • Application invited for:jackxcode404


Bite force assessment before and after Endodontically Treated Teeth

  • Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Contact:Daniele Cavalcante
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Decreased sensitivity to occlusal load could lead to a greater risk of damage to endodontically treated teeth. In dental research, bite force has been recorded as a variable to assess the efficacy of various dental procedures.Objective: To evaluate the impact of endodontic treatment on the proprioception and consequently on masticatory system.

Tendences of development of Teachers' Professional Roles and competences

The aim of the project is to be determined empirically the actual status-role and competence models of teachers.The research methodology includes a structured questionary, organized in 3 sections. Section 1 include 9 questions for establishment of teachers attitudes about contemporary professional status and roles. Section 2 include 9 questions for establishment of teachers attitudes about key professional competences. Section 3 include demographical questions. In Section 1 and Section 2 questions represent an ordinal scale, 6 questions have an optional answer, and 10 questions require a free answer from the respondents. The results are analyzed with qualitative and quantitative content analyze, correlative analyze and analyze of the weighting factors. The received results are compared with the results of previous studies. The findings of the study inform about the dynamics of the status-role models of teachers.

Stimulating the non-standard nature of the pedagogical subjects

Whithin the project the non-standard nature of teachers, children and students are researcht. Methodologies for stimulating the non-standartness of the pedagogical subjects are developed and tested.

Perceptions of student teachers on materials development in EFL hybrid teaching practicum due to the pandemic: Empirical evidence from Indonesian teacher

  • University of Wiralodra
  • Contact:Kardi Nurhadi
  • Application invited for:Teacher collaborator and co author

During the past decades, numerous research has reported that the extensive of material development from a wide range of aspects provide an insightful finding in EFL learning, nonetheless, limited research has been done with student teachers, especially their perceptions on material development in hybrid learning due to the pandemic situation in teacher education landscape. Against this backdrop, this phenomenological case study report on how student teachers’ perception on crafting material development in hybrid learning during the teaching practicum. Out of thirty students in cohort, five student teachers were recruited as the participants on voluntary basis. The data were derived from in-depth interview with the participants regarding their live experiences on crafting material development in hybrid learning. Findings revealed that material developments in hybrid teaching practicum need to adjust students’ culture of learning, learning platforms and learning engagement.

Enhancing Research and Teaching using AI

  • Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, UP India 201308
  • Contact:Prof Shweta Anand
  • Application invited for:Faculty Collaborators

Research and Teaching must use AI tools for faster, better, and visually appealing research output.

Farmers’ willingness-to-pay for eco-friendly agricultural waste management in Ethiopia: A contingent valuation

The abundance of agricultural waste (AW) production following rapid population growth and resource constraints has created an urgent need for sustainable agricultural waste management (AWM) for the welfare of rural society. In Ethiopia, open burning of biomass is common practice after harvest and in household cooking, and smoke and improperly discarded AW are also major problems. However, compared with municipal waste management, AWM is poorly addressed. In this study, we seek to assess the current AWM status, farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP), and the factors affecting WTP for ecofriendly AWM in the Mirab Gojjam, Amhara region of Ethiopia, which has not been studied previously. Data were collected through a contingent valuation survey of 353 randomly selected farmers in early spring 2018. We offered labour days and money as a payment vehicle. The mean annual WTP is 6.84 labour days (eq 273.50 Birr) and 8.20 Birr in monetary value, respectively. The strongly significant

cognition of agriculture waste and payments for a circular agriculture model in central china

An integrated model combining multi-layer cradle to cradle approach: cost effective, technically sound, and bioenvironmental cutting-edge agricultural waste assessment technologies are lacking; to address this gap, the study proposes circular agriculture model (CAM) to support an integrated, bio-based, sustainable and broadly applicable rural society. CAM is an innovative, quasi-public product, bio-commodity, and concept. This study uses survey data on the Chinese province of Hubei to consider the returning of crop residues to the soil and manure for compost or biogas production (first-generation biorefinery). It explores farmers’ environmental understanding and their willingness to pay (WTP) under a “polluter pays” principle. Factors, including education, infrastructure, trust in family-neighbors, and environmental attitudes, have a significant effect on WTP. Moreover, income, sustainability-recycling behavior, environmental perception, perceived usefulness-easiness, and trust-in-gove


  • Om Sterling Global University Hisar
  • Contact:ANSHU MEHTA
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Edge detection and compression in ant colony optimization and image processing is the subject of current research. The suggested study is centered on the integration of ACO with an edge detection technique and compression. Detection of edges, optimization of ant colonies, and image processing are all topics that have been studied in the past. The difficulties that have been addressed in earlier research are included in the problem statement. According to ant colony optimization requirements, edge detection is necessary when it comes to image processing. Edge detection is also used for image processing, and this is done using the edge detection approach. Edge detection pictures have been studied for contrast, correlation and entropy as well as for energy, variance, deviation, smoothness, and skewness throughout the feature extraction process

Teacher’s Congress- Towards Capacity Building

  • Kalinga University, Raipur
  • Contact:Vijayalaxmi Biradar
  • Application invited for:Received funding from IEEE EAC 2022

Empowering the teachers of today, for the citizens of the future. “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination” A. Einstein As we are aware that Government of India has come up with New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and is rigorously working on it to implement in full swing at all levels. There are lot many changes going to occur at school, college and university level education. The main aim of the workshop is to build capacity in teachers participating in the program with the necessary 21st century skills, knowledge and values to enable them implement the program more effectively in their respective institutes. Objectives By the end of the workshop, the participants were expected to have... 1. known what the purpose of education is. 2. known the changing trends in the 21st century and how education can respond accordingly. 3. enumerated challenges they face in implementing the program and 4. come up with mitigations to the challenges in No.3 above. 5. been inspired a

Social Ideas Enterprise challenge

  • Kalinga University, Raipur
  • Contact:Vijayalaxmi Biradar
  • Application invited for:Received funding from IEEE EAC 2022

The Kalinga University has set up Innovation Cell with the following objectives: 1. To promote awareness about social entrepreneurship among our students as a tool for social action 2. To nurture and guide entrepreneurial initiatives of our students and alumni 3. To act as a resource centre for the social enterprise ecosystem in Raipur through various events, programs and publications. The purpose of this event is to launch Social Ideas Enterprise challenge among undergraduate students across India. This idea challenge event will be a yearly flag ship event of Kalinga University with following objectives: • To provide students from all parts of the country an opportunity to explore social entrepreneurship and share their innovative ideas in a rigorous and competitive manner • To provide a platform for students to shape their ideas through mentorship support and networking with other budding entrepreneurs in the social entrepreneurial circuit The contest will focus on socio-environmenta


  • Kalinga University, Raipur
  • Contact:Vijayalaxmi Biradar
  • Application invited for:Applied for funding

Tele-health monitoring system is an innovative system for improving healthcare system from long distance using IOT. This system creates communication among patients & healthcare professionals. In rural areas, there are Public Health Center(PHC) & in few areas not even one PHC is also not available. Hence it is really difficult to get the treatment of huge number of villagers in rural areas and gather the data.Hence, this system monitors & measures different parameters like pulse, breath rate, oxygen in blood, ECG signals, glucose levels, BP, lung capacity, snore waves, body temperature, etc. using this system. This data is collected & sent to the cloud database in PHC where doctors will monitor the data and able to call for an ambulance in emergency.

Violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo entre adolescentes de 13 a 19 años matriculados en instituciones educativas de esmeraldas desde una perspectiva de la Salud Pública

Proyectos que se desarrollara con metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, con la finalidad de estudiar las características con las que se presenta la violencia durante el noviazgo y crear estrategias educativas que ayuden a disminuir los fenómenos que las producen.

La Violencia durante el noviazgo: Un estudio mixto en adolescentes de la ciudad de Quito y Esmeraldas -Ecuador.

L violencia en el noviazgo de adolescentes con información de ambos miembros de la pareja de acuerdo con lo planteado en el modelo APIM considerando los dominios individual, familiar y comunitario. Este proyecto se desarrollara con la PUCE de Quito, Esmeraldas y otras Universidades

Enzymes as self-propulsive catalytic nanomotors: development of laboratory of active matters

Active matters that transduce chemical energy into mechanical motion and capable of showing self-propulsion are examples of biomimetic nonequilibrium systems. Enzymes as catalytic nanomotors are one example of active matter which draws great interest for their possible applications in drug or antidote delivery at specific locations. In the experimental study catalase and urease enzyme molecules show enhanced diffusion in presence of their substrate, hydrogen peroxide and urea respectively in a concentration-dependent manner. Using optical microscopy and dynamic light scattering analysis it has been shown that the effective diffusion coefficient, differ from Brownian motion, increased by 14% & 20% for urease and catalase respectively. The study opened up new biomedical applications such as intelligent enzyme-powered drug delivery vehicles, separation of catalyst molecules based on activity, among others.


  • Rathinam college of Arts and Science/ Bharathiar University
  • Contact:Dr.M.Ramaraj
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Fibrotic notional brain tumor identification and classification is the process of splitting the tumor from normal and abnormal tissues in the medical field that can provide very useful information for diagnosis and treatment planning. Detecting the type of tumor and preventing it is one of the most challenging aspects of brain tumor categorization. Glioma has been most prominent fundamental stage of brain tumors. For diagnosis, treatment planning, and risk factor identification, accurate and strong tumor segmentation and prediction of patients' overall survival are critical. Here, it presents a deep learning Method-is based on the RNN framework for brain tumor segmentation and LSTM prediction in Glioma, using multimodal MRI scans. RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), the most advanced method in deep learning was used to detect a tumor using brain MRI images. Numerous conventional methods including classifiers should have been used to validate the proposed approach.

Molecular Virology

  • Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
  • Contact:Parthiban S
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Animal viral diseases

MUDANDO A VIDA: um estudo sobre as Políticas de Ação Afirmativa como instrumento de inserção universitária da vida dos estudantes provenientes da população negra e pobre da sociedade brasileira.

O projeto tem como proposta mapear o perfil dos estudantes bolsistas das ações afirmativas. ao desenvolvermos este estudo queremos identificar e conhecer ainda mais de perto este importante segmento social do corpo discente desta instituição. Assim, importa, para além de mapear a configuração étnica, de gênero, etária entre outros dos estudantes oriundos das camadas mais pobre da população beneficiados com esta especifica Ação Afirmativa, entender e conhecer se o acesso e a passagem desse segmento social por esta instituição, especialmente no que concerne aos indivíduos da população negra, se configura como um significativo instrumento de melhoria da vida através da educação como condição de possibilidade de concretude e efetivação da cidadania plena.

Beat Heart Disease WithOut Surgery

  • Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
  • Contact:Dr Prem Battu
  • Application invited for:Pathologists and cardiologists

Heart disease is wrongly named. Heart disease is really an arterial or circulatory disease but the term "heart" is so widely used and understood that even the medical profession continues to use it.

Efficient Classification by RESNET-50 and compare by deep learning architectures for lung chest X-ray images

  • Contact:V. Thamilarasi
  • Application invited for:Interested persons communicate me

I have already completed this work and i need collaboration for SCI publishing only

Evaluation of Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Solid Waste Management, and University Impact: Integrated Approach for Optimizing Electricity, Fuel Use, and Machine Operations

  • wolaita sodo university
  • Contact:tsegaye getachew alenka
  • Application invited for:Collaborators/expertise sharing platforms

The impact of an organization entails both positive and negative roles contributions to the socioeconomic and environmental well-being of the community. As firm grows in its age and size, the importance of evaluating the impact of its corporate activities becomes inevitable so that to ensure its sustainable development goals. The vital step to be taken by an organization towards an effort of achieving a transformative effect to its community involves evaluation of the critical corporate performance parameters such as but not limited to: energy/fuel uses, pollutants emissions, waste generation, & operations sustainability. Any failure to make decisions based on an in-depth examinations of its trend in those attributes amounts to risk its development goals. I aspire to work on optimization alternatives evaluations & estimation of corporate energy use (electricity & fuel use), solid waste management, and biogas generation potential in the context of companies in Ethiopia.

Analysis & modeling of fuel flexibility in LTC diesel engines

The world seen surge in the number of vehicular proliferation due to population rise imposed with the stringent emission regulation to safeguard the climate & environment. Given multitude of expensive conventional diesel engines acquired amidst inflation already in circulation, coupled with depletion the fossil-fuel reserves & the established infrastructure, encompassing from makers & diesel oil traders to repairs shops, arises a pressing need for either gradual transition to electric vehicles or adapting engines to more efficient/less pollutant ones. Low-temperature combustion (LTC) strategies seen by plethora of researchers as the most promising diesel engines prospective to serve the purpose. Yet LTC strategies in diesel engines entail unresolved operating conditions, challenging fuel choices, complex controls/optimizations. I am to pursue a PhD focused on the analysis & modeling of fuel flexibility in diesel engines with a specific emphasis on LTC.

An Up-to-date Summarized Online Content Creation in Engineering Disciplines

The industry left academia way behind particularly in developing countries. I want to actively engage in preparation, presentation, demonstration, and facilitation of up-to-date training programs preferably online with a specific focus on equipping graduates in engineering and youths in developing countries. My goal is to empower them with market-relevant skills enabling them to adapt in both standard job market and exploit their current scenario of transition from the outdated and inefficient manual farming practice that persisted in our communities. I aspire to collaborate in imparting relevant feasible knowledge to contribute to fostering sustainable developments and improving the economic prospects.

In the eyes of the students, COVID19 prevention efforts at Al Zahraa University

Across sectional study was done to assess the COVID19 preventive strategies for students at Al-Zaraa University. A total of 182 undergraduate students in Health and Medical Technology college took part in this cross-sectional questionnaire-based study. Data from 182 students were collected and analyzed. Of the participant 57.7% were at the age of 19-20 yr., 152(83.5%) were residing at Karbala. 120(65.9%) of the students do not think that the university applied a preventive measure against COVID19. 95(52.2%) think that the university enforced students to wear masks inside the campus. Regarding social separation on campus, 162 (89 percent) believe it is not appropriate156 (85.7%) and 116 (63.7%) of the participants, respectively, believed that there are no preventive measures against Corona in the campus cafeteria and university transportation. During the COVID19 pandemic, Al-Zahraa university' execution of prevention and control measures was found to be weak. Effective interventions are

COVID19 vaccination choice among Iraqi students at Al-Zahraa University for women

Background: COVID19 vaccine rejection is a global issue that most developing countries face. A study of COVID-19 vaccine preference among Al-Zahraa University female students will pave the way to resolving the issue of vaccine rejection among students. Vaccine hesitation refers to a delay in accepting or refusing immunization despite the fact that vaccination services are readily available. Students' preferences and refusals of the COVID19 vaccine were evaluated to determine the reasons for their decisions. Methods: This study involved 198 students from Al-Zahraa University for women. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted at Al-Zahraa University in Karbala, Iraq, to find out which Health and Medical Technology students preferred the COVID19 vaccine. Tests based on statistics made use of frequency and rate data. Results: Most students (95%) were over the age of 19. The COVID-19 vaccine was rejected by 138 people (70.4%). A total of 43 students (28.5%) believed that

. HPLC-ESI/MS-MS Metabolic Profiling of White Pitaya fruit and Cytotoxic Potential Against Cervical Cancer: Comparative Studies, Synergistic effects, and Molecular Mechanistic Approaches

Natural approach became a high demand for the prevention and treatment of such diseases for their proven safety and efficacy. This study is aimed to perform comparative phytochemical analysis of white pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) peel, pulp and seed extracts via determination of total flavonoid content, phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity, coupled with HPLC-ESI/MS-MS analysis. Further, we evaluated the synergistic cytotoxic potential with Cisplatin against cervical cancer cells with investigation of underlying mechanism. The highest content of phenolics and antioxidants were found in both seed and peel extracts. The HPLC-ESI/MS-MS revealed identification of flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthocyanin glycosides, lignans, stilbenes, and coumarins. The cytotoxicity effects were evaluated by MTT assay against prostate, breast and cervical (HeLa) and Vero cell lines. The seed and peel extracts showed remarkable cytotoxic effect against all tested cell lines. Moreover, the selectivity ind

Health effect of Fluoride

Fluoride was documented as a neurotoxin that could be hazardous

Cloning in human for gene therapy

Cloning in human for gene therapy

Cloning in human for gene therapy

Cloning in human for gene therapy


  • Associate professor at Vikash Institute of Technology, BPUT University
  • Application invited for:Collaborators



  • Associate professor at Vikash Institute of Technology, BPUT University
  • Application invited for:Collaborators



  • Associate professor at Vikash Institute of Technology, BPUT University
  • Application invited for:Collaborators


Good Practices in Basic Education Schools in The Public Network in Socially Vulnerable Regions in The ABC Paulista

  • Universidade Municipal de São caetano do Sul (USCS)
  • Application invited for:Doutores

The research project falls within the field of human sciences in the area of Education, Research Line: Education Policies and Management. It aims to study good school practices in public schools located in regions of high social vulnerability in the Greater ABC Paulista, based on performance in large-scale assessments. To achieve the objectives, a review of the specialized literature will be carried out, establishing the so-called State of the Question, followed by field research to collect empirical data, through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with directors, teachers, employees, students and parents of students. Schools will be selected according to their performance in the latest Basic Education Development Index - Ideb released, and based on the São Paulo Social Vulnerability Index - IPVS of the SEADE Foundation. Schools that show high performance in Ideb and are located in regions of high social vulnerability will form part of the study. Initially, schools located in

Balancing of Web Applications Workload Using Hybrid Computing (CPU-GPU) Architecture

In the current network system, there is no proper workload management of web applications and monitor the collaboration between users and web applications. Due to the truancy of centralized management in the mainstream network system, misgivings faced are proper memory ratio, data transfer between user and device, host outstanding methods, and tenure utilization of CPUs and GPUs. In order to make the graphical resources highly available to the network environment, it is important to have an efficient and enhanced service of the hybrid web application workload balancing model. It automates tasks that should be processed and reduces the overall time in processing, mitigating administrative costs and lesser Processing time. Service delivery is also a part of hybrid computing it governs where each job provisions the respective services with respect to each user. Each user’s information is stored in the database and used for authentication which will reduce the time of login each time users

Georgia Research Consulting (GRC) LLC, Research & Training in STEM Studies, Atlanta: Research and teaching consultant for graduate and undergraduate students. & Co-PI, (direct, 100%) Role: PI, (direct, 100%) **Mr. Adrian Lockwood:

Project: PPT: Project: Project: PPT: Project: PPT: Project: Alper-Doger (AD) Scientific Index: ChestAi Demo:

“Vida política y libertad. Una lectura desde Hannah Arendt en América Latina”

El propósito central de este trabajo de investigación en un primer momento es la reflexión y comprensión de los estudios arendtianos en torno a dos nociones “vida política” y “libertades” propuestas filosóficas y teorizaciones que dan las posibilidades de la acción política desde marcos amplios en resistencias, movimientos sociales, así como en las formas cotidianas que permiten proponer alternativas para concebir la vida ciudadana desde formas emergentes de su comprensión en las potencialidades de comunidades políticas en reconocimiento, dignidad y libertad de su acción como una perspectiva ética y de justicia.

Project Proposal: Probiotics for Gut Health Enhancement

The proposed project aims to research, develop, and bring to market a novel probiotic product designed to enhance gut health and overall well-being. Probiotics have gained significant popularity for their potential positive impact on digestive health, immune function, and even mental well-being. This project seeks to leverage cutting-edge research and technology to create a unique probiotic formulation that addresses specific health needs.

Project Proposal: Biological Treatments for the solid waste material

Biofertilizers, an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers, have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential to enhance soil fertility, improve plant growth, and promote environmental sustainability. This abstract provides an overview of biofertilizers, focusing on their composition, modes of action, and the benefits they offer to plants and ecosystems. Biofertilizers consist of beneficial microorganisms such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, and mycorrhizal fungi. These microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with plants, facilitating nutrient uptake, increasing nutrient availability in the soil, and enhancing plant resilience to various environmental stresses.

Human energy management

Human energy management is an eye opener for professionals who have smart goals but their mental and physical energy will not allow them to create interest towards achieving them . So the purpose of this project is to examine the determinants of human energy management and create awareness about balancing the energies and achieving their goals

Modelo de gestión del proceso de diseño Arquitectónico

Afinación y definición de un modelo para gestionar el proceso de diseño Arquitectónico, basado en ecuaciones estructurales.

Modelo hibrido de gestión y simulación del proceso técnico y administrativo del desarrollo y construcción de proyectos de vivienda de interés social.

Definición del modelo de gestión exitoso para un proyecto inmobiliario de vivienda de interés social, en base a ecuaciones estructurales y simulación.

Overview of the Application Student Fatigue Surveillance at High School

As of July 15, 2022, a new coronavirus infection, COVID-19, has spread worldwide, causing more than 500 million cases and over 6.3 million deaths. The COVID-19 pandemic situation presents many challenges and unprecedented social distancing problems that have changed habits, one of which is in the field of education. During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Culture. All educational activities began to use video conferencing, mobile based, and computers/smartphones. The transition of the original learning system offline to online requires students to adapt to these conditions. This has a negative impact, one of which is fatigue in students. The impact of student fatigue causes a sense of loss of spirit, laziness, stress, insomnia. This research was carried out in 2020 with a data collection technique, namely using a Focus Discussion Group (FGD) on the head/leader of a senior high school (SMA) in the East Jav

Android based smartphones as experimental tools

(03/2022 to Current) Research Project on Technological Beginner (Program PIBIT/IF Fluminense, Edital 226/2022): Android based smartphones as experimental tools – Project focused on develop a guide for didactic experiments on physics using smartphone. A undergraduation student works producing, interpreting and translating good practices about it published in papers.

Developing a experimental guide for smartphone experiments on physics

(08/2022 to Current) Research Project on Technological Beginner (Program “Mais Ciência”, Prefeitura Municipal de Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ): A serie of experiments using smartphone will be organized, structured, tested and a specific description directioned for pupils will be presented. A guide will be published and offered to the public base education system. <>


  • Contact:SHILPA H TOFIN
  • Application invited for:CO AUTHORS WORKING ON SAME CONTENT

There is a growing interest in using waste materials as alternative aggregate materials and significant research is made on the use of many different materials as aggregate substitutes such as coal ash, blast furnace slag and steel slag. This type of waste material can solve problems for lack of aggregate in various construction sites and reduce environmental problems related to aggregate mining and waste disposal .Steel slag is produced as a by-product during the manufacture of iron and steel. Significant quantities of steel slag are generated as the major by product from the conversion of iron to steel in the basic steel making processes so an attempt is made here to study bridge the gap between unused or recycled waste in construction industry

EV Mobility and Management

  • Gujarat Technological University
  • Contact:Tusharkumar K Panchal
  • Application invited for:Technical Researchers

EV will be the futre and its usage required smart management for Mobility of parts and other materials. SO, planning to have some mechansim for this which will enable the EV ecosystem for smooth operations.

Analysis of Air Quality Index and Related Health Impact on Public Health and Suggest the safest route for traveling

  • MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi Pune
  • Contact:Pranav Shriram
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

In 21st Century monitoring environmental value is a challenging and complex task but technology has changed now we can easily find the air quality index of any area. In the existing scenario, we will easily get air quality and environmental parameters on the internet. On the internet generalize statistical data is available which shows the quality of air. In a current scenario, the environmental parameter is impacting human health. In day today, the air quality index going worse and it impacts people's health. The people are facing different health issues like hair loss, asthma, lunges, and heart problems. It is important to know the environmental condition in our day-to-day traveling route. Recently air pollution is increased, and the increase of harmful air particles is majorly affected by the air quality index. Exposure to air pollutants affects human health and causes many hazardous diseases like asthma and many more having a major impact on the lungs. The air pollution is im

Host Range studies for sugarcane yellow leaf virus.

  • Contact:HEMALATHA TM
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Sugarcane yellow leaf disease is an important disease and spreading at alarming level devastating the sugarcane cultivation at nation wide. As a measure of managing the disease, it is very essential to study the alternate hosts that acts as reservoirs for the virus.

Towards a telemonitoring system for epileptic patients: Safety and implementation

  • Boumerdes university
  • Contact:BELKACEM Samia
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The objective of this project is to design a system for the acquisition of physiological signals (ECG/EMG) by IoT for the detection of epileptic seizures, whose data security is ensured by cryptography, finally an implementation of a solution is targeted.

Virtualizing a Musician for music course

  • University of Lampung
  • Contact:Riyan Hidayatullah
  • Application invited for:computer music researcher and composer.

The study will collaborate with computer science experts to create a virtual musician program for students to learn performing music in class. Until now, performing music learning is still done in groups, consisting of at least two students who interact with each other. Virtual musicians will take over that role with audio streams arriving in real time. Output : a virtual musician agent that plays with the same musical logics and with the same sound (musical behavioral simulation). Resulting situation : the human musician plays freely along with the virtual one (creative clone) in an improvisation setup


Indonesia is an archipelago country that contains a lot of variety of biomass, either as waste or commodities. Biomass or lignocellulosic compound consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives/volatiles, and ash. Biomass fractionations determine the compound structure because severe pretreatment brings damage to cellulose or lignin structure. This research aims to get lignin fractions from biomass to produce a unique functionalized platform of lignin molecules without damaging their structure. Furthermore, lignin is isolated from the black liquor and subject to depolymerization step to obtain renewable flatform chemicals. These obtained chemicals such as aromatic and furanic can be used for many products such as bio-fuels, plastic, pharmaceutical, and many others

Economics as a Pure Science: Narratives against the Mathematization of Economics

This paper is about narratives against the mathematization of economics. Based on Stuart Mill's scientific inquiries, quoted from A System of Logic, Ratiocinative, and Inductive (1851), some important points are parallel with the essence of the mathematization of economics. However, writings of Nobel Laureates are offered to criticize it, and thus provide the disfavor to the mathematization of economics. This paper conceives that even if mathematics is applied to economics, it should only be complimentary and subject to improvement. It should not act forcibly upon equating economics to natural or pure science.

The Impact of Infrastructure Development on Poverty in Developing Countries: A Panel Pooled Mean Group Estimation

The paper investigates the impact of infrastructure development on income per capita using a panel data set covering 12 developing countries from 1983 to 2020. The paper applies three estimation methods Panel Pooled Mean Group (PMG), Full-Modified OLS (FMOLS), and Dynamic-OLS (DOLS) to deal with the issues of heterogeneity and endogeneity. The PMG estimator shows income per capita positively is influenced by infrastructure investment and remittance inflow, but the result for trade is insignificant. For the robustness examination, the study performed the FMOLS and DOLS methods. The results also show the positive impact of infrastructure investment on income per capita. Thus, one of the key policy implications of the study is that the policy authorities need to support proper infrastructure investment as means of promoting income and alleviating poverty.

Hydrothermal carbonized carbonaceous material-based gas sensor

  • Hiroshima University
  • Contact:MENGLI ZHANG
  • Application invited for:Collaborators who are related to this fields and Students

According to carbon nanotubes to contribute carbon neutral society topic, my current research background is researching Carbon nanotubes (CNT) based gas sensors; the result shows high sensitivity and selectivity compared with traditional gas sensors. Furthermore, knowing the response mechanism of polar and non-polar molecules to MWCNT-based gas sensors is important for further research and practical application of MWCNT gas sensors. Also, there is little study research about the effect of polar and non-polar molecules on the response of MWCNT-based gas sensors, and the mechanism of adsorbing polar and non-polar gas molecules is still unclear. So, the expected research topic, in the beginning, would be the mechanism of polar and non-polar gas molecules' adsorption on CNT-based gas sensors. Then, however, we will expand the study area to the hydrothermal carbonized carbonaceous material-based gas sensor.

Carbon-neutral sustainable development based on hydrothermal technology

  • Hiroshima University
  • Contact:MENGLI ZHANG
  • Application invited for:Collaborators who are related to this fields and Students

To achieve carbon-neutral sustainable development based on hydrothermal technology, such as finding the possibility of replacing the Lithium part in the battery as much as possible to find a supplement way for our world lacking Lithium problem. There is also some research about using multiwalled carbon nanotubes as an anode in Lithium-Ion batteries. Xiong et al. (2013) also reported that carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have great potential as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The measured reversible lithium-ion capacities of CNT-based anodes are considerably improved compared to conventional graphite-based anodes. On the other hand, the dual carbon idea to replace lithium-ion, which uses carbon at both the anode and cathode of the battery also draw much more attention.

Energy storage related fields

  • Hiroshima University
  • Contact:MENGLI ZHANG
  • Application invited for:Collaborators who are related to this fields and Students

Energy storage has become an important part of renewable energy technology systems. Solar energy, which is a major renewable energy source, is of intermittent nature, and its effective utilization is partly dependent on efficient and effective energy storage systems. Thermal energy storage (TES) is a technology that stocks thermal energy by heating or cooling a storage medium so that the stored energy can be used later for heating and cooling applications and for power generation. TES has recently attracted increasing interest to thermal applications such as space and water heating, waste heat utilizations, cooling, and air conditioning. Energy storage is essential whenever there is a mismatch between the supply and consumption of energy.

Macro-Meso y Micro currculo en los programas de Contaduría Pública.

Establecer la forma en la cual se determinan los elementos curriculares en los programas académicos de Contaduría Pública adscritos a ASFACOP, considerando criterios de macro, meso y micro currículo.

Effective National Security Council Strategy

  • Republic of Indonesia Defense University
  • Contact:Dadang Mas Bakar
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The Indonesian defense system is a universal defense system involving all citizens, territories, and other national resources. Indonesian youth believe that advancing Indonesia is not only the responsibility of the government but all elements of society. Participation in defense and security can be interpreted as a voluntary activity of citizens, in which they take part in the process of state defense and security.


  • Republic of Indonesia Defense University
  • Contact:Dadang Mas Bakar
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The willingness participate as a reserve component in youth needs special attention that must be increased. This study aims to see the effect of a sense of security, trust in the TNI, and the government's to willingness to participate in youth as a reserve component. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods used through questionnaires on the variables of security, trust in the government and TNI, nationalism, and willingness to participate as a reserve component.

Istanbul School of Metaverse

  • Industry, Technology and Logistics
  • Contact:Sabri Oz
  • Application invited for:AI, Unity and 3D Max Designers

Founding a Metaverse University, so that lectures many universities lessons under the same platform, MetaKhan.


  • Panimalar Medical College Hospital and Reserach Institute
  • Contact:Dr. Bhuvaneswari C
  • Application invited for:Funding / Research fellow

Objective: Evaluate the effect of Ormocarpum sennoides through immunohistological evidence in the expression of Bax and Bcl2 in glucocorticoid induced Osteoporosis in Wister rats Method: Rats were divided into five groups (Control, MPA(Osteoporosis), Alendronate (2mg/kg), 100mg (EOS) and 200mg (EOS). The treatment were conducted for 45 days the Bax and Bcl2 expression were evaluated in osteoclast of distal femur diaphysis.


Biochar is a carbon-rich product that provides changes in the characteristics of the soil and crop productivity. Biochar is obtained by the pyrolysis process of several types of biomass, and the production of biochar from poultry residues has been become an environmentally interesting strategy for waste management potentially polluting. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of biochar on physico-hydric and chemical characteristics of the soil and on the productivity of common bean and cowpea (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.).

Resiliencia en Jóvenes

Se pretende validar un instrumento de resiliencia en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios del sur de sonora

Resiliencia en jóvenes

Se pretende validar un instrumento de resiliencia en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios del Sur de Sonora


Applications of Geraghty contraction principle in Engineering field


Este projeto aborda questões que regem os processos de mobilidade urbana da cidade de São Raimundo Nonato-PI, suas problemáticas envolventes e consequências decorrentes. Mais restritamente, o projeto aborda, a partir do enfoque etnográfico, o protagonismo feminino frente ao trânsito local. Ou seja, propõe analisar como o número elevado de mulheres, condutoras de veículos motorizados, tem se destacado no cenário das mobilidades do município. Nesse sentido, o recorte compreende aquelas mulheres que fazem uso cotidiano de motocicletas para transportar crianças à escola, mas que, igualmente realizam outras atividades no trânsito urbano. A abordagem proposta esboça a performance do protagonismo feminino e as práticas do cuidado permeados pelo altruísmo da moldura infanto-maternal integrada ao trânsito da cidade.


Evaluation and Production of educational games linked to control platforms for analysis of usability and preference of content and graphic lines that impact the creation and use of the MIDI-AM series as support for regular or inclusive education.

LOLY-MIDI Inclusivo-Quevedo

Project designed by the Faculty of Art, Design and Audiovisual Communication of ESPOL (FADCOM) in conjunction with the Center for Research and Development of Innovation in Computer Systems (CIDIS). Its objective is to improve the development of social and cognitive skills in children with special educational needs through a Human-Robot-Game (HRG) platform, focusing mainly on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is currently on evaluation to test its usefulness in children with other disabilities who attend inclusive primary schools or educational support centers.​


Usability evaluation and production of mobile platforms and applications using gamification for teaching musical initiation in children from 2 to 3 and 4 to 7 years old.

Use Brewer Spent Grain as ingredient.

The aims is t investigate possible changes in chemical composition of brewers spent grain, in addition to evaluating the bioaccessibility and bioavailability of bioactive compounds of malt bagasse, after its application in different types of feed. By increasing the nutritional characteristics in diets, which best preserves and leaves more bioavailable the content of antioxidants present in the matrix, fermented and unfermented, it is .possible to direct the application of malt bagasse in the development of quality products, higher added value, and health promoters.


  • Mines Saint-Etienne
  • Contact:stephane avril
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Recent vascular engineering efforts have focused on two distinct directions: either tissue engineered vessels for implantation as grafts or engineered vascular mimics (vessels-on-a-chip) that serve as platforms for understanding vascular development and disease or for testing the effects of drugs and/or endovascular devices. Our proposal falls in the second category. The state of the art is typically the production of a system that mimics the physiological setting to the extent possible by targeting relevant dimensions, incorporating the pertinent cell types, and attempting to reproduce physiological conditions. Our aim is to go at least one step further and to design and develop a vessel-on-a-chip platform that allows control of the cellular response by modulating the local mechanical environment. Our research hypothesis is that the cross-talk between cells and their biophysical microenvironment regulates the phenotypic endpoint of each single cell.

Hacia una Didáctica crítica para una educación transformadora de vidas en instituciones públicas de la ciudad de Manta, El Carmen y Tosagua

El diagnóstico realizado en el distrito 13D-02 demostró, desde la autopercepción de los participantes, que las competencias agrupadas en las cinco dimensiones del estudio no han sido desarrolladas eficazcamente; sin embargo, se evidenció mediante la correlación la importancia de estas, para el ejercicio docente frente a los retos actuales. Además, los resultados de la prueba de pensamiento crítico aplicada al profesorado y estudiantado de la carrera de Educación Básica requieren su intervención mediante la implementación de un proyecto para desarrollar prácticas transformadoras de vida en instituciones educativas públicas de Manta, Tosagua y El Carmen a través del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y prácticas igualitarias para lograr una educación para todos y de calidad. El proyecto tendrá una duración de dos años, iniciando en abril de 2022 y culminando en marzo del 2024. Será de naturaleza cualitativa enfocada en la investigación – acción participativa se desarrolla en cuatro fases

Antiaging Activity of some Natural Plants

  • Umaru Musa Yar'adua University, Katsina State Government, Nigeria
  • Contact:Muhammad Ismaila
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Aging was accelerated in albino rats by the administration of 500 mg/kg body weight D-galactose for 9 weeks. The effect of the treatment with the plant extract was evaluated by estimating some antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and telomerase activity in the serum of the rats.

Electro Chemo Therapy for Effective Cancer Treatment

  • GITAM : Gandhi Institute of Technology And Management, Visakhapatnam, India
  • Contact:Raja Prabu Ramachandran
  • Application invited for:Collaborators & Students

Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is an evolving technique to treat various types of skin, chest wall breast cancer and basal cell carcinoma with minimal side effects. Electrochemotherapy was the only available alternative treatment for patients suffering from lung cancer who are unfit to undergo surgery. This procedure utilizes hydrophilic chemo drugs such as bleomycin and cisplatin which are aided by electroporation to create apoptosis. ECT has an overall response of 80-90% for un-respectable recurrent disease. Typically eight 1200V/cm, 100μs pulses are applied in the clinics.

Newer Materials for Outdoor Polymeric Insulators

  • GITAM : Gandhi Institute of Technology And Management, Visakhapatnam, India
  • Contact:Raja Prabu Ramachandran
  • Application invited for:Collaborators & Students

POLYMERIC insulators are being accepted increasingly for use in outdoor applications. The tremendous growth is due to their advantages over the traditional ceramic and glass insulators. It includes lightweight, higher mechanical strength to weight ratio, resistance to vandalism, better performance in the presence of heavy pollution in wet condition, and better withstand voltage than porcelain insulators. However, because polymeric insulators are relatively new, the expected lifetime and their long-term reliability are not known, and therefore are of concern to users.

Liquid Food Preservation Using Pulsed Electric Field

  • GITAM : Gandhi Institute of Technology And Management, Visakhapatnam, India
  • Contact:Raja Prabu Ramachandran
  • Application invited for:Collaborators & Students

Pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment has been prevailing for the past two decades as the successful nonthermal food preservation technique due to it’s low energy consumption, retaining of food’s quality attributes such as taste, color, freshness, texture and especially the nutritional qualities when compared with heat treatment methods. The high voltage pulses can be delivered to liquid foods through electrodes where the cell inactivation takes place by means of electroporation phenomenon. The configuration of electrodes and the electric field distribution inside the PEF treatment chamber is supposed to have a greater impact on bacterial inactivation. There are many electrode configurations available where parallel plate electrodes were used in initial studies, and stainless steel was used as the electrode material for most of the PEF applications.

The Effect of Gypsophila Extract as Natural Emulsifier on The Steady, Dynamic Rheological Behavior and Microstructural Properties of The Ice Cream Mix

  • Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi
  • Contact:Halis KABLAN
  • Application invited for:Rheology, steady shear, microstructural, gypsum extract.

In this study, it was aimed to use the gypsum extract as an emulsifier in ice cream production. For this purpose, the effect of different ratios of gypsum extract on the steady, dynamic rheological properties and microstructural properties of the ice cream mix was aimed. All of the ice cream mix samples showed non newtonian shear thinning character. K and n values were calculated by modeling the rheological properties of the steady shear exponent with the law model. The K value of the frozen samples decreased to a certain level with the addition of gypsum extract, but showed the highest value in the sample containing 0.3% linseed and 0.1% lecithin. All of the ice cream mix samples exhibited viscoelastic solid character. In the ice cream mix samples produced with gypsum extract, the oil droplets showed a more homogeneous distribution in the form of small particles. The results of this study showed that the gypsum extract could be used successfully as an emulsifier in ice cream productio


Identificacion de estilos de aprendizaje y orientacion vocacional de estudiantes universitarios


Identificacion de formas ocupacionales de los niños migrantes en condicion de trabajo infalntil


identificacion de habilidades de resiliencia y la identidad de mujeres rurales del municipio de silos

Impact of the IT application development processes on the digital transformation of large businesses

  • Graduate School of Buseiness HSE
  • Contact:Viktor Smirnov
  • Application invited for:head/employee of big IT company

research of study of methods of internal corporate development of IT applications for the digital transformation of a large business, which allows a company in development to quickly respond to changes and requests, external and complex tasks, complex business processes based on current data and developed models.

Developing an effective method for detecting satellite orbital maneuvers and its application to LEO and GEO satellites

  • L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Contact:Abdikul E. Ashurov
  • Application invited for:Looking for colleagues for cooperation

It is planned to continue the work begun in the paper An effective method for detecting satellite orbital maneuvers and its application to LEO satellites, published in Advances in Aircraft and Spacecrfaft Science. An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4, July 2022, pages 279-300. In addition, it is assumed that on the basis of this method, a service for monitoring satellite maneuvers to be created

Research on Time and Space Control Strategy of Metro Pantograph Based on Pantograph-catenary Wear Dynamics

  • Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Contact:Gang Yang
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Based on the overhead lines’ material wear model established by other scholars based on the test-bed experiment, this project studies the overhead lines material wear model in the subway operation line and the method of coupling it with the rigid overhead lines’ structure dynamic model, so as to construct the Metro rigid overhead lines wear dynamic model. Based on the overhead lines’ wear dynamic model, the occurrence and development law of abnormal overhead lines wear in subway are explored by means of simulation test. In order to overcome the problem of abnormal wear of overhead lines due to the upper limit of improving the performance of materials, combining with the characteristics of time and space repeatability of subway operation conditions, the active control algorithm of pantograph based on space-time strategy is studied, which provides a theoretical basis for fundamentally solving the problem of abnormal wear of overhead lines of subway train.

Key technologies and equipment for coordinated safety monitoring of Sichuan Tibet railway line/train

  • Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Contact:Gang Yang
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

In order to ensure the train and line safety of Sichuan Tibet Railway, it is an urgent problem to improve the fault diagnosis and health management capability of key equipment of Sichuan Tibet Railway/high-speed train. This project focuses on studying the interaction mechanism of fault and health status of Sichuan Tibet railway line/train, studying the multi-mode and multi parameter vehicle/track feature fusion fault diagnosis algorithm and model, tackling the line/train collaborative safety monitoring technology, developing the Sichuan Tibet railway line/train collaborative safety monitoring equipment, realizing the line/train collaborative safety monitoring, and ensuring the safe operation of Sichuan Tibet trains.


  • N.V.Patel College
  • Contact:Susmita Sahoo
  • Application invited for:Subjects in es and botany

Research in biology


  • N.V.Patel College
  • Contact:Susmita Sahoo
  • Application invited for:Plants

Of medical plant

Ecologica Intelligence

  • KristuJayanti College
  • Contact:Dr.Molly Joy
  • Application invited for:Project to educate school /College children

to understand the knowledge and awareness on ecological thinking, consciousness and sustainability and determine the effect of Eco literacy programme on ecological aptitude among primary and secondary school students. The pretest posttest quasi experimental design was used to examine the Eco literacy programme on ecological aptitude .360 school students randomly chosen from two city schools. comprising of 90 girls and boys each from primary and secondary classes administered with the questionnaire based on four areas of ecological aptitude which was arrived by the researcher based on the following areas namely; Personal awareness on ecological crisis; Ecological sensibility; Safety and sustainability consciousness; Personal and social skills for ecological sustainability. The results indicated that the secondary school students had scored high on ecological aptitude among boys compared to primary school students. Similarly, the secondary school students had scored high on ecological ap

Battery- sodium ion BAttery development

  • Kumaraguru College of Technology
  • Contact:Jeeva B
  • Application invited for:Collaboration/Student

Interested in Battery development and BMS.

Nanofluid - graphite

  • Kumaraguru College of Technology
  • Contact:Jeeva B
  • Application invited for:Collaboration/Student

Preparation of Nanofluid and stability test

research Visibility of Faculty in the field of Science at University of Delhi

  • Department of Library and Information science University of Delhi
  • Contact:HARI PRAKASH
  • Application invited for:research visibility

vidwan accounts, google scholar, orcid id , researcher id will be evaulated

Artificial intelligence and robotics

  • St.Martin's Engineering College
  • Contact:Nagamani Lingala
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Service Robots in super markers With the Artificial intelligence

Modal Participation Factors for Deciding the weights of for solving Algebraic Riccati Equations

  • GDMM College of Engineering anfd Technology
  • Contact:Sukesh Babu Chennuri
  • Application invited for:PhD Student, Research Scholar Funding

After Request

Interval analysis compared with Monte Carlo Simulation.

  • GDMM College of Engineering anfd Technology
  • Contact:Sukesh Babu Chennuri
  • Application invited for:PhD Student, Research Scholar Funding

After Request

Rotor Dynamics of Aluminum rod surface coated with Nano graphite paricles

  • GDMM College of Engineering anfd Technology
  • Contact:Sukesh Babu Chennuri
  • Application invited for:PhD Student, Research Scholar Funding

After Request

Zoological gardens: literature, architecture, and human-animal relationships

  • Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America
  • Contact:Ana Carolina Torquato
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The project investigates how human-animal relationships are perceived and represented in urban zoos and aquariums in fictional and non-fictional contexts. The basis of my analysis is the selected works of three Latin American writers, Julio Cortázar, Clarice Lispector and João Guimarães Rosa. The corpus is composed of circa fourteen texts including one short story by Clarice Lispector, one by Junior Cortázar and a group of ten short stories by Guimarães Rosa. The themes of these narratives coincide since both of them report on visitations to zoos and aquariums located in Brazil and Europe. Besides commenting on the geographical recognition of the spaces, the stories’ narrators also remark on animal agency and the state of confinement of the animals observed. My analysis will focus on four major points: the description of zoos and aquariums; the presence or absence of any remarks concerning animals’ state of captivity; the description of the human-animal relationship and how the texts p

Multidose Drug Dispensing Systems: A market Study

Results: From 261respondents, 75.5%were female. The youngest respondent was 19and the oldest 83years old. About 40%had a BSc and about 45%of the respondents were patients. 84%refer no difficulty with medication intake and about 60%report no chronic disease. 59%refer that the service would not be useful to self, however only 6%consider the service not useful to a family member/acquaintance. About 76%of the respondents refer to be willingness to pay for this service (67%would consider pay 10euros or less). Female population may present an estimated reduction of about 43%in the willingness to pay compared to male population. When respondents were family members the willing to pay increase compared to when they were patients (126%). Finally, the population that recognize the importance of the service for a family member/acquaintance is expected to have an estimated increase in the willing to pay of about 190%when compared to the population that does not recognize that importance.

Synthesis of bioplastics from biowaste materials

  • Application invited for:Research Scholar

Biopolymer blended biowaste based bioplastics synthesis and characterization

Emerging contaminants degradation

  • Application invited for:Research Scholar

Toxicological characterization of degraded contaminants


  • Optimization Energy Research Lab
  • Contact:Roberto Quadrini
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The platform enables energy transition operators to enhance demand response paradigm, focusing on consumers side to create new business models based on the Energy-as-a- Service (EaaS) paradigm. Thanks to consumption system modeling and operational data processing, the mathematical engine composes different algorithms derived from patented methods to provides energy programming integrated with distributed generation, creating the Active Demand → Flexible Response model in the form of Energy-Data-as-a-Service (EDaaS). This way, each stakeholder can play an active role by contributing to grid balancing, obtaining remuneration for their contribution. NegaWh EXchange enables Tecnalogic to become an Energy-Dat-as-a-Service provider, digitizing data associated to demand side for aggregators and placing consumers at the heart of the energy transition as active participants on the market.

Doctorado en Administración Gerencial

Actualmente estoy estudiando el doctorado

quality of school life (Algerian school)

study of some school in west region of algeria.

Perovskite solar cells

  • Arunachal University of Studies
  • Contact:Sagar Bhattarai
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Researchers worldwide have been interested in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) due to their exceptional photovoltaic (PV) performance. The PSCs are the next generation of the PV market as they can produce power with performance that is on par with the best silicon solar cells while costing less than silicon solar cells. The efficiency of PSCs has increased from 3.81% to 25.7% within a decade, demonstrating their immense potential. In this review, the advantages of PSCs and the evolution of efficiency with various configuration are summarized and discussed. The manufacture of PSCs on a large scale and the fabrication of perovskite films are described as well. Despite their advantages, PSCs have encountered numerous problems, including toxicity and degradation in the presence of moisture, oxygen, and UV light. Thus, we emphasize this line added to the difficulties preventing the commercialization of PSCs, as well as the road map towards commercialization are thoroughly examined.

Solar Pump Irrigation Project

  • Vijayanagar Shri Krishnadevaraya University Ballari
  • Contact:SATHISHA
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

still it is on work

Development of an Intelligent, Low-Cost Partial Discharge (PD) Detection System

  • Electrical Engineering Department Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Technocity Garia, Kolkata – 700 152
  • Contact:Subrata Biswas
  • Application invited for:Scholar

This project primarily involves the measurement of partial discharge signals from test object and pattern recognition of those signals so as to determine the type of defect and the condition of the insulation. These days dry type systems are taking over most of the high voltage systems including power sectors. The most important aspect related to dry type system is the problem of partial discharge, as it degrades and reduces the insulation life.

The role of CRISPR/Cas in immunomodulatory nanodelivery system and selection through Machine Learning model

  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Contact:Amreen Khan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Potential approaches to enhance efficacy and reduce toxicity still remain unassured in many drug delivery systems especially in gene based. This has led to widen the pool of understanding extending insight towards the scope of modification and carrier interaction with acting moiety. CRISPR-Cas technology as gene editing tool has opened access to moderate and better control regulating central dogma of cell biology. Recent developments have shown major application in elucidating personalized genomic information, manipulation of gene and as emerging machinery to cure diseases by transforming therapies treating complex gene related disorders. However, trend has seen the need to deliver the active Cre recombinase successfully to targeted cell for achieving better genomic modification. We aim at revealing the immunomodulated nanobiomaterial plateform to cascade CRISPR-Cas improving effectiveness in targeted therapy.

Fabrication, design, and characterization of flexible microneedle for breast cancer

  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Contact:Amreen Khan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Drug delivery systems have been drastically researched worldwide. Likewise, many novel drug delivery systems are being explored as technology is advancing. The study of localized stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems with nanoparticles tends to serve the purpose of theranostics administration in a single tool. To minimize the unwanted effect of damaging normal tissues, especially in the case of light-responsive theranostic, microneedle presents a promising mode for delivery of high-photon activated nanoparticles to the targeted tumor site. Incorporating the benefit of chemotherapy, we have designed an effective chemo-photo activated nanoparticle combined delivery system by microneedle. Surpassing the blood-brain barrier, opsonization, protein corona and external pathogens that block the path of cargo during oral or systemic (i.v.) delivery, we have strategized a novel method of localized delivery of theranostics.

Influence of cross-linking addition in process variation on the properties of PVA/Sodium alginate/Green tea medical sponges

  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Contact:Amreen Khan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Bioinspired sustained scaffolds involve well-defined morphological cues designed with unique physicochemical properties for a said medical application. The variations can be seen during the optimizing steps of sponge preparation. Here in this work, we have analyzed the effect of ion-based cross-linker calcium chloride added to polyvinyl alcohol/sodium alginate sponges containing natural origin green tea extract before and after the freeze-drying process. One set of PVA/sodium alginate/G.T. mixture was subjected to ionic concentrations of calcium ions and lyophilized. In another design, lyophilized PVA/sodium alginate/G.T. sponges were cross-linked with calcium chloride followed which was freeze-dried. The studies were conducted to assess the effect on morphology through SEM, mechanical strength, swelling and degradation rate at pH 7.4, and functional group analysis by FTIR. The release profile of green tea from the polymeric matrix performed in phosphate buffer at 37⁰C.


  • Contact:PRABAKARAN D
  • Application invited for:Collaborators


Fabrication of Lithium-ion battery based on TiO2 nano tubes

  • Sivaprakash V
  • Contact:Sivaprakash V
  • Application invited for:Research opportunity

Synthesis of nano tubes and effectively working on batteries are highly effective for charging and discharging the batteries capacity. TiO2 nano tubes are highly cost when sources from outside, but fabrication with electrochemical make everything easy.

Synthesis of nano tubes for photovoltaic materials

  • Sivaprakash V
  • Contact:Sivaprakash V
  • Application invited for:Research opportunity

Future science maximum based on the renewable energy resources. Producing the electric power with photovoltaic systems are highly encouraged in this present and future research workers. Incorporate with the TiO2 nanotubes in the photovoltaic materials are highly accepted process.

Microwave Imaging

  • JSS Academy of Technical Education, NOIDA
  • Contact:POOJA Prakash
  • Application invited for:Researcher

to identify modern weapons disguised beneath human clothing without making contact led

A Unique Multi-Band and UWB Four Element MIMO Antenna for 6G mmWave Band Applications

The current invention demonstrates a novel four element compact multi-band and ultra wideband MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) antenna. The suggested antenna is intended for use in the 6G mmWave band applications. It operates in four operational bands, the first of which has a frequency of 22.23 GHz for the stated band of 7-24GHz. The operational frequency of the second band is 34 GHz in the 32GHz band, while that of the third band is 43.69GHz in the upper 40GHz band. The fourth band’s operational frequency in the 50GHz range, which is 53.38 GHz. The exhibited 6G antenna measures 25 mm × 28 mm × 0.508 mm and is made of low-loss dielectric material Rogers RT/Duriod 5880 (tm) which has a dielectric loss tangent of 0.0009 and relative permittivity of 2.2.

THz antenna design for Global Wi-Fi Applications

Prospective bands for the upcoming version of wireless networks include those between 100 GHz and 3 THz. In addition, new ideas and technological advancements in circuits, signal processing, devices, and systems will open up new applications at these frequencies. Global Wi-Fi use at frequencies between 252 GHz and 325 GHz is going to create the first global communication standard for the 250–350 GHz frequency range.

Low Profile Triple-Band MIMO Antenna Using Grounded Coplanar Waveguide Feed for 5G Wireless Applications

The mm-wave MIMO antenna is a viable option for virtual reality services and the streaming of huge video material, however as of yet, 5G wireless technology-specific standards have not been developed or put into practice. Many scholars have begun to bring the standard's foundation, nonetheless. Few mm-wave MIMO antennas are therefore now available. There was a proposal for a MIMO antenna that used two linear arrays, each array having four cylindrical dielectric resonator antennas operating at 30 GHz. Beam tilting was achieved by means of a passive microstrip feed network.

Contribution of Payment for Ecosystem Services on Multi-Dimensions within Atlantic Forest

Agriculture is replacing native vegetation worldwide, at a faster rate in the last decades. Biodiversity and ecosystem services have severely been affected, thus compromising essential services for human survival, such as food production, water availability, climate regulation, fiber production, and aesthetic values. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) - which included the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) initiatives - are alternatives to reverse the negative effects of habitat destruction. Thus, establishing efficient monitoring metrics to assess the effectiveness of PES programs and other public policy initiatives is essential to ensure beneficial results and the engagement of farmers in these programs for a long time. In this proposal we will quantify new metrics and use previous results of the PES programs already implemented at PSRB in the portion of São Paulo state to define a set of metrics to assess the benefits of these programs in the environmental, and socioeconomic context.

Evaluation and monitoring of alternative initiatives to the deforestation in southwestern Brazilian Amazon

Deforestation and degradation of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the Amazon has advanced at high rates due to the implementation of inadequate land use models. Thus, several initiatives have been developed with the aim of preserving and conserving the Amazon Forest, valuing and promoting the livelihood of Amazonian populations in order to keep the forest standing and, more recently, forest recovery initiatives have also been implemented. Although many of these initiatives have been successful, they lack systematic programs to evaluate and monitor their results over time. Our main motivation is to provide, in a participatory way, the evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of alternative initiatives to deforestation in the southwest of the Brazilian Amazon through the use of environmental and socioeconomic indicators.

Racial disparities in maternal and infant mortality and life expectancy in Maryland

Background There is ample historical evidence that Non-Hispanic Blacks (NHBs) have the highest infant and maternal mortality rates and the lowest life expectancy across racial and ethnic groups in the USA. Maryland mirrors the national profile in these health indices. Objective This review aims to highlight the counties in Maryland with significant racial disparities in maternal and infant mortality rates and life expectancy, highlight the identified contributory factors and make recommendations on how Historically Black Colleges and Universities can be critical partners in providing solutions. Methods Google Scholar and PubMed electronic databases were used for literature extraction. Inclusion criteria: peer-reviewed published literature assessing racial disparities in infant and maternal mortality and life expectancy; data from the CDC and state health departments. Exclusion criteria: unverified data sources; studies without data on African American population.

Development of Ventilator

  • Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute Panhala kolhapur
  • Contact:Vinod Vasantrao Vanmore
  • Application invited for:Biomedical Industries

Fluidics is the technology that utilizes fluid flow phenomena in components and circuits to perform a wide verity of Control functions. These include sensing, logic, memory, timing, interfacing to other control media. Fluidics has opened a new branch in control system. Numerous application of fluidics are possible, to name a few, heart pump, respiratory system oxy-generator, windshield wiper, fluidic carburetor, bottle filling machine, etc. PROPOSED WORK: The proposed project work will be carried out in three stages; ? Design using design of experiments ? Development of various models and ? Testing of fluidic devices to optimize the results of an artificial respirator.

Machining on difficult machine materials

  • Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute Panhala kolhapur
  • Contact:Vinod Vasantrao Vanmore
  • Application invited for:Research Institute

PROPOSED WORK: The proposed project work will be carried out in three stages; ? EDM machining on Difficult to machine materials ? Various Tool materials for Machining on Difficult to machine materials ? Geometrical Characterization of Machining Process

فلسفة النظام اللغوي في كتاب سيبويه

  • Contact:ali jasib
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

البحث عن نظرية المعرفة التي تحكم العقل النحويّ في كتاب سيبويه

Corn that acquires its own nitrogen identified, reducing need for fertilizer

  • Application invited for:Sponsored Collaborative Research Project.

corn secretes copious globs of mucus-like gel out of arrays of aerial roots along its stalk. This gel harbors bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant, a process called nitrogen fixation. The corn can acquire 30 to 80 percent of its nitrogen in this way, but the effectiveness depends on environmental factors like humidity and rain. “It has been a long-term dream to transfer the ability to associate with nitrogen-fixing bacteria from legumes to cereals .Legumes, such as beans, are the only group of crop plants previously known to acquire a significant amount of nitrogen through fixation, which they perform in specialized tissue Scientists have long sought corn that could fix nitrogen, with the goal of reducing the crop’s high demand for artificial fertilizers, which are energy intensive, expensive and polluting. Further research is required to determine if the trait can be bred into commercial cultivars of corn, the world’s most productive cereal crop.

New Disease in Maize Pokkah boeng of maize [Zea mays L.] ,Epidemology and its Management

During Kharif 2019, Pokkah boeng like symptoms were observed in fourty day’s old crop of some commercial maize hybrids grown in Andhra Pradesh, India. Afected foliage turned pale with occasional twisting of young foliage followed by rotting of the leaf whorls in advanced stages of infection. The pathogen was isolated from the diseased sample in pure form and pathogenicity was proved by artifcial inoculation. The pathogen was characterized by PCR amplifcation of Internal Transcribed Spacer region of ribosomal DNA and identifed as Fusarium lufae.

Maize stalk rots: of importance in the current season

  • Application invited for:Sponsored Collaborative Research Project and Student

Post flowering stalk rot is considered as a devastating menace of the most prevalent fungus on maize, growing areas of andhra pradesh in india. It causes Fusarium stalk rot on plants, which is considered as major threat to production of maize, accompanied by small losses to total wipeout of the crop. This disease is more prevalent in area where water stress occurs after flowering stage of the crop. Owing to its soil borne infection pathway, fungicidal control of Fusarium stalk rot is not effective. A number of quantitative trait loci have been identified which will help to expedite breeding program against Fusarium stalk rot. Moreover, various chemical and biological control methods have been developed, but major emphasis is on development of maize cultivars with genetic resistance to Fusarium stalk rot for environment friendly control of the disease. Sustainable maize cultivation is continuously challenged by diseases that cause quantitative and qualitative losses in yield.

Awareness of Trends in Technology

  • The New College (Autonomous) Chennai-600014
  • Contact:Jaffar Sadiq J. M
  • Application invited for:If any better platform exist to conduct this excellent session it would be grateful.

Technology trend awareness as a skill refers to being mindful of the technology that is recently becoming popular and is readily accepted in the market or industry. It also encompasses one's ability to recognize and understand the usefulness of any such technology for the success of his business.

workplace Counselling

  • The New College (Autonomous) Chennai-600014
  • Contact:Jaffar Sadiq J. M
  • Application invited for:If any better platform exist to conduct this excellent session it would be grateful.

“Workplace counselling refers to the ability to deal with issues that occur within an organization, such as conflict, stress-related absence, work-related trauma, and harassment/bullying” (Hughes & Kinder, 2007).

Personality Development, Social media,Drug abuse awareness and Career Gudance

  • The New College (Autonomous) Chennai-600014
  • Contact:Jaffar Sadiq J. M
  • Application invited for:If any better platform exist to conduct this excellent session it would be grateful.

Personality development encompasses the dynamic construction and deconstruction of integrative characteristics that distinguish an individual in terms of thinking, feeling and behavior Personality development refers to the process by which the organized thought and behavior patterns that make up a person's unique skill As social media has no borders or boundaries, it helps students connect with people from across the globe and gain wider knowledge. Drug use prevention programmes are effective when they respond to the needs of a community, involve all the relevant sectors and are based on scientific methods. Career guidance is the guidance given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career

Bibliometric Analysis on Publications of Pharmacy Faculty members of Acharya Nagarjuna University Affiliated Pharmacy Colleges

  • Contact:Dr.Mallikarjuna Rao Pulicherla
  • Application invited for:Bibliometric Study on Pharmacy Journals

It's a special study on subject experts in pharmaceutical sciences in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. It is a bibliometric analysis of their research publications, which are published in a variety of pharmacy and related peer-reviewed and indexed journals. 


Description: This research will be carried out with the objective of implementing a hybrid program of continuing education and research with thematic area in pediatric septic shock whose objective is to improve the quality, care indicators and care management of patients admitted to the pediatric units of the University Hospital linked to UNIFESP, Hospital São Paulo. Initial management analysis focusing on the main barriers that interfere with the quality of care and proposing solutions to resolve them. Subsequently, the objective is: 1) to develop a module of continuing education based on good educational practices 2) to evaluate the impact of the teaching program, on adherence to the sepsis and septic shock management program, on the outcome and on the indicators of care quality management ..

National Laboratory of Infectious Animal Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Veterinary Public Health and Food Chain Safety

  • Veterinary Medical Research Institute
  • Contact:Miklos Gyuranecz
  • Application invited for:PhD students, post-docs

The establishment of the laboratory is of key importance for the national economy, since the rapid recognition of infectious diseases, along with effective prevention and treatment are especially important due to the large number of farm animals in Hungary and the annual increase in revenue they generate. Also playing an important role in the project is the study of the increasingly alarming spread of antimicrobial resistance, especially with regard to the possibility of its transfer from animals to humans. The laboratory's innovative competences and modern infrastructural capacity not only further the nation's human and animal health, they also increase the international competitiveness of domestic livestock breeding.

Development of diagnostic and control procedures for infectious diseases of domestic and wild bird species with high economic and public health risk

  • Veterinary Medical Research Institute
  • Contact:Miklos Gyuranecz
  • Application invited for:PhD students, post-docs

Most of VMRI's research groups are involved in the research project. The project’s main objectives were generated by the animal health problems caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites that threaten the competitiveness of poultry industry, and that could lead to market improvements for the sector. Research directions have been identified that can effectively help to address the current challenges in poultry nutrition, food chain safety and zoonoses.

National Laboratory of Health Safety

  • Veterinary Medical Research Institute
  • Contact:Miklos Gyuranecz
  • Application invited for:PhD students, post-docs

The aim of the Health Safety National Laboratory is to create a scientific basis for decision-making in Hungary based on data and analysis in the areas of health care, epidemic prevention and ecological systems. The project encompasses research carried out in the fields of epidemic mathematics, epidemic ecology, invasion biology and data-driven health care, among other topics. The laboratory unites and coordinates the research groups operating in this area in Hungary in an insular fashion along the "One Health" concept, thereby supporting networking and the creation of an effectively collaborative and internationally competitive research community.

Climate Change and Marginalised sections with special focus on entrepreneurship

  • Nirma University
  • Contact:Deba Ranjan Hota
  • Application invited for:Funding, travel grant, exposure to research writing workshop

The key point of investigation will be how does climate change brings resilience and empowering the tribals to reimagine their livelihood in terms of skill development and entrepreneur activities of the state where the study will be undertaken through empirical studies.

Occupational Health of Tribals

  • Nirma University
  • Contact:Deba Ranjan Hota
  • Application invited for:Funding, travel grant, exposure to research writing workshop

The burning issues of occupational health of the marginalized sections will be one of the parameter for India to move closer towards sustainable development goals. It pose an interesting equations with Human Development Index of the state where the study will be undertaken through empirical studies.

Determinantes socioeconómicos de la hipertensión en las mujeres del Perú

  • Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

En el Perú las enfermedades prevalentes son ahora las crónicas y degenerativas y además se presentan en un marco de población que va envejeciendo (La mediana de la población es mayor a 37 años); el objetivo del estudio es establecer qué factores socioeconómicos y en qué estrato o grupo de población, se relacionan con la presencia de hipertensión y obesidad

Empowering Rural Women

  • Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore
  • Contact:B. Anita Virgin
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

To identify the background of women in the rural area. Find the ways to improve their living. It can be done through following steps: 1. Make the women healthy by providing healthy food 2. Training them in self-defenses to protect themselves from the society 3. Provide them skill based training to become employed

Empowering Rural Youth

  • Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore
  • Contact:B. Anita Virgin
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

To create a society free of gender-based violence and an eco-friendly, sustainable environment for living. This will be achieved through: 1. Creating awareness among the youth – both male and female - towards prevention of gender-based violence. 2. Training the youth to build a conducive environment with social security and peace. 3. Creating a programme for training of youth towards inclusiveness and equality.

Development and implementation of brain-based learning approaches to enhance learning ability in addition to innovativeness and research skill among the millennial engineering students

  • Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology
  • Contact:Arumugam Mahamani
  • Application invited for:Collaborators to work

The unemployment of engineering graduates is a big threat to our nation and the COIVD-19 has boosted unemployment further. The engineering colleges are producing more the 15 Lakhs of engineers every year in India. They are coming out with a good percentage of marks. However, the employability skill for the engineering student is very poor. This is due to a lack of an appropriate teaching-learning process. The students have used their memory for preparing the subject to fulfill the need for the examination. The majority of the students have a practice of preparing the subject one or two days before the examination. The teachers are struggling to engage the student with lectures. Particularly, millennial students more attracted to mobile, laptops, tablets, and wasting their precious time by playing video games chatting on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. The Future of job report, World Economic Forum states that creativity, critical thinking and, research skills are the most demanded skil

Malaysian Food Security

  • University of Malaya
  • Contact:Alias Abdullajh
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

To be filled

Food Supply Chain

  • University of Malaya
  • Contact:Alias Abdullajh
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

To be filled

Development of Smart Grid Test bed system

  • Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
  • Contact:J.JAYAKUMAR
  • Application invited for:Knowledge in smart grid

Developing 5 bus system

language comparison

  • Osh State University
  • Contact:Anargul Gaipova
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Studies in Linguistics

Geophysical-Geological Model of the AQW2 Cu-Au Deposit, in the Aquiri Region, NW Portion of the Carajás Province

  • Researcher
  • Contact:Gabriela Serêjo
  • Application invited for:Geophysics Petrophysics Magnetism Mineral Deposits

Integrating several geophysical methodologies associated with petrophysical data and other geological information is fundamental to establishing exploratory models of mineral deposits. IOCG-type deposits have been widely explored through geophysical methods due to the physical contrasts caused by large amounts of iron oxides and sulfides. These products can produce significant responses in the magnetic and gravity fields and secondary currents induced during electromagnetic surveys. The Carajás Mineral Province has one of the highest tonnage Cu-Au deposits in the world and regions with large exploratory potential, like the Aquiri area in the western part of the Carajás Domain. This region is a greenfield area with active exploration by VALE S.A. and hosts several Cu-Au deposits, such as the AQW2 target from the Aquiri HUB, the object of this project. This research project aims to build a geophysical-geological exploratory model for the AQW2 by integrating several geophysical, petrophys

Modeling HTEM Data Anomalies for Mineral Exploration in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG)

  • Researcher
  • Contact:Gabriela Serêjo
  • Application invited for:Geophysics AEM methods Mineral Deposits Modeling

Modeling HTEM Data Anomalies for Mineral Exploration in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG): In this research, 2.5D modeling of electrical conductivity anomalies of HTEM data (Helicopter Electromagnetic Transient) was carried out, using thin plate modeling, structural and physical parameters to modeling conductivity anomalies related to metallic sulfides associated with orogenic gold, in the Quadrilateral Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Machine learning

  • Jyothy Institute of Technology
  • Contact:Ramya B N
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

pattern recognition

ललित निबंध साहित्य

  • Application invited for:ललित निबंध संग्रह

ललित निबंध संग्रह

लोक संस्कृति

  • Application invited for:बैगा लोकगीत एवं बैगा

लोक संस्कृति साहित्य

बैगा जनजाति

  • Application invited for:बैगा लोकगीत एवं बैगा

बैगा लोकगीत एवं बैगा

Academic Animation a perspective for Digital Libraries resources.

  • Central University of Karanataka
  • Contact:Raghavendra B Bonal
  • Application invited for:Collaboration to go in depth study.

Online publishing, a fast and easy way of advertising academic achievements, increases demand. The popularity of this platform leads to an information population. Due to the information explosion, information handling has become extremely difficult in the contemporary generation. Newly joining students to pursue their academics might find it hard to lay down appropriate information sources. These conceptual papers advocate the beginning of news sources of information using animations in academics. How pioneers in the respective field can help create animation for academics similar to some science disciplines to explain the anatomy of the phenomenon using artificial intelligence. It also emphasizes the importance of resource mobilizers in creating and disseminating academic animations.

literary criticism

  • Contact:chandra bhanu prasad singh
  • Application invited for:literary criticism

literary criticism

Hindi Language and Literature.

  • Contact:profrajendrasahdarbhanga
  • Application invited for:Hindi Language and Literature.

Hindi Language and Literature.


  • Contact:drghanshyammahto
  • Application invited for:ETHICS(NITISHASTRA).



  • Symbiosis International Deemed University
  • Contact:saikat Gochhait
  • Application invited for:Collaborators



  • Symbiosis International Deemed University
  • Contact:saikat Gochhait
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Women Entrepreneurs


  • Contact:Thanh Ha
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Làm nhà sáng tạo nội dung trên tiktok

Bedding - Home Decor

  • Contact:Thanh Ha
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Co-founder chagobeeding

Smart City Dynamics

  • Madhav Institute of Science & Technology Gwalior
  • Contact:Dr.Ankit Tiwari
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Model Real time city for sustainable future


  • Application invited for:Collaborators

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND In the present scenario, Low back pain after caesarean delivery with spinal anaesthesia is a frequent complaint during post-partum period. Homoeopathic medicine can provide a more effective and long lasting relief to the patient. By this Homoeopathic medicine Bellis perennis which is used for pain from trauma and bruising to the deeper tissues during surgery, especially of the abdomen and pelvic area can be given to treat females with low back pain after caesarean delivery with spinal anaesthesia.

TOWARD A COMPUTATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR COGNITIVE SEMANTIC THEORIES: Contrasting Human- and Machine-Generated Translation through a Cognitive Linguistic Lens

  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Contact:Katarzyna Wisniewska
  • Application invited for:international cooperation

This project compares human translators and Large Language Models in handling cognitive aspects of translation. Over two years, through analysis and translation tasks, it aims to understand how they process information differently. The goal is to create a tool that explains these differences. Partnering with the University of Rijeka, known for computational linguistics, this research delves into AI, linguistics, and translation, potentially improving cross-language communication and AI applications in nuanced understanding.

AN EXPERIMENTAL EXPLORATION OF COGNITIVE SEMANTICS IN TRANSLATION: Informing Translation Process Research and Machine Learning Advancements

  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Contact:Katarzyna Wisniewska
  • Application invited for:international cooperation

Expanding on prior research about cognitive retention in translation, this project broadens its focus. It uses Talmy’s (2000) framework to study translation processes and compare human translators with artificial intelligence. By exploring how our brains handle meaning in language, it aims to test Talmy’s ideas through experiments, assessing translation recognition in different languages. This research seeks to confirm Talmy’s concepts in creating meaning and potentially influence how we understand human translation. Also, by comparing human and machine translations, it could shape how we integrate cognitive theories into AI models for language.

Diagnosis of the wound process at the cellular level, using modern non-invasive techniques

  • Kursk State Medical University (KSMU)
  • Contact:Darya Soldatova
  • Application invited for:co-authors, sponsors

Non-invasive diagnostics of the wound process using modern techniques: determining its stage, qualitative and quantitative indicators, indicators of the initial state of the patient: the level of inflammatory factors, the presence of the required amount of collagen fibers, etc. to disability and a decrease in the quality of life of the patient, reduces the frequency of prescribing preventive antibiotic therapy, and hence the frequency of complications of the wound process.

A study to assess and correlate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of mothers of children under five years on vaccination

  • Contact:nidhi
  • Application invited for:RESULT OUTPUT

Vaccination is one of the most cost effective intervention to prevent major illnesses that contribute to child mortality in the country, especially in environments where malnourished children, excessive crowding impoverishment and illiteracy reign.

12 meses coloridos

Projeto na área de saúde

Gestão do tempo

Mediação entre estudos, pesquisas, extensões e a vida privada


  • Botanical survey of India
  • Application invited for:GIS applications to be implemented in floristic surveys

The recent advances in the Geoinformatics transfigured the traditional approaches of inventory and mapping to the spatial survey designs and biodiversity characterisation at various levels.GIS technology can be effectively used in planning field explorations for collecting plants, design and management of in-situ conservation sites, identify ecogeographical gaps in existing ex-situ floristic collections, site identification for germplasm evaluation and regeneration; identifying geographic regions which are likely to contain threatened taxa or habitats of interest.

Unravelling the genetic diversity of HIV-1 sequences markers that are associated with disease parameters in HIV-1 positive individuals in Nigeria.

Our goal here is to obtain sequence patterns that are associated with strong immune responses and beneficial clinical outcome.

“SARS-CoV-2 viral adaptations and antiviral immune responses in global COVID-19 infection”

We analyze longitudinal SARS-CoV-2 sequences, serologic responses (multiplex binding assay, IgG/IgM/IgA subtyping, cell-based Spike binding, cytokine profiles, transcriptomics, and neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies using single B cell isolations and antibody deep sequencing including structural characterization.

“Global emergence of recombinant HIV and its impact on vaccine design”. A related emphasis is on the “Longitudinal multi-cohort study to compare the global emergence of HIV Non-clade B drug resis

This project is about emerging HIV drug resistance in key global regions. . I am also working on HIV-1 diversity using plasma, which is mostly from Nigerian HIV+ individuals. We are examining HIV-1 viral recombination and the impact on the humoral immune responses. This includes analyses of HIV sequences from the envelope and the polymerase genomic region that are essential for HIV entry and replication. These researches are critical to extending knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention activities and vaccine trials in West Africa.


  • University of Mumbai
  • Contact:Ritik Singh
  • Application invited for:A innovative guy with data analyst skills.

Will be working on the ways to stop the growth of tonsilloliths.

#1 SEO Company, Professional SEO Agency We pick our SEO Marketing battles

  • Over The Top SEO
  • Contact:Guy Sheetrit
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

ICT in the Educational System of Underdeveloped countries as a Basic Practice in Teaching and Development

  • Arya Narayani Devi T.T. College, Ajmer
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

For ICT to witness its large success, inside the academic gadget of underdeveloped countries, on-the-process teaching needs to be given to instructors to assist to enlighten them on a way to efficiently use ICT centres and devices for teaching while they're supplied in an establishment of gaining knowledge of. In the mild of this, ICT projects/programs have to take delivery of earlier interest in phrases in their supervision via way of means of government, ministry of schooling or different stakeholder with inside the underdeveloped global nations via way of means of making sure that instructors on their elements are devoted to adopting and the use of ICT associated equipment centres with inside the technique of teaching the learners.

Stock Insights using Prophet and ARIMA

  • VIIT/SP Pune University
  • Contact:Mahesh Bhandari
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Stock Insights is a web-based application designed to provide users with valuable insights into stock prices, utilizing two powerful algorithms - Prophet and ARIMA. The project aims to provide stock investors and traders with an easy-to-use tool to visualize stock trends and predict future prices. Streamlit is used as the primary tool for developing the web application, which provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Users can select stocks and timeframes to analyze, and the algorithms generate predictions based on historical data. The predictions are displayed in an easy-to- read format, enabling users to make informed investment decisions. The Prophet algorithm is used to analyze seasonality and trends in stock prices, while ARIMA is utilized to predict future values based on historical patterns. Both algorithms work together to provide more accurate predictions and a better understanding of the stock market. Overall, Stock Insights is an essential tool for investors and t

Apego ao lugar em ambiente transitório: um estudo com estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação em Psicologia sobre as relações com a universidade e a cidade. (título provisório).

  • Contact:Patricia Rebello Silvestri
  • Application invited for:Apego ao Lugar, Empatia, Psicologia Clínica, Psicologia Ambiental, Sustentabilidade.

Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa a partir do delineamento de estudo de caso, a ser realizada com alunos de graduação em psicologia e alunos de pós-graduação em Psicologia na PUC-SP (FACHS). Há a possibilidade do estudo ser realizado em conjunto com a Universidade de A Coruña, Espanha. O estudo tem como objetivo compreender o processo de vinculação de alunos aos espaços na Universidade e na cidade, como ambientes transitórios, à luz da Psicologia Ambiental com vistas à promoção da saúde e sustentabilidade social, alinhados ao ODS 3 e o ODS n. 4 com vistas a promoção de Bem-estar e saúde e educação de qualidade, da Agenda 2030.

Título: Reproductive governance and mobilities in Europe, North Africa and Latin America: questioning reproductive justice and rights in a context of austerity and fertility decline. Proyecto coordina

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España PID2020-112692RB-C21. Diana Marre y Joan Pujol, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona IPs

Evaluating the effectiveness of a Personalized Nutritional Intervention Guide through the integration of metabolic and genomic-nutritional markers for the prevention of non-communicable diseases NCDs

  • Genomcore - Made of Genes
  • Contact:Ion Rezola Artero
  • Application invited for:Collaborators to make trials and prove the guide.

Personalized health is a booming field where we are starting to have a sufficiently powerful quality of scientific evidence to make quality recommendations. However, today there is no guide that includes the health areas in which nutritional genomics together with other markers establish these personalized recommendations based on quality standards. Based on the review of the evidence and bringing together a group of experts, it is intended to define the bases for the following guideline. The financing will be obtained from the sponsorship of private companies or from the payments of the products. Ethically, the collection of user data will be considered, having previously signed an Informed Consent (IC) in relation to the study and informing of its objective to the participants. In the event of collecting user data to carry out a pilot test, the approval of this by an Ethics Committee will be considered.

Prolonged use of benzodiazepines in primary health care: assessment of effectivenes, dependency and cognitive function.

Introduction. Epidemiological data indicate that anxiety and sleep disorders are significant health problems in the Brazilian population, and it is common for these disorders to be treated with psychotropic drugs, including benzodiazepines (BZD). Although BZDs are relatively safe when used alone and in the short term, prolonged use or in combination with other drugs carry significant risks, including cognitive decline, mental confusion, delirium, impaired memory and attention, dependence, tolerance, increased risk of falls and fractures and exacerbation of respiratory dysfunction. In Brazil, the main source of BZD prescriptions is Primary Health Care (PHC). Goal. Evaluate PHC users in prolonged use of BZD regarding the severity of dependence, impairment of cognitive function and the effectiveness of the drug in managing anxiety or insomnia. Method. This research project is part of the PRESCRIBZD study (inadequate prescription of benzodiazepines in PHC and its consequences) and consists

Elimination of hospital discharges

  • Saida university / Dr TAHAR MOULAY
  • Application invited for:Environment protection

The impact of these pollutants (pharmaceutical compounds) on the environment has led to many solutions to remedy their nuisances, including microbial resistance to antibiotics. At the end of the day, adsorption has proven to be an adequate method to preserve nature, the environment and eliminate these pollutants due to its simplicity and low cost. In this context, our objective is the synthesis, application and use of environmentally friendly and inexpensive biosorbents to eliminate this type of pollutant from water.

Modeling and forecasting multivariate time series data using bootstrap resampling, recurrent neural networks, and transformers

  • African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Statistics and Data Science play a fundamental role in several areas of knowledge. One of its biggest sub-areas in terms of methodology and applicability is time series analysis and signal processing. Traditional models for time series analysis and forecasting, such as the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) architecture, which are linear models, have been successfully applied in time series analysis and forecasting. However, over recent years, the use of Artificial Neural Networks to tackle similar tasks has gradually captured the attention of the research community. This PhD project intends to develop and apply methodologies for time series forecasting, both point forecasts and prediction intervals, for multivariate time series. For that, we will consider adaptations and combinations of statistical and machine learning concepts and methodologies, such as ARIMA, exponential smoothing, recurrent neural networks, transformers, and singular spectrum analysis.

Carbon dioxide reduction on well ordered surfaces.

This study field aims for reducing carbon dioxide on well-ordered surfaces using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) as evidence of surface adsorbates. this approach suggests that by using SERS, it is possible to identify and study the adsorption of CO2 molecules on various surfaces, which can lead to the development of more effective CO2 reduction techniques.

Eine Meditation über die Metamorphose des "Lebenswelt" zur "Lebenskrise"

Die heutige Era kann als eine Zeitepoche voller verschiedene und manchmal widerspüchliche Meinungsäußerungen bezeichnet werden. Der Kern dieser Krise liegt in der Erwachung und das sichtbarste Zeichen dieser Erwachung sind das übereifrige Posaunen hasstig geformte Meinungen, der Versuch Ereignise zu interpretieren und die Theoretisierung der Krise. Die jetztige Krise, obwohl sie in ihrer eigenen Weise ein einzigartiges Phänomen ist, ist in Hinsicht auf seine Auswirkungen auf die Menschheit nicht etwas beispielloses. In den letzten Monaten wurde die Coronapandemie oft mit anderen Exemplaren aus der Geschichte verglichen. In jeder dieser Krisen sind die Grundpfeiler der vorherigen Denkweise geschwächt worden und ein neues ist daraus geboren. Nach Glauben vieler, ist aus der berühmten Pest des 14. Jahrhunderts, Skeptizismus geboren, welches zur Montaigne geführt hat und dies letzenendes Descartes Dualismus hervor brachte. Davon ganz weg zu sehen, wenn man die Geschichte des Denkens näher

Automatic and Reliable Plant Virus detection Using Deep Learning

  • JAIN Deemed to be University
  • Contact:K Manivannan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Specifically we aim to 1.Create a computer-aided tool to automatically detect and classify the various levels of plant pathogens especially in virus 2.Train AI to identify additional features associated 3.Now a days various biosensors are available for the detection of plant pathogens in- suit analysis. 4.If plant pathogen detection can be done using deep learning techniques by analyzing the images of plant leaves, it will be beneficial for taking prevention methods in an early stage. Real time images of crops from large fields can be taken occasionally and can be analyzed for infection using the images taken will be really beneficial. 5.Thousands of images of plant leaves are kept for the analysis and the biosensor result can also be incorporated for fine tuning of the results. 6.The viruses that caused the infection can be identified and the disease can be detected.Early stage detection will prevent the spread of infection over a large field. . KeywordsPlant virus pathogens, Deep lea


  • Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Contact:Sreenivasulu K N
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The main objective of this project is to implement an Automatic college siren system using an Arduino. In this Arduino based college siren circuit, we used three major components which are IC RTCDS3231,Arduino Uno Board, and 16x2 LCD modules. Here, Arduino is used for reading time from ds3231 and display it on 16x2 LCD. DS3231 sends time/date using 2 lines to arduino. A siren is also used for alarm indication, which beeps when alarm is activated, simultaneously voice module will read out the data displayed on the LCD module. Here, the code is designed in a way so the bell will be activated for every 50 minutes as per the college schedule. The siren will be ringing for 50 seconds from the instant it is activated and simultaneously LCD screen will display the completion of a particular session, which indicates the students and faculty about the completion of a particular session and simultaneously the voice module will also read out the data which is being displayed on the L

Hindi Typing Tools


Hindi Blogging for Teaching and Learning

Hindi IoT for TLM

Hydrological response due to watershed land use land cover change

  • National Research and Innovatuon Agency
  • Contact:Dr. Budi Heru Santosa
  • Application invited for:Research collaborators

The hydrological response to changes in Land Use Land Cover (LULC) requires a multidisciplinary approach. The process involves identifying current LULC using remote sensing and GIS technology. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms can be used to analyze large-scale datasets and predict future LULC scenarios. Satellite precipitation data is essential for understanding hydrological processes and their relationship with LULC changes. Climate change models are incorporated to assess the impact of changing climatic conditions on the hydrological system. Hydrological modeling simulates water movement, accounting for factors like infiltration, evaporation, and runoff. By integrating the simulated hydrological response with digital elevation models, researchers can identify flood-prone areas and make informed decisions for land-use planning and disaster management.

Flood risk mamagement in coaatal area due to land subsidence

  • National Research and Innovatuon Agency
  • Contact:Dr. Budi Heru Santosa
  • Application invited for:Research collaborators

Coastal areas face flood risks from land subsidence and rising sea levels. To manage these risks, monitoring land subsidence patterns is crucial. Satellite InSAR data provides detailed measurements of surface deformation, helping identify affected areas. Ground measurements validate satellite data accuracy. Predictive models based on historical data and machine learning techniques forecast future land subsidence rates and locations. Groundwater extraction contributes to subsidence, emphasizing the need for sustainable management practices. Geospatial analysis integrates subsidence data, sea level rise projections, flood maps, and vulnerability assessments. Machine learning algorithms identify high-risk areas and assess community resilience. Combining these insights improves early warning systems, land-use planning, infrastructure resilience, and adaptation measures. These efforts enhance safety, well-being, and sustainable development along the coast.

Mitigating Conflict Resolutions in Sub-Saran Region" The role of French Language

To solve the myriad of problems in Nigeria, the role of French language cannot be over-emphasized.

Spelling Bee in French Among Junior and Senior Secondary School Students' in Ilorin Metropolis

To build lexical grade in French language, the need for continuous spelling bee exercise in French from some selected senior and junior secondary schools in Ilorin, Nigeria.

Methodology of Teaching French Literature: in Nigerian universities to make it more interesting.

French literature is often considered as a difficult subject especially among the student in the Nigerian (an Anglophone country) university partly due to the methodology of teaching the French literature.

Recovery of valuable elements from lithium batteries

The research aims to develop a technological route for the recovery of valuable elements from lithium batteries.

Recovery of valuable elements from electronic waste

Research in urban mining, aiming to meet the technological demands of the government, industry and academia, related to the development of sustainability technologies for the recovery of valuable elements from electronic waste that, in addition to minimizing the impact of these products on the environment and , consequently, to public health, promote the circular economy and social and economic development.

Study and Development of an Alternative Electrified Refrigeration System for Trailers

The project focuses on recovering a portion of the energy lost during braking and downhill movement and subsequently using it in the refrigeration system of the cold chamber. The electrification of the cold chamber system will be achieved through modules that enable the generation of electric power recovered during braking, energy storage, recharging via the power grid or a generator, and a power management control module. This control module ensures the correct operation and synergy among all systems. This modular solution will be developed in partnership with the company Original and funded by the ROTA2030 project.

Anomaly Detection in Blockchains network

  • ADYPU Pune , Inurture Education Solution pvt. Ltd
  • Contact:Ravi kHATRI
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Problem related to Anomaly detection will help future engineers to work on solving the random phishing and prevention against the fraud

Supply chain Anomaly problems

  • ADYPU Pune , Inurture Education Solution pvt. Ltd
  • Contact:Ravi kHATRI
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Distribution among the unutilized resource planning to get performance optimization in long term

Molecular landscape of Hereditary cancer gene panel in urinary bladder cancer in young adults of Sub Himalayan region of Uttarakhand and Western Uttar Pradesh

  • Ravi Hari Phulware/All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

There is limited information on an exome scale about the germline molecular alteration leading to urinary bladder cancer in young patients in India. Patients from Uttarakhand and Western Uttar Pradesh are usually from low socioeconomic strata and come with advanced stages of tumor. Hence there is a felt need of doing exome profiling study to pick up the gene mutations in this region. This will add to the understanding of the pathogenesis of disease and will help in making a gene panel for early screening and detection.

Application of Nanoparticles in Investigating the Biodegradation of Phenolics in Industrial Wastewaters

Nanoparticles, due to their unique properties, have the potential to enhance the biodegradation process of phenolic compounds in wastewater. The high surface area-to-volume ratio of nanoparticles allows for increased interaction between the microorganisms and the phenolic compounds, leading to improved degradation efficiency. Additionally, nanoparticles can act as catalysts or carriers for enzymes or microorganisms, further enhancing the biodegradation process . Phenolic compounds are widely used in various industries, such as the production of plastics, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. However, the release of phenolic compounds into the environment can have harmful effects on ecosystems and human health. Biodegradation, the process by which microorganisms break down organic compounds, is a promising method for the remediation of phenolic compounds in industrial wastewater. Industrial wastewaters are an environmental concern.

Investigating the Biodegradation of Phenolics in Industrial Wastewaters

The investigation of the biodegradation of phenolics in industrial wastewater is an active area of research. It involves studying the mechanisms involved in the degradation process, identifying the microorganisms responsible for the degradation, and optimizing the conditions for the process to occur. This research aims to provide insights into the biodegradation of phenolics and to develop effective treatment strategies for the removal of these pollutants from industrial wastewaters. Phenolics are a class of organic compounds that are widely used in various industrial processes, including the production of plastics, resins, and adhesives. As a result, phenolics are frequently found in wastewater streams from these industries, which can pose a significant environmental hazard if not properly treated. Biodegradation is a promising approach to treating phenolic-containing wastewater, as it relies on the use of microorganisms to break down these compounds into less harmful byproducts.

Free Energy

  • Govt. Degree College, Avanigadda
  • Contact:P. B. Sandhya Sri
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Wate mechanical energy to electrical energy conversion

Characterization of Campylobacter from human, food animals and environment in Nigeria and other African Countries using one health approach.

  • University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
  • Contact:Ahmed, Akeem Olayiwola
  • Application invited for:Grant and collaborators across Africa and beyond

Campylobacteriosis is the leading cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in the world. The epidemiology of Campylobacter infection is well established in the developed world but there is no reliable and robust data on epidemiology of Campylobacter infection in Africa.

Plastic Sand Bricks as an Alternative Sustainable Building Material: Panacea to Affordable Housing for Low Income

Housing shortages are one of the key issues in developing countries, and low-income earners are disproportionately affected. This is because the bulk of low-cost housing put in place for this group of people is unaffordable due to factors such as a lack of political will, corruption and high cost of building materials among others. As a result, this study critically explores the use of plastic sand bricks as an alternative building material due to their sustainability and availability as a solution to cheap housing for low-income earners. The study used a qualitative method, analyzing some of the available literature, to propose solutions to housing shortages caused by population growth and rising building material costs, this will help the policy makers in built environment, by complementing their effort in achieving sustainable development goals Keywords Housing shortage, plastics sand brick, low-cost housing, low-income, affordable housing.


  • Contact:Adam Michel
  • Application invited for:Collaborators


  • Contact:Adam Michel
  • Application invited for:Collaborators


  • Contact:Adam Michel
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Effects of water quality on a lake

  • University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Contact:Gladys Chioma Nzeh
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Water quality parameters measured in a lake were Temperature, pH, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity (μS/cm) were measured in situ using Hanna digital electronic meter. Transparency was also measured on site using a Secchi disc device. Dissolved oxygen, Calcium and Magnesium hardness, phosphate, Nitrate concentrations were determined using standard methods (APHA 1995). The results showed that water quality parameters were within tolerable limits for the habitation of fish species according to WHO standards.

Single cell protein production from agricultural waste

  • University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Contact:Gladys Chioma Nzeh
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Fish meal is the most expensive ingredient in fish feed formulation, this study investigated the effect of single cell protein production from Citrus sinensis peel and Citrus sinensis pulp used to replace fishmeal on the growth performance of Clarias gariepinus hybrid juveniles and microflora of fish water. Air dried and ground samples of C. sinensis peel and C. sinensis pulp were subjected to fermentation, filtration, purification, washing, followed by drying using appropriate microorganisms to produce single cell protein (SCP). The SCP produced from these agricultural waste products were incorporated into the feed and three diets were formulated using the different SCP while the control diet contained fish meal.The feeding trial lasted for eight weeks. The increase in weight, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) was calculated. The result showed that single cell protein promoted growth.

Bacterial load of fish experimental water

  • University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Contact:Gladys Chioma Nzeh
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The isolates were characterized by cellular morphology and Gram staining. Molecular methods using DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis, sequencing, and BLAST were carried out at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. The bacterial isolates were identified as Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Lysinibacillus spaheriicus and the bacterial flora conferred some protection to the fish

Autonomous E Kart

  • JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru
  • Contact:Manohar B S
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The concept of autonomous e-karts combines electric propulsion and autonomous driving technologies to create a new paradigm in go-kart-like vehicles. This abstract explores the key aspects and potential applications of autonomous e-karts. Autonomous e-karts offer a controlled and safe environment for testing and refining autonomous driving technologies. They serve as a testbed for developing and validating navigation algorithms, obstacle avoidance systems, and other related technologies. The knowledge gained from autonomous e-kart testing can be applied to more complex autonomous vehicles in various domains. In addition to testing, autonomous e-karts provide recreational and entertainment experiences. They can be utilized in recreational facilities, amusement parks, or dedicated karting tracks, providing an exciting and immersive experience for customers. Users can ride in an autonomous vehicle, experiencing the thrill of high-speed driving without the need for driving skills or lice

Diagnosis of cardiac diseases using bioimpedance measurement.

Diagnosis of cardiac diseases using bioimpedance measurement involves the use of bioimpedance techniques to assess and evaluate the health of the heart. Bioimpedance is a method that measures the impedance or resistance to electrical current flow through biological tissues. This non-invasive approach can provide valuable information about the physiological and pathological conditions of the heart.

How does car insurance work

Neurodiversity and bipolarity

Sponsored by SomosTAB Foundation


  • Mizoram University Aizawl
  • Contact:Dr Sinil Kumar
  • Application invited for:COLLABORATORS/STUDENTS

Eating is one basic human activity to survive in the world and people eat food according to their environment. Food pattern is mostly determined by physical, psychological, social setting- environments and relates to culture groups. Food of any state depicts many aspects of that region. The food is actually a mirror which reflects the diversity, culture, availability of raw material, cooking traditions and in short characterizes the crucial details of the state. Food is an essential component of every society. Modern time, culinary evolution with urbanization and globalization period well-founded the new change of patterns of living, home cooking and tradition.


  • Sikkim University
  • Application invited for:Someone from IIT's of India.

Postmodern discourses, with their emphasis on deconstruction, multiplicity, and questioning of fixed truths, have influenced various aspects of cultural, social, and intellectual life in Sikkim, a state in northeastern India. While Sikkim is known for its rich traditional heritage, the postmodern lens has offered new perspectives and avenues for expression. It is important to note that while postmodern ideas have made an impact in Sikkim, they exist alongside and interact with traditional beliefs, customs, and ways of life. The interplay between tradition and postmodernism adds depth and complexity to the cultural landscape of Sikkim, creating a unique blend of influences and perspectives.

Exploring AI-based applications for Aerospace Environment

  • Contact:Geancarlo Abich
  • Application invited for:Master Students PhD Students

This project aims to study applications aimed at the environment of space stations, satellites, and spacecraft that enable crew members or autonomous systems to make accurate decisions throughout a mission based on real-time data acquisition.

Radiation Hardening Solutions

  • Contact:Geancarlo Abich
  • Application invited for:Master Students PhD Students

This project aims to investigate and propose solutions that enable the use of hardware and software projects in an environment with hostile radiation, ie, space environments.

AI-Acceleration MPSoCs and ISAs

  • Contact:Geancarlo Abich
  • Application invited for:Master Students PhD Students

This project aims to investigate and propose hardware (ISA) and software (compiler) solutions to improve the performance of Machine Learning applications based on neural networks. This implies both the development of architectural changes to the development of architecture-specific specialized libraries.

Studies and Enhancement of Natural Bioactive compounds content through Media Optimization

  • ITM University Gwalior (MP)
  • Contact:Dr. Moti Lal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

These experiments involved the isolation of endophytes bacteria from an Adhathoda beddomei medicinal plant root (adosa). and obtaining new natural bioactive metabolites from natural resources is our goal. To solve these problems related to bioactive metabolite production, it is necessary to understand and explore the underlying mechanism by which endophytes produce bioactive metabolites. Important bioactive compounds were extracted from endophytes bacteria and their concentrations were increased using a variety of methods. (Media Optimization and Resonance Surface Technology-RSM). The antibacterial effectiveness against several pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms was proven. With the use of a scanning electron microscope (SEM), endophytes were identified based on their exterior morphological traits. another challenging problem in this regard is that the efficiency of the endophytic bacterial to produce bioactive compounds is not as high as expected because in many previously wo

Recent developments and future prospects of natural Antimicrobial Bioactive Metabolites obtain from Endophytic Bacterial Isolate

  • ITM University Gwalior (MP)
  • Contact:Dr. Moti Lal
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Abstract: Background: Adathoda beddomei (Adosa), a kind of softwood, evergreen, perennial shrub, was used as a source of endophyte bacteria for this study. Adhatoda beddomei shows a wide variety of chemicals, including anthocyanins, aminophylline, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, isoprenaline, triterpenoids, resins, and proteolytic enzymes in latex, flavonoids, tannins, sterol, saponins, and Latex. The root, stem, and leaf parts of beddomei are most often used in indigenous medicine, but the root bark is also used to cure several conditions, including leprosy, fever, and bleeding. Objective: Some important bioactive metabolites were obtained from endophytes bacteria and have also been analyzed through various techniques (NMR, MASS, FTIR, HPLC, and UV- spectrophotometer) for the carried out of the functional group and empirical formulas of the bioactive secondary metabolites. Methods: In silico calculation, this bioactive metabolite has the potential to be antibacterial, and its primary

Development of an Arduino-Based Sensor Network for Monitoring Water Parameters in Tilapia Traponds

  • Cebu Technological University
  • Contact:Mark John Lado
  • Application invited for:Nearest the same technology to support as Review of Related Studies.

Aquaculture, particularly tilapia farming, plays a crucial role in meeting the increasing global demand for fish protein. As the aquaculture industry continues to expand, it becomes imperative to ensure optimal water quality conditions in fish farming systems. Water parameters, such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia are vital indicators of the aquatic environment's health and directly influence the growth, reproduction, and overall well-being of fish populations. Traditional methods of monitoring water parameters in aquaculture involve manual sampling and laboratory analysis, which can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly. To address these limitations, technological advancements offer promising alternatives for real-time monitoring and data collection. The Arduino platform, with its open-source nature and compatibility with various sensors and modules, presents an accessible and flexible solution for designing cost-effective monitoring systems.

Adaptable path to net zero carbon: Feasibility study of grid-connected rooftop solar PV systems with rooftop rainwater harvesting to decrease urban flooding in India

  • Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology, Shibpur
  • Contact:Rajkumar Ghosh
  • Application invited for:Looking for Collaborators

India has seen enormous urbanization in recent years, resulting in increased energy consumption and water demand in its metropolitan regions. Adoption of grid-connected solar rooftop systems and rainwater collection has gained significant popularity in urban areas to address these challenges while also boosting sustainability and environmental consciousness. Grid-connected solar rooftop systems offer a long-term solution to India's growing energy' needs. Solar panels are erected on the rooftops of residential and commercial buildings to generate power by utilizing the abundant solar energy available across the country. Solar rooftop systems generate clean, renewable electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This is compatible with India's goal of reducing its carbon footprint. Urban residents and companies can save money on electricity by generating their own and possibly selling excess power back to the grid through net metering arrangement

Assessment of Environmental Impact for Rice Mills in Burdwan District: Special Emphasis on Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Vegetation and Human Health

  • Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology, Shibpur
  • Contact:Rajkumar Ghosh
  • Application invited for:Looking for Collaborators

Rice milling is an important activity in agricultural economy of India, particularly the Burdwan district. However, the environmental impact of rice mills is frequently underestimated. The environmental impact of rice mills in the Burdwan district is a major source of concern, given the importance of rice milling in the local economy and food supply. In the Burdwan district, more than fifty (50) rice mills are in operation. The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of rice mills on several environmental components, with a particular emphasis on groundwater, surface water, soil, and vegetation. The research comprises a thorough review of numerous rice mills located around the district, utilising both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Water samples taken from wells near rice mills will be tested for groundwater quality, with an emphasis on factors such as heavy metal pollution and pollutant concentrations. Monitoring rice mill discharge into neighbouring bodies of water

Fly ash Contamination in Groundwater and its Implications on Local Climate Change

  • Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology, Shibpur
  • Contact:Rajkumar Ghosh
  • Application invited for:Looking for Collaborators

Fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, has become a prevalent environmental concern due to its potential impact on both groundwater quality and local climate change. This study aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the various mechanisms through which fly ash contaminates groundwater, as well as the possible consequences of this contamination on local climate change. The presence of fly ash in groundwater not only poses a risk to human health but also has the potential to influence local climate change through complex interactions. Although fly ash has various applications in construction and other industries, improper disposal and lack of containment measures have led to its infiltration into groundwater systems. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies, the interactions between fly ash and groundwater systems, assess the effects on hydrology, and discuss the implications for the broader climate. This section reviews the pathways through which fly ash

Bàn Thờ Thần Tài Huyền Đức

Three phase Frontend converter

  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Three-phase front-end AC-DC converters are developed with improved power quality for reducing harmonics in AC mains and ripples in DC output. Since, these converters are observed as one of the strong means for power quality improvements in the number of applications, therefore, detailed investigations on these converters are considered as main objectives of this research work. In view of these main objectives, This research work is targeted to provide a broad perspective on three-phase front-end AC-DC converters technology for power quality improvement.

Yangınla Mücadele Eğitim Ve Araştırma Simülasyonu Projesi

  • Dumlupınar üniversitesi
  • Contact:ali telli
  • Application invited for:BAP

Sanayi devrimiyle başlayıp özellikle son yüzyılda üretim, ulaşım ve iletişim araçları ile kullanılan eşyalar ve ihtiyaç duyulan enerji kaynaklarının çeşitlenmesi, oluşan yangınları da bu değişimlere paralel olarak çeşitlendirmiş, yangınla mücadeleyi yanan malzemenin türüne göre özel söndürücüler ve teknikler gerektiren bir zorunluluk haline sokmuştur. Bu çeşitlilik, yangına müdahalede doğru teknik ve malzemelerin kullanılmaması durumunda, yangın mahallinde ölümcül tehlikelere sebep olabilmekte ve yine bu yanlış uygulamalar nedeniyle söndürme işleminin uzaması ve oluşan zararın artması söz konusu olabilmektedir. Bu bakımdan yangınla mücadelede mal ve can kayıplarının azaltılması noktasında eğitim ve araştırma boyutuyla kapalı alan yangın ortamlarının gerçeğe en yakın şekilde oluşturulması, yangın aşamaları boyunca ortaya çıkan tehlikelerin izlenmesi ve bu tehlikelerin nasıl önlenebileceğinin müdahale personeline tatbik edilmesi önem arz eden konular olmaktadır.Bu proje çalışmasında k

Transforming Somali’s Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

  • Erciyes University
  • Contact:Mohamed Said
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

This project endeavors productivity increase of the medicinal and aromatic sector by bringing knowledge and introducing new varieties and adapted technologies. The project has a focus on agronomical measures and sees a future role for the development of the country. Currently the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic crops is demonstrated on a limited scale in ‘Learning Sites’.

The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management Strategies on Organizational Flexibility

  • University of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical, The Technical Administrative College/Iraq/Kuf
  • Contact:Hasan Fadhil Salih
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Through a theoretical framework, this study aimed to identify definitions of Organizational Flexibility by covering the definitions proposed by many researchers and trying to reach a new definition. Previous studies have identified many benefits that can be achieved using organizational resilience in organizations.. In addition, this study summarized these benefits and identified the most frequently mentioned benefits through a review of previous studies. The study measured the impact of Electronic Human Resource Management Strategies on (OF)in Iraqi pharmaceutical companies through a service of 180 employees in 20 Iraqi companies producing human drugs Partial Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) were used in the statistical program (Smart PLS (version as a statistical method for data analysis. The results of the study showed a significant effect of E-HRMS on (OF)in Iraqi pharmaceutical companies and the highest level of (OF) in Iraqi pharmaceutical companies

AQAI Capital

Applied Quantitative Artificial Intelligence

Study of Recurrent Neural Models predicting Deposits in Plate Heat Exchangers

The efficiency of plate heat exchangers (PHEs) included in process production lines depends on the cleanliness of the plate surface and directly affects the quality of the final product, fuel consumption of heat generating plants and carbon emissions. Scheduling routine maintenance for PHE cleaning increases the efficiency of heat exchange systems operation. Until recently, complex mathematical modeling was used to predict the value of the heat transfer coefficient after a certain period of operation of the heat exchanger and the point in time when the coefficient reaches the allowable limit, using systems of differential equations and matrices of heuristic coefficients, which required serious computing resources. This paper presents a study of the performance of neural network models for solving this problem: a standard recurrent neural network (RNN) with fading gradient and RNN with two hidden layers LSTM (long short-term memory) which can learn long-term dependencies, process sequen

Getting to know the Brazilian Federal Jury Court

Despite the many studies on the Jury Court in Brazil, there is a gap in relation to the Juries that take place within the scope of Federal Justice and, therefore, on intentional crimes against life, and others related to them, committed: 1. against or by a federal public official in the exercise of his or her duties, 2. in disputes over indigenous rights and 3. on board a ship or aircraft, subject to the jurisdiction of the Military Court (CF, 1988: art. 109, I, II, IV and IX). In an exploratory stage (first phase of the research) the idea is to create a database on the Federal Jury to be, in the next stage (second phase), perfected and fed, retrospectively and continuously. This will lead to the third stage (final phase) in which a Federal Jury Observatory will be created, capable of providing public information, both past and present, about the institution.

Generalized QM

Applying generalized function theory to QM

Igniting Smart Risk-Taking Behavior and Growth Mindset through Ethnoscience-Based Learning

  • Contact:Jarwadi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Smart risk-taking behavior and growth mindset can naturally emerge together in the learning process experienced by learners. The learning process that facilitates productive dialogue between teachers and learners explicitly builds a pedagogical movement, one of which is characterized by changes in the behavior of learners like a scientist. However, there are many aspects that make smart risk-taking behavior and growth mindset can maximally affect the quality of the learning process, including the way teachers teach, the learning environment, the media used by teachers, and students' activities in learning. This is in line with the demands of science learning that must link local culture, indigenous knowledge, and scientific knowledge. Learning uses local culture and wisdom as a medium for student learning, by utilizing technology as an intermediary. Unfortunately, so far there has been no research that maps how to launch smart risk-taking behavior and growth mindset through ethnosci

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

  • Contact:zcswyx3
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

  • Contact:zcswyx3
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

  • Contact:zcswyx3
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

Fildena 100mg

  • Fildena 100mg ( Purple Pill)
  • Contact:Fildena 100mg ( Purple Pill)
  • Application invited for:

Fildena 100mg is an oral pill that treats Erectile dysfunction in men. These Generic Sildenafil pills enhance your sexual lifestyle and relationship. Fildena 100mg amenities a naturally tough erection that an Ed-affected person desires to have. Fildena 100 mg Sildenafil - Buy Fildena 100 for treating erection problems in men. Get Fildena 100 with 20% OFF + Free Shipping. 100% Trusted Pills at @Medzforce. Fast Delivery In USA, UK, AUS...Order Now!

Description of the consequences of economic vulnerability in municipal elementary schools in municipality of Talca.

  • Universidad Católica Del Maule
  • Contact:Javiera Bilbao
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

En los centros escolares de Educación Básica de la comuna de Talca, se evidencian conductas segregadoras hacia la población vulnerable económicamente. En base a esto, el objetivo central de esta investigación es analizar las consecuencias que trae consigo esta exclusión hacia personas con un bajo nivel socioeconómico. Las dificultades que se perciben por el capital monetario de los estudiantes influyen en su desarrollo educativo, social, emocional y familiar, afectando el derecho a recibir una educación de calidad y equitativa, que permita su desarrollo integral como persona. Por ende, la solución a esta problemática es la entrega de información sobre los obstáculos de la vulnerabilidad económica, capacitar a los docentes, para que estos tengan herramientas y competencias efectivas que permitan una educación equitativa y de calidad para todos los estudiantes independiente del estatus socioeconómico al cual pertenezcan. Bajo este margen, es fundamental disminuir la percepción de los pro

Study of Impact of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 on Businesses

  • IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida, GB Nagar (UP) India
  • Application invited for:Researchers to identify challenges and suggested remedial measures.

On 11 Aug 2023, the Government of India promulgated the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 which will have major impact on Businesses. The Government appointed Data Protection Board of India has been vested with the powers to take action against data fiduciaries, in case of data breach.

Geochemistry, Ore Mineralogy of Banded Iron Formations of Asola – Lohara - Ratanpur Sector, Western Bastar Craton: Special Emphasis on their Genesis

Geochemistry, Ore Mineralogy of Banded Iron Formations of Asola – Lohara - Ratanpur Sector, Western Bastar Craton: Special Emphasis on their Genesis






  • Delta State University of Science and Technology,Ozoro. Nigeria
  • Contact:MABEL KEKE
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Leaching of minerals from pyrolusite, cassiterite and wollastonit

Solar energy

  • Buketov university
  • Contact:Aidos Abayev
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

technical problems of solar panels were identified: the appearance of microcracks due to weather conditions; dependence on the intensity of the sun; low efficiency of photovoltaic cells; high price of raw materials sources (silicon, silver, aluminum, copper and others); lack of research on recycling accumulated waste for reuse.

Universal web design interface: web accessibility technologies for SaaS services and mobile applications

"The object of the study is the processes of implementing universal design when creating web services and mobile applications with inclusivity in mind. The subject of the research is technologies, methods and tools for developing web services taking into account the principles of universal design and web accessibility standards. The purpose of the dissertation is to study the methods and standards of universal design in the current conditions of designing web services and mobile applications, taking into account the needs of inclusive people for optimal data presentation in web interfaces based on the ability to perceive, distinguish, manage, navigate the displayed adaptive media content."

Optimization Techniques

  • KG college of arts and science
  • Contact:Jagan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Optimization Techniques is widely using all the areas

Critical thinking in nursing education:” assessing critical thinking skills among nursing students and barriers for teaching critical thinking skills as perceived by Nurse Educators”

IRB #:2022-04-314, Date of Approval 11/9/2022

A Study of Stress among Male and Female Police Personnel and Social Work Intervention with special reference to Pune cit

  • Patrician College of Arts and Science
  • Contact:R.M. Duraiarasan
  • Application invited for:funds and grant or collaborate

Stress plays a part in the lives of everyone. Some stress is not only inevitable, it can be good. For example, the physical stress of “working out” improves your cardiovascular system, and feeling pressure that causes you to study harder for an exam can improve your score. Police stress, however, refers to the negative pressures related to police work. Police officers are not super humans. According to Gail Goolkasian and others, research shows that they are affected by their daily exposure to human indecency and pain; that dealing with a suspicious and sometimes hostile public takes its toll on them; and that the shift changes, the long periods of boredom, and the ever-present danger that are part of police work do cause serious job stress.

Sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) and ion channels: pivotal elements leading to axonal damage in peripheral nerves?

  • University of Milano-Bicocca
  • Contact:Paola Alberti
  • Application invited for:PhD students, postdoc. technicians

The project investigates mechanisms leading to peripheral neuropathies (PN), with a specific interest for axonal damage. PN have many different causes: genetic, metabolic, toxic, dysimmune(Scuteri and Cavaletti, 2016). Patients affected by PN can experience impaired strength, sensation and involuntary functions (e.g. control of the gastrointestinal tract). Unfortunately, in the majority of cases there are only symptomatic treatments; this is partly due to the incomplete knowledge of axonal damage mechanisms. The project investigates a possible pathogenetic cascade, shared by different PN, with the aim of shedding light on the chronological and causative sequence of events leading to peripheral nerve axon damage. Goals Verifying the role of a particular molecular family, the sodium/calcium exchangers (NCX) family, as downstream pivotal elements leading to axonal damage.

Commitment of the Dutch colonial company in Japan-Indonesian trade in 1930s.

In 1930s, trade between Japan and colonial Indonesia had emerged, mainly because of the Great Depression in 1929. Especially, textile was mainly imported from Osaka by several business groups. Among them, one of Dutch company, Borsumij, became one of the most influential counterpart in import from Japan, which enabled her to commit the trade policy-making of colonial government. Although this company was found in several archives including Dutch and Japanese and now became the global company known as Borsumij Wehry, the history has rarely been focused by Indonesian economic historian. Based on the Javanese Bank archives and colonial archives of Netherland, I would like to describe how the Borsumij could achieve the access of textile as the global commodity in 1920s and 1930s.

Deconstructing the meaning of symbols in the Sekaten tradition to support the inheritance of Javanese cultural values in the Era of Freedom of Learning

  • Veteran Bangun Nusantara University
  • Contact:Nuryani Tri Rahayu
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The preservation of the Sekaten tradition is threatened due to objectification and commercialization under economic pretexts. The meaning of cultural symbols containing local wisdom values is no longer understood by the millennial generation, they are considered ancient and irrelevant with current conditions. The decline of traditional arts and culture is caused by globalization and the emergence of an era of disruption. Various new communication media have caused modern, new, popular and profane culture to emerge, eroding traditional culture. On the other hand, the government's policy regarding Independent Learning opens up opportunities for the community to participate in improving the quality of education through the development of various learning resources. This phenomenon underlies the importance of research aimed at: (a) deconstructing the meaning of symbols in the Sekaten tradition; (b) reinterpret the meaning of symbols and the values contained therein referring to Javanese cu

Easy forecasting and monitoring the occurrence of Marine Biotoxins and HABs in marine environment applying models/softwares based on machine learning that extracts and analyses time-series data from d

  • Eduardo Mondlane University
  • Application invited for:Projects/collaborators to fund these type of studies

Marine Biotoxins and their producers are still a major threat to the public health worldwide because these toxins can cause poisoning to animals including humans although food web. So, the devolopment of easy and rapid tools for forecating and monitoring is strongly needed in order to management the ocurrence of marine biotoxins and their producer.

Contabilidad de gestión de la innovación

El contexto actual en el que se deben desenvolver las organizaciones, caracterizado por la incertidumbre, crisis epidemiológica, la globalización, la alta competitividad y con acelerados avances tecnológicos; la búsqueda de ventajas competitivas es un factor significativo, el estudio de la innovación cobra una gran importancia, vista como una variante dentro del progreso económico que permite sobreponerse a las adversidades del entorno y que brinda una opción de éxito en este escenario. No obstante, la innovación es un complejo proceso que conlleva el uso de una serie de recursos, cuyos costos deben ser estudiados.

Hasnecod: Sensor network for contaminant detection.

  • Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing - National Research Council of Italy
  • Application invited for:Gas sensors, electronic instruments, environmental monitoring, PID controllers,

A System composed of a hat is proposed, this serves as a support and at the same time as a container, they have an arrangement of 7 gas detector sensors, a dust particle sensor, and other accessories that are used to integrate a communications scheme to send data to the internet.

SEMIVAVA:Environmental impact on the person.

  • Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing - National Research Council of Italy
  • Application invited for:wearable hat, sensors gas, environmental monitoring, Artificial Vision, Gps



  • Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing - National Research Council of Italy
  • Application invited for:PID controller, sensors, temperature, parameters and calculations, transfer function.

The main objective of the article is to show how the necessary parameters are calculated and obtained to build a non-pressurized closed chamber and generate thermal cycles for 3 temperature zones using a PID controller.

Art Outreach

  • Creative Arts Solution Foundation
  • Contact:Olusola David Ayibiowu
  • Application invited for:Donors, Sponsors, Partners

Creative Arts Solution Foundation a non-governmental foundation. We are embarking on "Art Outreach" for Junior & Senior Secondary Sch. Our Partner: Lagos State Government

  • PellePelle Jacket
  • Contact:PellePelle Jacket
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  • PellePelle Jacket
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  • PellePelle Jacket
  • Contact:PellePelle Jacket
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  • Universal Jacket
  • Contact:Universal Jacket
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  • Universal Jacket
  • Contact:Universal Jacket
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  • Universal Jacket
  • Contact:Universal Jacket
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  • Yellowstone Jacket
  • Contact:Yellowstone Jacket
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  • Yellowstone Jacket
  • Contact:Yellowstone Jacket
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  • Yellowstone Jacket
  • Contact:Yellowstone Jacket
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  • Letterman Jacket
  • Contact:Letterman Jacket
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  • Letterman Jacket
  • Contact:Letterman Jacket
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  • Letterman Jacket
  • Contact:Letterman Jacket
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  • Locanam SLS 3D Printing
  • Contact:locanam 3dprinting
  • Application invited for:SLA PRINTING SERVICES

Stereolithography (SLA) falls under the Vat Photopolymerization family and is an additive manufacturing process. It utilizes a UV laser beam to selectively cure liquid photosensitive thermoset polymers layer-by-layer, resulting in the creation of three-dimensional objects. This process shares common characteristics with Direct Light Processing (DLP), another Vat Photopolymerization 3D printing technology. In SLA, a laser beam moves in the X-Y axes across the resin surface based on the 3D data provided by the .stl file. The polymer resin hardens precisely at the laser's impact points. After completing a layer, the platform within the vat descends (Z axis), and the laser outlines the next layer. Unaffected resin in the vat remains available for reuse. This sequence repeats until the entire object is formed, allowing the platform to be raised for removal. Support structures are essential in SLA and are fabricated using the same material as the main part. These supports need manual remov

FDM 3D Printing Services

  • Locanam SLS 3D Printing
  • Contact:locanam 3dprinting
  • Application invited for:FDM 3D PRINTING SERVICES

Fused deposition modelling (FDM), also known as the material extrusion additive manufacturing technique, utilizes polymers as the raw material (filament). The filament is usually heated to a molten state and then extruded through the nozzle of the machine (3D printer). The nozzle head can move in three degrees of freedom (DoF) to deposit the extruded polymer on the build plate as per the G-code instructions. As shown, the filament is continuously fed through the extruder and nozzle of the machine via the two rollers rotating in opposite directions. The material is deposited on the build plate layer-by-layer until the required product shape and size are achieved. During the layering, the printer nozzle navigates back and forth as per the spatial coordinates of the original CAD model in the G-code files until the desired size and shape of the component is produced. In some FDM systems (3D printers), multiple extrusion nozzles can be used to deposit

Locanam Nylon PA-12 Powder

  • Locanam SLS 3D Printing
  • Contact:locanam 3dprinting
  • Application invited for:Nylon PA-12 Powder

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a 3D printing technology that uses a laser to sinter powdered material, layer by layer, to create a three-dimensional object. SLS is commonly used with various materials, and one of them is nylon PA12 powder. PA12 stands for Polyamide 12, which is a type of nylon. Here are some key characteristics and considerations related to SLS Nylon PA12 powder: Material Properties: Strength and Durability: Nylon PA12 is known for its high strength and durability, making it suitable for functional prototypes and end-use parts. Flexibility: It has a degree of flexibility, which can be advantageous in certain applications. Applications: SLS Nylon PA12 is commonly used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, healthcare, and consumer goods. Its durability and mechanical properties make it suitable for functional prototypes, tooling, and end-use parts. For More -


  • Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
  • Contact:Shovkova Anna
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Global changes in society have led to the need to change the educational system. One of the reasons for these changes has been the need to train teaching staff who are able to respond quickly to changes and are ready to seek new solutions to traditional challenges. The solution to this problem lies in the formation of an innovative culture. The project has dealt with the issues related to the development of the innovative culture, which engender new problems in pedagogical science, in particular drafting of the technology of development of the innovative culture of teacher as part of professional and practical training of the future teachers.

e government and higher study

e government and higher study


Survey Online/Offline (Hybrid)

GCP Training

Workshop Online

Theory of the conflict dynamical systems

  • Institute of mathematics Kyiv Ukraine
  • Contact:Koshmanenko Volodymyr
  • Application invited for:Description of the equilibrium states

Modelling of conflict phenomena

The conflict transformations of spectral measures. The problem of the singular continuous spectrum

  • Institute of mathematics Kyiv Ukraine
  • Contact:Koshmanenko Volodymyr
  • Application invited for:Application to beliefs and opinion formations in social webs

Fractal and field interpretation of the singular continuous spectrum

Designing photonic waveguides for Optimal power transfer using ML

  • Nazarbayev University
  • Contact:Alikhan Aitbayev
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The application of photonic crystals is a progressive field with various applications for today’s applied physics and engineering. To contribute progress to the field requires knowing several physical disciplines such as Electromagnetic theory, Quantum mechanics, photonics and optoelectronics with solid-state physics. As you may see, our research topic narrows down to studying PDW (Periodic Dielectric Waveguides). Our goal is to prepare such design that would carry the light (Gaussian beam) with as less losses and leakages as possible. Although only raw version of the structure was selected, further in the research we plan to add ML (Machine learning) techniques with regard to the shape and local changes of the structure for its improvement

Bioconjugate Chemistry and Targeted Therapies: Precision Drug Delivery at the Molecular Level

  • Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University
  • Contact:Anubhav Chaurasia
  • Application invited for:Contributors, Co-authors

In the relentless pursuit of more effective and less invasive therapeutic approaches, bioconjugate chemistry has emerged as a transformative field, enabling precision drug delivery at the molecular level. This exploration delves into the innovative strides made in the realm of bioconjugate chemistry and targeted therapies, highlighting their pivotal role in revolutionizing drug delivery systems. By intricately linking therapeutic agents with specific biological molecules, bioconjugate chemistry ensures the precise targeting of diseased cells, minimizing collateral damage to healthy tissues. The diverse array of bioconjugate strategies, including antibody-drug conjugates, peptide conjugates, and nucleic acid-based constructs, are discussed, each tailored to exploit the unique molecular signatures of various diseases. Additionally, insights are provided on the challenges and future prospects of bioconjugate-based targeted therapies, emphasizing the potential to reshape the landscape of m

A Quandary of Tremors and Constriction: Essential Tremor and Spinal Stenosis - A Life Altered

  • Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University
  • Contact:Anubhav Chaurasia
  • Application invited for:Contributors, Co-authors

This case report delves into the intricate challenges faced by a patient grappling with the simultaneous burden of Essential Tremor (ET) and Spinal Stenosis (SS). Essential Tremor, characterized by uncontrollable shaking, and Spinal Stenosis, a condition causing the narrowing of the spinal canal leading to mobility issues, create a multifaceted medical scenario. The study meticulously explores the patient's lifestyle, detailing their daily struggles, medication regimen, and the impact of prescribed drugs. The patient, under the care of a distinguished neurologist, received the grim prognosis that neither condition is curable, and their conditions will inevitably worsen over time. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the patient's journey, shedding light on the intertwining complexities of coexisting ET and SS. It illuminates the challenges faced in daily life due to these conditions and meticulously documents the pharmacological interventions attempted to alleviate symptoms


While higher education has been considered as both an ‘engine’ for innovation and a ‘catalyst’ for sustainability development, the integration of both the ‘innovation engine’ and ‘sustainability catalyst’ roles is best reflected in higher education’s engagement in innovation ecosystems. This research aims to shed new lights on Innovation Ecosystems, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Technology Transfer Ecosystem. This research is built upon an empirical analysis conducted on 20 HEIs in India. And revealed that there are three main ecosystems for the knowledge exploitation: the technology transfer ecosystem, devoted to gather knowledge form universities' labs towards industries; the innovation ecosystem, able to manage the exploration and exploitation of new knowledge and techniques; the entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports startup/spinoff creation process and provides new opportunities of collaboration involving different stakeholders as university administrators, researchers, busines


Higher educational institutions are planning a very important role in sustainability development, via, education’s engagement in innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems, also termed as Inno- Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. This research aims to shed new light on Ecosystems to promote innovative entrepreneurship in India via, Higher educational institutions. This research is built upon an empirical analysis conducted on 10 HEIs in India and revealed that there are three main ecosystems for knowledge exploitation: the technology transfer ecosystem, the innovation ecosystem, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We have found that the local government has played an enricher role in directly driving university-industry connections from a mainly top-down approach. Yet many issues remain and more bottom-up policies are needed to be initiated. Our findings also highlight both the benefits and liabilities of the top-down approach of government policy in driving innovation ecosystems for Inno-Entr

Transição energética e Mudanças Climáticas: uma proposta de estudo comparativo sobre as políticas de mitigação dos riscos climáticos no âmbito da União Europeia (UE) e do Brasil (MERCOSUL)

A agenda das alterações climáticas tornou-se uma questão estratégica e este assunto tem assegurado um amplo debate em todas as esferas da sociedade. E o aquecimento global, indubitavelmente, constitui em um dos problemas centrais na contemporaneidade. Desde 1970, observa-se que as lideranças políticas e empresariais dos países ricos, desenvolvidos e industrializados receiam que a reprodução do capital possa ficar comprometida com a crescente degradação ambiental. Recentemente, aplicadores, chefes de estados, dirigentes empresariais etc. – reunidos no Fórum Econômico Mundial (Davos/Suíça) – classificaram cinco pontos críticos relacionados às mudanças climáticas, a saber: a) inundações e tempestades; b) falha nas políticas de contenção e mitigação das mudanças climáticas; c) desastres naturais (tsunamis, furacões e terremotos); d) perda de biodiversidade e colapso dos ecossistemas; e e) danos e desastres ambientais causados pelos seres humanos. Diante das vicissitudes que marcam o futur

História e memória do saneamento básico no Centro-Oeste: abastecimento de água, coleta de esgoto e gestão de resíduos sólidos no Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul (1964-2020)

A proposta visa investigar a expansão do saneamento básico nos Estados de Mato Grosso (MT) e Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), no período entre 1964 e 2020. O recorte cronológico destaca, no seu ponto inicial, a implantação do Regime Civil-Militar, e, no seu marco final, remete à Promulgação da Lei Federal n. 14.0620/2020. O projeto pretende explorar quatro fatores que impactaram na expansão das redes de água potável e esgoto e nas práticas de gestão de resíduos sólidos nas unidades federais contempladas. Esses fatores são: (1) os investimentos procedentes do Plano Nacional de Saneamento (PLANASA), executado entre 1971 e 1986; (2) o crescimento demográfico no MT e MS; (3) a redução nos investimentos públicos para o saneamento no período pós-PLANASA; e (4) o agravamento dos problemas socioambientais decorrentes da poluição hídrica e do descarte incorreto dos resíduos sólidos. Metodologicamente, propomos articular a coleta e análise de dados quantitativos e qualitativos, desenvolvendo uma pesquis




  • Complutense University of Madrid
  • Contact:Sergio Grossi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Grossi’s medium and long-term goals are to coordinate an interdisciplinary research lab on the education and reintegration of people in prison. This research will contribute to a Master's degree on socio-educational interventions in prisons, and will serve as a consultative space for international and national, public and private institutions.

Project Title: Mangrove Spectres: a Manguebeat perspective on Lusophone Anthropocene Researcher: Pedro Vidal Diaz Professor Advisor: Robert Stock Modality: Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobi

This research aims to conduct a documentary analysis centered on the production within post-colonial regions adjacent to tropical mangroves in Lusophone territories. It explores the Manguebeat movement as a critical contribution to understanding the Anthropocene. Employing audiovisual archives, reminiscent of Derrida's specters, this study encompasses fieldwork conducted in Portugal. It involves interviews and works by immigrant artists and researchers from Mozambique and Brazil, seeking to explore how Manguebeat practices can enrich contemporary critiques within local and global assemblage dynamics. Amidst the backdrop of a historical trend of modern extractivism, this study engages with Anthropocene studies that critique the monocultural legacy of a 'plantatiocene'. It contrasts these perspectives with the potential offered by narratives and fictions in the creation of world-making processes, akin to concepts explored by Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing (2017). Specifically, it refers to

Rhizosphere Management for Sustainable Adriculture

  • Contact:Namdas Dada Dhondiba
  • Application invited for:Eco-friendly option for Phosphatic Fedrtilizer

The rhizosphere generally refers to the portion of soil found adjacent to the roots of living plants. The rhizosphere is subject to the influence of chemicals excreted by roots of living plants and the microbial community in this microzone. The rhizosphere is the zone of soil surrounding a plant root where the biology and chemistry of the soil are influenced by the root. As plant roots grow through soil they mostly release water soluble compounds such as amino acids, sugars and organic acids that supply food for the microorganisms. It is an important component of the plant ecosystem which influences the plant health in natural and stressed conditions. It is composed of the diverse microbial communities whose presence is influenced by the root exudates. The rhizosphere and its microbial community constitute the rhizomicrobiome. The rhizosphere can be divided into two regions (Lynch, 1982): endorhizosphere, including the inner root region (stele with conducing elements: xylem and phloem,


Globalization, climate change, and increased consumer demands all pose significant the contemporary food supply chain, needing a revolutionary strategy to assure safety, resi, and sustainability. This study proposal promotes the incorporation of safety science principles into food supply chains, giving a complete framework for proactive and comprehensive food safety. The key goals are to increase women's economic prospects, advan proof of scalable solutions, and modify gender norms about paid labor and caring. The research endeavor will use a multi-method approach to perform pilot projects, quantitative ass, and examinations of sustainable business models. Methodologies that are data-centric and cost-effective will shape plans, inform policies, and lead the implementation of integrated safety science practices. The discovery of successful childcare models, proof of scalability and sustainability, and a detailed understanding of the influence on women's economic

Food biopolymers for increasing technological functionality and adding value, plant-based food valorization, and comparing the quality of plant-based and meat-based food items.

Page | 3AbstractThis study aims to investigate the transformational potential of food biopolymers in -functionalities, encouraging additional value in plant-based food items, and performing an excellent comparison of plant-based and meat-based alternatives. The project is to investigate the properties and functions of diverse food biopolymers produced from natural sour in order to better understand their role in molding the texture, stability, and sensory aspect of plant-based meals. The main goal is to comprehend how incorporating these biopolymers might improve the general quality and appeal of plant-based alternatives. Th present research aims to further improve our comprehension of food biopolymers by offering insights into their application for increasing the techno-functionalities of plant-based goods and contributing to value addition. The study's goal is to evaluate the influence of food bioplay on nutritional enrichment and the development of innovative,

Assessing the Role of Policy Frameworks in Sustainable Food Systems for Zero Hunger by 2030

A fundamental component of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Hunger by 2030, needs a transformational restructuring of global food systems. This ambitious project strives not just for food supply, but also for fair access to safe, nutritious food for all. At the core of this quest is the critical function of policy frameworks, which steer food system reformation by influencing behaviors and laws across the supply chain. These frame, which encompass agricultural, trade, investment, and environmental policy, serves the cornerstone for building long-term food systems. Their ability to integrate economic, social, and environmental aspects in order to promote equitable food availability is critical. This Proposal examines the role of policy frameworks in attaining Zero Hunger by 2030. It examines their design, completion, and efficacy in promoting resilient and sustainable Foodsystems. The review seeks to identify the strengths

Utility of the EIS technique for reliable corrosion rate estimation of Mg alloys and study the factors affecting.

Study the composition, structure and protective properties of the nano layers formed on the outer surfaces of the Mg–Al alloys in contact with the atmosphere

Affiliate Marketing Services

  • Contact:Appear Tech
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Best SEO Service provider in Bangladesh

  • Contact:Appear Tech
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Web Design Company in Bangladesh

  • Contact:Appear Tech
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

RIGHTS Commission, needs help with advocacy for people who wrongfully lost their money in court rulings.

  • PL Lucas® Foundations & Trust, IFNBT®, Life Force Recovery®, RIGHTS®, PL Lucas® Education, Decorative Remodeling®...
  • Contact:P Leia Lucas
  • Application invited for:Therefore, we need legal advocacy help to correct this, please. THANK YOU.

We witnessed divorce proceedings in Redwood City, San Mateo and various S.F. bay area counties of CA in which the X-husband hid assets, then told stories in court to illegally take almost all of the wife's money and assets using corrupt lawyers. During the process, they tried to criminalize the wife in order to take the focus off all they were hiding. However, there are many public, court, deed, county and Secretary of state filings that offer clear evidence and proof of the X-husband's duplicity, and the wife's innocence. And yet, none of the same have yet been viewed or ruled on by the courts.


  • Contact:Dr.M,.ESAKKIAMMAL
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Abstract Modern man has been using as an enormous quantity of basic raw materials as possible converting them at first into valuable products and later when the products get discarded into waste. Not all components of solid waste are valuable. Some are useless and others are toxic. Using various processes, fresh biomass is converted into a liquid phase (nutrient-rich green juice containing lactic acids, amino acids, proteins and other components) and a solid phase that consists mainly of fibers, and whose economic return is said to determine the economic efficiency of the high value added component. Natural fibers such as jute, kenaf, sisal, hemp and flax have been used in the recent chemistry research area. Fibers and fibrous products account for the largest proportion of the product portfolio in the high value added component. Natural fibers are sustainable materials which are easily available in nature and have advantages like low-cost, lightweight, renewability, biodegradability,

Desbridamiento enzimático de heridas

  • Editorial Lugones
  • Contact:Lugones Editorial
  • Application invited for:

El desbridamiento enzimático consiste en la eliminación progresiva del tejido desnaturalizado o necrótico de las heridas llevado a cabo por enzimas de aplicación tópica. Entrevista con el Dr. Santiago L. Laborde (M. N. 86.746), Médico especialista en Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva, Hospital Nacional de Pediatría J. P. Garrahan y Hospital de Quemados (CABA) Lic. María Fernanda Cristoforetti, Editora de Lugones Editorial, Buenos Aires, Argentina

El rol de las vacunas en la diabetes

  • Editorial Lugones
  • Contact:Lugones Editorial
  • Application invited for:

Para las personas con diabetes, las vacunas son herramientas preventivas de gran valor ante las infecciones. La importancia de difundir el valor de la inmunización. Entrevista con el Dr. Amadeo Esposto (M.N. 13891), Médico Infectólogo, especialista jerarquizado en Medicina Interna, exjefe del Servicio de Infectología, Hospital General San Martín de La Plata.

Hidroxiapatita de calcio en surcos nasolabiales

  • Editorial Lugones
  • Contact:Lugones Editorial
  • Application invited for:

Evaluación de la seguridad y eficacia de la hidroxiapatita de calcio en el tratamiento de surcos nasolabiales. Por el Dr. Marcelo Robles, Médico Cirujano Plástico Reconstructivo, Director Médico, Clínica Robles, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Increasing the efficiency of low consumption, low power expansion turbomachines.

In Ukraine, as well as in the global economy as a whole, the issue of energy conservation and reducing the use of fossil natural resources is becoming increasingly acute The constantly growing demand for electricity supply for industrial and household consumers stimulates the development of energy efficient solutions. One of the energy efficient solutions is the use of the exergy of compressed gases and steam, which is lost on reducers and regulators at gas distribution stations ( gas distribution points ( chemical and other energy enterprises, and in the communal and household sectors. Another area of possible application that urgently needs development in modern day Ukraine is the creation of small scale energy complexes for autonomous and individual consumers, i e decentralization of energy supply to increase national security.


Work Settings Hospitals and Clinics: Providing inpatient and outpatient care. Private Practice: Offering therapy and counseling services. Academic and Research Institutions: Conducting research and teaching. Community and Social Services: Working with specific populations, such as children, veterans, or the elderly.

Flappy Bird is often remembered as a cultural phenomenon that captured the attention of millions of players around the world, despite its challenging and frustrating gameplay. It has also sparked disc

  • flappy bird
  • Contact:Jack Knight
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Flappy Bird is often remembered as a cultural phenomenon that captured the attention of millions of players around the world, despite its challenging and frustrating gameplay. It has also sparked discussions about game design, addiction, and the impact of mobile games on mental health, making it a noteworthy and memorable entry in the history of mobile gaming.

Flappy Bird is often remembered as a cultural phenomenon that captured the attention of millions of players around the world, despite its challenging and frustrating gameplay. It has also sparked disc

  • flappy bird
  • Contact:Jack Knight
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Flappy Bird is often remembered as a cultural phenomenon that captured the attention of millions of players around the world, despite its challenging and frustrating gameplay. It has also sparked discussions about game design, addiction, and the impact of mobile games on mental health, making it a noteworthy and memorable entry in the history of mobile gaming.

Flappy Bird is often remembered as a cultural phenomenon that captured the attention of millions of players around the world, despite its challenging and frustrating gameplay. It has also sparked disc

  • flappy bird
  • Contact:Jack Knight
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Flappy Bird is often remembered as a cultural phenomenon that captured the attention of millions of players around the world, despite its challenging and frustrating gameplay. It has also sparked discussions about game design, addiction, and the impact of mobile games on mental health, making it a noteworthy and memorable entry in the history of mobile gaming.


  • Contact:nyalabet
  • Application invited for:


  • Contact:nyalabet
  • Application invited for:


  • Contact:nyalabet
  • Application invited for:

Tradesia Login

  • Contact:tradesia
  • Application invited for:

Tradesia Daftar

  • Contact:tradesia
  • Application invited for:

Tradesia Link ALternatif

  • Contact:tradesia
  • Application invited for:

A scientific investigation on 27 divine plant species of Indian sub continent

We have thousands of plant species, but as per Hindu mythology they have identified few plant species are like goddesses, I would like to study on the chemistry of these plant species

Environment Sustainability

  • KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Contact:Dr.P.PRABHAVATHY
  • Application invited for:GRANT


adrenal gland in the fetus as predictor of post date pregnancy

  • Mustansiriyah Medical colleg
  • Contact:wisam akram
  • Application invited for:Correlation between fetal AGV and postdate pregnancy

Still on gooing

Preliminary identification of bacterial species contaminating okra fruits in some selected markets in Owo, Nigeria.

  • Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo, Nigeria
  • Application invited for:The level of bacteria contamination in okra sold in some major markets in Owo metropolis.

Despite the significance of Okra cultivation in the society, the effective management of its post-harvest diseases poses a considerable challenge to plant pathologists. The study will inveestigate spoilage bacteria associated with Okra fruits during post-harvest storage. Okra fruits would be purchased from three (3) local markets (Ogwagbe, Areghona and Oba market) in Owo, Nigeria and examined for bacteria contamination using morphological (macro- and microscopic) identification. The highest-occurring bacterial genera would be determined. The frequency of occurrence of the bacteria would be a pointer to determining the post-harvest handling of Okra.

Design of CSRR and Toothed SRR-Based Metamaterial Antenna

This research presents a novel antenna design tailored for satellite applications, incorporating a hybrid configuration comprising one Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) and nine Toothed Split Ring Resonators (TSRRs) on a defected grounded plane. The proposed antenna leverages metamaterials, characterized by unique properties like negative permeability and negative permittivity. The entire structure is implemented on an FR4 substrate with a height of 1.53 mm. The introduction of a slots enhances the antenna's versatility, enabling operation across multiple frequency bands i.e, 4.5 GHz, 5.05 GHz, and 5.55 GHz, resulting in notable improvements in gain, bandwidth, and return loss. Further refinement involves the truncation of antenna corners, resulting in circular polarization and enhanced impedance matching. Simulation tools such as CST, HFSS, and FEKO were employed to analyze and validate the proposed antenna design. Experimental testing in an anechoic chamber yielded a return l

A língua portuguesa em Andorra numa perspetiva sociolinguística: o uso de code-switching e a emergência de inovações linguísticas.

  • Contact:Joana Aguiar
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

São objetivos deste projeto de investigação: a) contribuir para o estudo da diversidade linguística em Andorra, com enfoque na comunidade portuguesa; b) identificar empréstimos linguísticos e neologismos; c) identificar e analisar os contextos de code-switching e a sua função pragmática; d) identificar eventuais processos fonológicos, morfológicos e sintáticos em variação e mudança.

Comprehensive Study on the Diversity of Tardigrates in Peru

This project delves into the fascinating realm of microscopic life by conducting a comprehensive study on the diversity of tardigrates in Peru. Tardigrates, often referred to as water bears, are resilient micro-animals known for their ability to withstand extreme environmental conditions. The research aims to uncover the rich tapestry of tardigrate species within Peru, exploring various ecosystems and regions. Employing state-of-the-art microscopic and molecular techniques, the study seeks to identify and document different species, shedding light on their distribution patterns and potential ecological significance. By unraveling the secrets of these tiny yet remarkable organisms, this project contributes valuable insights to the broader understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics in Peru.

Digitization of All written Records of J&K Government

  • Application invited for:Collaborator/student

Digitization of All written Records of J&K Government. if interested to be a part of Project, For further details, please contact me my email.

Is CHEK2 a new susceptibility gene for retinoblastoma?

• Purpose. Following the advent of exome analysis, some reports of single cases of retinoblastoma with pathogenic variants in genes other than RB1 have been reported. We decided to establish if was a coincidence or a real demonstration of additional retinoblastoma genes. • Methods. We performed clinical exome in 16 cases of "non-RB1" belonging to Siena Medical Genetics Unit. Sample preparation was performed following the nextera flex for enrichment manufacturer protocol. The workflow uses a bead-based transposome complex to tagment genomic DNA. Following tagmentation, a limited-cycle pcr adds adapter sequences to the ends of a dna fragment. Following pooling, the double stranded DNA libraries are denatured and biotinylated trusight one expanded oligonucleotide probles are hybridized to the denatured library fragments. The captured and indexed libraries are eluted from beads and further amplified before sequencing. The exome sequencing analysis was performed on the illumina Novaseq6000

Pathophysiology of osteoporosis: role of hidden cortisol excess and its predictors in bone fragility

Osteoporosis is a chronic skeletal disease which leads to a decrease in bone strength which increases the risk of fractures. In 2017, in Italy, 560,000 fragility fractures occurred and resulted in health costs for the National Health Service of about € 9.4 billion. Moreover, both the fracture incidence and the health expenditure continue to grow due to the progressive aging of the Italian population. Clinically overt hypercortisolism (i.e. Cushing¿s syndrome) leads to hypertension, central obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis. More recently, even the condition of mild and asymptomatic hypercortisolism has been associated with increased prevalence of chronic complications of cortisol excess and mortality. In patients with osteoporosis this form of hypercortisolism may remain occult (hidden hypercortisolism, HidHyCo), until its presence is suspected on the basis of particular characteristics of the underlying disease. By definition, HidHyCo is a condition of cortisol excess in the absence

Bioconversion of carbon dioxide and H2 to methane using hydrogenotrophic methanogens

The biological conversion of CO2 and hydrogen to methane is well-known reaction without the demand for high pressure and temperature and is carried out by hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Reducing equivalents to the biotransformation of carbon dioxide from biogas or other resources to biomethane can be supplied by external hydrogen. Discontinuous electricity production from wind and solar energy combined with fluctuating utilization causes serious storage problems that can be solved by a power-to-gas strategy representing the production of storable hydrogen via the electrolysis of water. The possibility of subsequent repowering of the energy of hydrogen to an easily utilizable and transportable form is a biological conversion with CO2 to biomethane.

Art Therapy in exceptional Children and adults and life skills in autism spectrum disorder

  • Islamic Azad University
  • Contact:kaveh Moghaddam
  • Application invited for:grants and financial support

applying art therapy interventions for autism spectrum disorder

Life Skills in adults with autism spectrum disorder

studies and projects in which can help to better life in adults with autism spectrum disorder.


  • Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
  • Contact:Mustapha Salihu
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The use of plants in the management of snakebite has been an old practice especially among the populace in snake endemic regions in South East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria. Communities in these countries heavily rely on these plants due to easy access, acceptability and affordability. Catunaregam nilotica is a Nigerian medicinal plant commonly employed in the management of snakebite by some communities in North Western part of Nigeria without scientific validation. Preliminary screening of the plant against PLA2 enzyme has validated the antisnake venom activity of the plant by inhibiting the lethal actions of the enzyme from Naja nigricollis by 100 %. The black-necked spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis), the puff adder (Bitis arientans), and the carpet viper (Echis ocellatus) are the three poisonous snake species that are most frequently encountered in Nigeria. The main objective is to find a substance that can be developed into a dosage form to treat snake venom victims

• Gestión directiva de Instituciones Educativas

  • Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
  • Contact:Rafael Egusquiza
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Identificar las funciones y prácticas de gestión organizadas por equipos directivos de Instituciones educativas de educación básica

• La intervención de los gobiernos y sociedad local en la mejora de la gestión escolar

  • Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
  • Contact:Rafael Egusquiza
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Establecer aquellos aspectos que son susceptibles de relacionar desde el gobierno local e instituciones que son percibidas como aliadas por las escuelas, que redundan en mejoras de la propuesta educativa de estas.

Fasting and Oncology Funding Agency : NCI Completed Author 48000 2024 - 2024 Anxiety disorders Funding Agency : YourDOST Completed Author 56000 2023 - 2023 Social media and mental health

Abstracts are concise summaries that provide an overview of the essential points, findings, or arguments presented in a document, such as a research paper, article, or thesis. They are typically placed at the beginning of the document to help readers quickly understand the content without having to read the entire work. Abstracts vary in length but are generally brief, ranging from a few sentences to a few hundred words. Here's an example of an abstract for a research paper

Identification of resistant genes during drought stress on moringa plant .

  • Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Contact:Warqaa Al-Sheikh
  • Application invited for:Test of the most effective genes during the process.

Using different genetic tests during drought stress.

Determination of different enzyme contents during the above process.

  • Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Contact:Warqaa Al-Sheikh
  • Application invited for:The kinds of enzymes which dominated .

Using different tests to identify the most effective enzymes .

Desarrollo de la teoría pluridimensional de los valores

Desarrollo de una teoría axiológica propia que presupone un enfoque complejo y multidimensional de su objeto de estudio: los valores

Desarrollo de una teoría particular de los valores estéticos

Propuesta teórica que se desprende de la aplicación de la teoría pluridimensional general de los valores a los valores estéticos y artísticos

Desarrollo de la teoría de la colonialidad/decolonialidad

Desarrollo de las categorías fundamentales de la teoría general de la colonialidad/decolonialidad y de su aplicación a la estética

Interactive Mobile Visual Dictionary Design for the hearing impaired

Visual education is needed at all levels of a deaf child's education. Every educational material is a design object. It is necessary to benefit from the rich content and attractive aesthetics of visual perception materials in order to facilitate the literacy of these children, develop their vocabulary and spread sign language. So, the main purpose is to use the abilities of a sound sense (seeing) in order to eliminate the problems caused by a loss of sense (hearing) in the education of the child.


No Brasil os estudos urbanos, geralmente, têm se dedicado a acompanhar e a compreender a dinâmica das metrópoles, das cidades grandes e cidades médias. No arcabouço desses estudos certamente que a proposição de classificar as cidades, sobretudo, quanto o grau de sua influência em diversas escalas tem contribuído para o planejamento local e regional. Ao pensarmos um município na totalidade do seu território este poderá ser caracterizado pela sua fisiografia, economia, cultura, e pela configuração urbana com a cidade-sede e os seus distritos; estes últimos alijados dos planos de desenvolvimento que concentram seus esforços e investimentos para a melhoria da sede. Dessa forma, se estabelece uma dicotomia entre um lugar luminoso (sede) e os lugares opacos (distritos) dentro de um mesmo território. Por outro lado, o processo de globalização percebido com mais atenção nos territórios mais luminosos também chegou aos distritos causando mudanças na relação sede/distritos. Pesquisar distritos q

Análisis e interpretación de conceptos de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral de una variable en alumnos de Ingeniería y Matemáticas en la Unidad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías de la Universidad Autónom

Como lo señala (Chevallard, 2006), la enseñanza de las matemáticas es tradicionalista y su trasformación se ha tardado por los múltiples factores que la integran, pero algo que se da a la luz del diseño de la forma de enseñar, es no tratar en el aula la forma en que se originaron los conceptos, por ejemplo, ¿qué significa la derivada? ¿por qué el alumno tiene que aprender a derivar? ¿el contenido del tema de derivada incluye aplicaciones? ¿de qué tipo son estas aplicaciones? ¿son de matemáticas? ¿de otras ciencias? ¿de problemas relacionados con la vida cotidiana? Estas son algunas de las cuestiones para tomar en cuenta como punto de partida, para darle significado al contenido matemático escolar del tema de la derivada, que no sólo se trate en el aula, sino que ciertos conceptos de cálculo que se enseñan en la matemática escolar se vean reflejados en el contexto cotidiano en el que se desenvuelve el estudiante. Las preguntas planteadas se orientaron al tema de la derivada, pero se pre

Data Science

  • Institute of Advanced Research
  • Contact:Abhishek Pandey
  • Application invited for:Collaborator, Medical Data ICMR

I am looking to collaborate with data analytics with data science students

The creation of transformational prostheses as a way to strengthen reception self-esteem

The objective of this research is to investigate digitally modeled and 3D printed artifacts from the examination of the reception procedures established in the dialectic with their creation in order to apprehend how the “material” and “procedure” adopted can condition processes of customization. The artifacts accepted as objects of study are the “transformational prostheses”, more specifically the category of “prostheses as body sculptures” (Tavares, 2021). Transformational prostheses keep reference to the notion of “transformational object” by Bollas (2015) and to the concept of objectile, by Deleuze (1991). In addition to meeting a utilitarian demand, transformational prostheses such as body sculptures manifest themselves as three-dimensional artistic pieces attached to the body, capable of being aesthetically customized by the receptor and acting as a way to physical and psychic transformations, in order to strengthen his/her self-confidence.

Spectroscopy Rare Earth

Herein the synthesis, structural characterization and photoluminescence behavior of Er/Yb activated Gd(2)O(3 )phosphor is presented. Yb and Er-doped Gd2O3 phosphor samples were synthesized through the conventional solid-state-reaction (SSR) method and their structural aspects were examined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Morphology of the prepared phosphor samples was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The emission and excitation spectra of the prepared phosphor samples were systematically recorded. They displayed intense emission in the visible region. The excitation spectra recorded at 613 nm emission showed two prominent excitation peaks at 254 and 278 nm. Similar to that excitation with various emission peaks were also observed correspondingly at 467, 545 and 613 nm. The present study gives basic information about the transition of (Yb, Er) activated rare earth as well as the spectroscopic parameters of the prepared p


If you do not want to pay for expensive Escort service in Goa or prefer to hire independent escort girls, we are the cheapest Goa escort agency. We have a unique group of wealthy and sexy call girls who are available for hire at convenient times and your convenience. Goa is one of the most beautiful

Regional Human Development: rural and local aspects

  • Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Application invited for:undergraduate, master's and doctoral students.

The research proposal aims to fill a gap observed in conventional economic development indices: although these indices capture the economic and social dimensions, their composition only partially assesses the characteristics related to the dimensions of human development. Based on the problem identified, the aim of this project is to analyse the level of recent human development in Brazilian municipalities, incorporating the economic, social, environmental, territorial and spatial dimensions, by developing new indices capable of being used in intra- and inter-regional analyses. To this end, this project is descriptive-deductive in nature and its method is based on an experimental-explanatory basis. To produce the expected results, the following methods will be used: multivariate analysis, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) and spatial econometrics.

Hospital discharge planning protocol for adult and elderly patients in the Amazon context: implementation study

Objective: Hospital discharge planning is recommended to improve health quality indicators, improve the individual's health status, reduce the length of hospital stay and readmission, in order to contribute to improving patient care, satisfaction and safety. Method: This is a study on the implementation of care improvement in accordance with the “Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence” guidelines. Considering that this research is an improvement implementation project, data will be collected from 65 patients before and after the implementation of the planned discharge protocol, totaling 130 patients. The project will be carried out in a clinical ward of an important philanthropic hospital in the State of Acre. It consists of three stages: Preparation and validation of the planned discharge protocol; Collection of assistance indicators; Protocol implementation. Data will be collected in medical records, by telephone and through a collection instrument. The indicators wil

Natural research and aerial photography of caravanserais on the Great Silk Road on the territory of Kyrgyzstan

  • RUDN University
  • Contact:Olga Volichenko
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

GIS mapping and study of the system of the arrangement of caravanserais on trade routes of the mountainous republic of Kyrgyzstan. Carrying out measurements and making drawings of the archaeological ruins of medieval roadside guest houses is part of a large-scale project of compiling an archaeological information system of historical monuments

Immersive practices in the architectural space of modern parks

  • RUDN University
  • Contact:Olga Volichenko
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The identification of strategies and tools that contribute to the achievement of the state of immersion in the emotionally saturated environment of city parks. The identification of immersive instruments will help to optimally use in the design the potential of the possible impact of the landscape environment and augmented reality on the sensory systems of park visitors for the formation of emotional response, impressions and semantic saturation based on direct experience.

Nas Ramas da Esperança - alimentos biofortificados como estratégia de superação da pobreza extrema.

O cultivo de hortaliças em pequena escala é geralmente uma atividade múltipla de produção agrícola, exercida com pouco uso de tecnologia e sem orientação profissional, obtendo-se baixos índices de produtividade e a baixa qualidade dos produtos. A cultura da batata-doce é um exemplo dessa situação, pois, ao longo do tempo, tem sido cultivada de forma empírica pelas famílias rurais, em conjunto com diversas outras culturas, visando a alimentação da família, principalmente na primeira refeição diária, utilizada na forma de raízes cozidas, assadas ou fritas. Com o crescente êxodo rural e a situação de queda na renda das populações, grande parte do consumo de batata-doce foi substituída por outros alimentos de baixo poder calórico, o que provocou um comprometimento da qualidade alimentar das populações residentes na zona rural, principalmente no que se refere à vitamina A. Neste cenário, a produção de alimentos biofortificados com potencial para reduzir deficiências nutricionais de populaçõ

O regime jurídico da radiologia legal

  • Escola de Educação Permanente do Hospital das Clínicas - HCFMUSP
  • Application invited for:Colaboradores

Busca estabelecer linhas de pesquisas e delimitar áreas de atuação do perito forense em radiologia.

Filosóficos de Radiologia Legal

  • Escola de Educação Permanente do Hospital das Clínicas - HCFMUSP
  • Application invited for:Colaboradores

Ensaios Filosóficos de Radiologia Legal", resgata o espírito da filosofia convidativa ao propor reflexões de rigor filosófico sobre o que pode ser designado como "radiologia legal", abordando uma variedade de tópicos interdisciplinares, incluindo a filosofia das ciências físicas, a teoria da evidência legal, a topologia e a aplicação de tecnologias inovadoras na radiologia.

The influence of Japanese performances on Indonesian puppet shows

  • Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
  • Contact:Sam Taheri Tari
  • Application invited for:The exchange of cultures and one of the direct cultural influences in the East

Many cultures are influenced by the culture of another country over the years, according to the needs of their society. Theater and drama are also the foundations of a culture. The Noa Theater in Japan has one of the biggest influences on the puppet show

Mythology in expressionist cinema

  • Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
  • Contact:Sam Taheri Tari
  • Application invited for:The influence of mythology in expressionist cinema

Mythology is in the collective unconscious of people and they took it from the past either consciously or unconsciously and pass it on to the future. This topic is quite evident in expressionist cinema.


Handball is a team sport played on a court, involving sprints, throws, jumps, and repetitive accelerations. It is characterized by complex gestures that require motor coordination and a high level of explosive strength from the athletes. Among these gestures, the overhead ball throw is the most gesture repeated during practice. Achieving high performance in throwing requires a combination of physical abilities and biomechanical factors. However, while these factors are essential for optimal athletic performance in the sport, other factors such as psychological and social variables may influence sports performance. Therefore, the aim of the present study will be to analyze the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and the functional performance of handball athletes in São Carlos. We will include male and female handball players from São Carlos, aged between 18 and 40 years, with at least one year of handball training. An analytical cross-sectional research design will be employed

Structure and dynamics of the Xport-A/Rhodopsin1 interaction at atomic resolution

Rhodopsins are essential for vision and mutations in human rhodopsins that perturb its folding cause autosomal dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa, an incurable disease that leads to blindness. This proposal intends to go beyond the state-of-the-art by gaining access to dynamic structural information on chaperone-client protein interactions in membranes by monitoring dynamic intra- and intermolecular interactions of Xport-A (chaperone) with Rhodopsin-1 (client).

Phytotherapeutic Interventions in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: miRNA Modulation as a Therapeutic Strategy.

  • Federal University of Goias
  • Contact:Sodré GB Neto
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer that affects lymphocyte-producing cells in the bone marrow. Its diagnosis and treatment require a multidisciplinary approach, involving chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplantation and supportive care. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA molecules that play a crucial role in regulating gene expression. MiRNAs have been explored as therapeutic targets in cancer treatment. They can be used to restore the function of tumor suppressor miRNAs or inhibit the activity of oncogenic miRNAs. Its unregulated expression in the body represents continuity of the disease. Recently, miRNAs from tumor cells have been detected circulating in the blood of cancer patients, representing a new opportunity to use miRNAs in blood as an early predictor of cancer, and as a marker of response to therapy and disease prognosis. The treatment of ALL based-on miRNAs by the SUS can bring significant benefits, by becoming an option in the availa

Detection of Flooded Areas Under Cloud Cover Conditions: Integration with Digital Elevation Models

  • National Institute for Space Research
  • Contact:Aluizio Brito Maia
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Floods are hydrological processes directly associated with precipitation characteristics (intensity, frequency, and spatial distribution) and the geomorphometric features of the river basins where they occur. The detection of flooded areas using orbital images through remote sensing techniques requires robust models aimed at accurately identifying surface water. However, certain challenges hinder their detection. In optical sensors, the issue of cloud cover stands out, which leads to omission and inclusion errors of shadows during the image classification process. Several studies have analyzed the potential of image processing techniques for rapid disaster response, particularly for detecting flooded areas. However, few of these methods explore ways to extract information from cloud-covered images by integrating data of different natures. In this context, this dissertation proposes to develop a method for detecting flooded areas in images partially covered by clouds.


  • University of São Paulo
  • Contact:Renata R. Constantino
  • Application invited for:Students aiming to work with seismic data

In this project, I will investigate the oceanic crustal structure and lithospheric dynamics of the Vema Channel through a comprehensive analysis of residual gravity anomaly and interpretation from geodynamic modeling. I will first calculate the residual mantle Bouguer anomaly of the oceanic crustal regions of the Vema Channel by removing from free-air gravity anomaly the predicted gravitational attractions of water-sediment, sediment-crust and crust-mantle interfaces, as well as the effects of lithospheric plate cooling. I then calculate the gravity-derived crustal thickness constraining them with depth values from available seismic data over the area. The crustal thickness model is then used for the computational geodynamic modeling to study the effects of one to four ridge jumps on melt production and resultant crustal structure. The few previous works over the area have reported a possible aborted ridge, crustal asymmetry and the occurrence of a ridge jumps. Despite of these suggest

Reviving Ancient Grains: Exploring the Potential of Millets in Modern Agriculture

  • IIMT University
  • Contact:Dr Anurag
  • Application invited for:Post Doc/Funding

This project aims to explore the potential of millets in modern agriculture, taking into account their nutritional advantages and environmental adaptability. Millets, which have played a crucial role historically but are now underutilized, offer gluten-free and nutrient-rich options that are suitable for various climates and require less water. By conducting both a literature review and field studies, we seek to evaluate the feasibility and advantages of integrating millets into contemporary farming practices. Our primary focus is on developing millet-based products as nutritious alternatives to conventional grains, thereby enhancing food security and promoting biodiversity. This research contributes to the diversification of agriculture and the sustainable production of food, underscoring the significance of millets in fostering healthier and more resilient food systems.

Millets Magic: Rethinking Grain Alternatives with Millet-Based Products

  • IIMT University
  • Contact:Dr Anurag
  • Application invited for:Post Doc/Funding

Millet Magic" explores the potential of millet-based products as alternatives to traditional grains. Millets offer nutritional benefits, including gluten-free properties and rich micronutrient content. This project aims to assess the feasibility and benefits of integrating millets into food systems. Through literature review and experimental trials, we will develop innovative millet-based products catering to diverse dietary needs. Our goal is to promote sustainable agriculture and enhance food security by diversifying grain sources. By rethinking grain alternatives with millets, we aim to contribute to healthier diets and resilient food systems.

Millets Marvel: Exploring Innovative Millet-Based Products for a Sustainable Future

  • IIMT University
  • Contact:Dr Anurag
  • Application invited for:Post Doc/Funding

Millet Marvel" investigates the development and potential impact of innovative millet-based products towards achieving a sustainable future. Millets, known for their nutritional richness and environmental resilience, present promising alternatives to conventional grains. This project involves research into novel millet-based food formulations and their market feasibility. Through a combination of scientific experimentation and market analysis, we aim to introduce diverse and sustainable food options. The goal is to promote healthier diets, support small-scale millet farmers, and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices. This research underscores the importance of millets in fostering a resilient and nutritious food system for future generations.

TRAUMATIC CERVICAL SPINE FRACTURES – A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS. In Qatar FROM JAN.2004-DEC.2005 |(53 CASES. 4- Primary intra-Dural and extra-medullary cervical Ewing sarcoma; case report and literature

TRAUMATIC CERVICAL SPINE FRACTURES – A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS. In Qatar FROM JAN.2004-DEC.2005 |(53 CASES. 4- Primary intra-Dural and extra-medullary cervical Ewing sarcoma; case report and literature review; going on 5-Multiple myeloma c2 case report going on 6-Microcystic Meningioma a rare subtype of meningioma case report 7.extenssive TB cervical with 3levels corpectomy 8. intra medullary hemangioma 9- extensive spine hemangioma 10 decompressive craniotomy retrospective study. 11- Gliosarcoma brain case report. 12- spine hydatid cyst Books;

Stirling Engines

Applications of stirling engines for cooling generation. Cogeneration with stirling engines and renewable energies

Inthernal Combustion engines

New fuels for internal combustion engines

Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology, Structural Biology, and Computational Biology

  • Kwara State University
  • Contact:Emmanuel Saviour Saheed
  • Application invited for:Fully Funded Biomedical Sciences (Cancer Biology) PhD Program

Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrollable division of abnormal cells within the body leading to the damage of body tissue. The fusion of the divided abnormal cells leads to the formation of tumor. Overtime the tumor grows bigger at the site of formation and moves to other parts of the body, this process is known as metastasis. Cancer is a complex and life-threatening disease which has killed and keeps killing millions of people around the world. Bioactive compounds are chemical substances derived from plants and certain food. Previous research has made it known that specific bioactive compounds posses anticancer properties. Considering all aforementioned facts, I am fascinated to conduct an interdisciplinary research to understand the cellular and molecular pathways that occurs from the onset of cancer to metastasis. I am also interested to discover novel and effective anticancer bioactive compounds.


  • Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (ICP-CSIC)
  • Contact:Marta Lara Serrano
  • Application invited for:Fractionation and valorization of vine shoots through a biorefinery strategy.

The general objective of the BioVineShoot project is to achieve a comprehensive fractionation of vine shoots into their main components, and to carry out their subsequent valorization into bioenergy and bioproducts through chemical and biochemical conversion processes, integrated into a biorefinery strategy. This approach thus aims to contribute to the development of the bioeconomy in rural areas with high availability of this residual biomass resource and to the challenge of generating clean, safe and sustainable energy.

Toxoplasma Gondii impacting investment risk decision-making

This study investigates the role of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in investment risk decision-making through the lens of neuroeconomics. Understanding how this parasite influences the human brain offers important insights to mitigate financial risks and promote more informed and accurate decision-making in the investment world.


  • Application invited for:COLLABORATORS

This work's main purpose is to compare the different ways of producing coffee in the south of Minas Gerais, the state with the largest coffee production in Brazil. It will highlight which method of production causes lower environmental impacts and is more sustainable, always highlighting: the use and appropriate management of soil, social equity and income generation, which are the pillars of sustainability. This work will have the following themes: soil and leaf analysis of ceffeira, quality of the coffee drink, relationship between costs and benefits in production and also, gender equality relations among employees. This work will be guided by the Millennium Goals for Sustainable Development

NHIS to NHIA: perception and Wareness of Rural Dwellers in Abeokuta, Southwest NIgeria

The paper examines the awareness and percetion of rural dwellers about the newly eacted NHIA which was formely NHIS.


  • Indonesia University of Education
  • Contact:Feri Hidayatullah Firmansyah
  • Application invited for:Game Developer for Gamification, a Psychologist in positive behavior or gaming behavior

This SK-1 research aims to develop a multiplayer interactive gamification model (GIM) using Self-Determination Theory (SDT) analysis. Gamification is an approach that involves using game design principles and mechanisms in nongaming situations to increase engagement and motivation. SDT is a theory that studies human intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, while DFS-2 measures the psychological flow experienced when a person is fully engaged in an activity. This research involves developing a GIM model with game design elements, such as challenges, rewards, social interaction, and compelling narratives. In the development of this model, SDT analysis is used to understand and meet the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation needs of players. The research method used in this study uses the Design Research Methodology (DRM) to gain a deep understanding of the concept of gamification, and SDT. The results of the research at the SK-1 stage have produced game element


  • Federal University of Vale do São Francisco
  • Application invited for:Collaborators in Brazil

The project is dedicated to translating unpublished texts on History, theory and art criticism into Portuguese. The effort is due to the glaring bibliographical gaps in the list of materials available to the Brazilian public. The objective is to offer interested readers, inside and outside academia, access to relevant unpublished texts, in the form of publications in academic journals. Once this is done, publish a book that compiles the texts published and endorsed by magazines with Qualis.

Booth Constructor

Booth Constructor

Booth Constructor

Booth Constructor

Booth Constructor

Booth Constructor

Factores económicos socioeconómicos, políticos y culturales que influyeron en la migración reciente en Pasto (Colombia), a partir de la información suministrada por el Censo 2018

El proyecto busca analizar los factores económicos socioeconómicos, políticos y culturales que influyeron en la migración reciente en Pasto (Colombia), a partir de la información suministrada por el Censo 2018: El método es la revisión secundaria de fuentes documentales de estadísticas sociodemográficas oficiales. Se espera producir conocimiento que permita la medir la magnitud y la intensidad de esta relación causal, para llenar un profundo vacío de conocimiento que sobre tema existe en esta ciudad colombiana, y también para aportar elementos de carácter empírico a la formulación de políticas publicas locales.

Creencias y prácticas religiosas del catolicismo en Pasto (Colombia). Un análisis sociológico de sus variaciones.

Con este proyecto se busca analizar las creencias y prácticas religiosas del catolicismo en Pasto (Colombia), y comprender sus cambios a partir de los marcos teóricos clásicos y contemporáneos de la sociología.

Direito à Educação, Desigualdades Educacionais e Sociais: perspectivas da Educação Básica Regional e o acesso as tecnologias no COREDE NORTE/RS

  • Application invited for:Discente de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Direito

Objetiva-se analisar a inserção da tecnologia na educação, em face de que a educação é um direito humano e um direito fundamental social também reconhecido na Constituição Federal e LDBen. Busca-se no percurso da pesquisa, traçar a trajetória histórico-jurídica do direito à educação no Brasil com vistas ao advento das tecnologias; (ii) discutir o processo de ingresso das novas tecnologias na educação básica; (iii) refletir sobre as desigualdades educacionais para o acesso à educação no contexto dos direitos fundamentais; (v) apresentar dados e estatísticos acerca das desigualdades sociais e o processo de efetivação do direito fundamental a educação; e, por fim, (vi) discutir o processo de ingresso das novas tecnologias na educação básica com uso de pesquisa bibliográfica e empírica.

Direitos Humanos, Direitos Fundamentais e Epistemologias do Sul

  • Application invited for:Discentes de Pós-Graduação em Direito e Educação.

O projeto busca: Promover diálogos com as Epistemologias do Sul: concepções teóricas e metodológicas; analisar os construtos teóricos dos Direitos Humanos e Direitos Fundamentais sob a ótica das Epistemologias e Teorias do Sul; reflexionar sobre as violências estruturais e simbólicas que permeiam a trajetória histórico-jurídica dos coletivos subalternizados e vulnerabilizados na América Latina e no Brasil; estudar as violências contra a pessoa, contra o patrimônio e por omissão do poder público e desassistência do Estado no campo das Epistemologias do Sul; refletir acerca das narrativas insurgentes e silenciadas de Povos Indígenas e Populações Tradicionais marcadas por sujeições e silenciamentos no fazer jurídico, bem como compreender a tutela, o vazio demográfico (ancestralidades, autonomia e livre consulta) e negação de direitos aos Povos Indígenas pós Constituição Federal brasileira e promover o estudo e reflexões da literatura contemporânea nos eixos temáticos desigualdades sociais

Trapstar Hoodie | Sale Up To 30% Discount | TrapStar London

  • Trapstar Hoodie
  • Contact:Trapstar Hoodie
  • Application invited for:

Trapstar Hoodie available at the Best sale Price. Hoodies, t-shirts, & Tracksuits Chenille, Irongate comes in Various colours for men & Women.

Trapstar Hoodie | Sale Up To 30% Discount | TrapStar London

  • Trapstar Hoodie
  • Contact:Trapstar Hoodie
  • Application invited for:

Trapstar Hoodie available at the Best sale Price. Hoodies, t-shirts, & Tracksuits Chenille, Irongate comes in Various colours for men & Women.

Trapstar Hoodie | Sale Up To 30% Discount | TrapStar London

  • Trapstar Hoodie
  • Contact:Trapstar Hoodie
  • Application invited for:

Trapstar Hoodie available at the Best sale Price. Hoodies, t-shirts, & Tracksuits Chenille, Irongate comes in Various colours for men & Women.


  • Contact:carharttclothing
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Durable Workwear, Outdoor Apparel & Gear The Official Carhartt Clothing Shop, Like Hoodie, Shirt, Jackets And Sweatshirts Fans For Clothing.

Microbial xylanase engineering and its clinical applications

  • MIT Art, Design and Technology University
  • Contact:Priyanka Nath
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Xylanase engineering from microbes focuses on optimizing enzyme properties for enhanced stability and activity, with clinical applications in improving digestive health and treating metabolic syndromes

Identification and characterization of novel drug targets against multi-drug resistant bacteria

  • MIT Art, Design and Technology University
  • Contact:Priyanka Nath
  • Application invited for:collaborators

The identification and characterization of novel drug targets against multi resistant bacteria involve discovering and analyzing new molecular targets that could be critical for the bacterium's survival and virulence.


  • mimosajungle
  • Contact:mimosa
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Mimosa Hostilis is a plant known for its various uses and properties. Also referred to as Jurema or Mimosa tenuiflora, it is native to certain regions of South America. Mimosa Hostilis has a long history of traditional and cultural significance, particularly among indigenous communities.


  • mimosajungle
  • Contact:mimosa
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Mimosa Hostilis is a plant known for its various uses and properties. Also referred to as Jurema or Mimosa tenuiflora, it is native to certain regions of South America. Mimosa Hostilis has a long history of traditional and cultural significance, particularly among indigenous communities.


  • Project Development Institute
  • Contact:Ugwu Jude Okwudili
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Abstract Given the rising energy demands and the urgent need to transition to sustainable sources, this study proposes an innovative approach to ongoing electricity production using a hybrid system. This system combines a Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) with a traditional solar panel to maintain a steady power supply in fluctuating weather. Operating at 11 volts, the TENG captures mechanical energy from natural movements like wind or vibrations, while the solar panel harnesses solar radiation. combining these technologies increases energy output, offering a reliable solution for both sunny and rainy days. In daylight, the solar panel primarily generates power, with the TENG contributing to maximize efficiency. Conversely, during the nights or rainy weather when solar energy is reduced, the TENG continues to harvest mechanical energy from vibrations, ensuring a consistent power supply.


The project investigates the possibilities, challenges and solutions for the development of family farming in Brazil. The project is characterized by qualitative and quantitative research, collecting data from existing projects.

Детская хирургия

  • Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute named after M. F. Vladimirsky
  • Contact:Nalivkin Alexander Evgenievich
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Подготовка специалиста в области детской хирругии

  • serbu4d
  • Contact:serbu4d
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

What Terminal is Allegiant At Logan

  • What Terminal is Allegiant At Logan
  • Contact:TonyMark
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Allegiant air baltimore / washington international thurgood marshall airport - BWI is where you will find services related to bookings ,check-in , baggages . before and after your flight . moreover other amenities includes a lost & found section , wheelchair accessability , children's play - area , stores , food , beverages , a fitness point and even a wi-fi .

  • Contact:Viki Stone
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

An efficient Remote Patient Monitoring: The merge of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence"

In recent years, the healthcare landscape has undergone a significant evolution, with a pronounced shift towards remote patient monitoring (RPM). This transition is fueled by technological advancements and the increasing demand for accessible and effective healthcare solutions. Central to this evolution are blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), two cutting-edge technologies converging to redefine RPM systems. This paper investigates the fusion of blockchain and AI in RPM, presenting a pioneering approach that enhances patient care, data security, and operational efficiency.

Music Dualism: Political intolerance in Kenya and the GENZ movement

  • Kabarak University
  • Contact:Amon Kirui
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

This study examines the dual role of music in Kenya's Gen Z movement as both a tool for mobilisation and a medium for expressing dissent against political intolerance, using Cultural Resistance Theory. From the 2002 anthem "Unbwogable" to the 2024 protest song "Reject, Reject the Bill," music has been instrumental in resisting oppression and advocating for political reform. Through lyrical analysis, this study explores how music fosters solidarity, raises awareness, and drives political change. Social media further amplifies music's impact, positioning it as a powerful mechanism for challenging hegemonic structures and promoting systemic transformation in Kenya.

Explore Kashmir

Known as "Paradise on Earth," Kashmir is a region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent that is renowned for its complex history, rich cultural legacy, and breathtaking natural beauty. This is a summary of the things you can do in Kashmir: innate beauty Srinagar: Known for its stunning gardens, lakes, and houseboats, Srinagar is the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir. Notable lakes that provide chances for boating, houseboat stays, and shikara rides are Nigeen Lake and Dal Lake. A must-see sight are the Mughal Gardens, which include Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, and Chashme Shahi.

إنشاء دليل عن الجرافيك في الاعلام

تقديم دليل للجرافيك ينمي مهارات الطالب والخريج في التصميم لقوالب الاعلام التقليدي والحديث

  • Contact:luckyjet peru
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Red Cards and Red Flags: Understanding Domestic Violence in Football Communities

  • Tshwane University of Technology
  • Contact:Prof Bhekisipho Twala
  • Application invited for:Masters, PhD students & Collaboration

"Red Cards and Red Flags: Understanding Domestic Violence in Football Communities" explores the intricate relationship between football culture and the prevalence of domestic violence. This study investigates how the intense emotions and cultural norms associated with football can contribute to domestic violence incidents, particularly in communities where football is deeply ingrained. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including interviews, surveys, and analysis of domestic violence reports during football seasons, the study seeks to identify patterns and underlying causes. Key findings suggest that heightened emotions during football matches, alcohol consumption, and deeply rooted gender norms within football communities can exacerbate domestic violence. The study also highlights how the competitive and aggressive nature of the sport can spill over into personal relationships, leading to increased tension and conflict at home.

The Psychological Impact of "Indoda Ayikhayi"

  • Tshwane University of Technology
  • Contact:Prof Bhekisipho Twala
  • Application invited for:Masters, PhD students & Collaboration

The cultural norm encapsulated in the phrase "Indoda ayikhali" (a man does not cry) exerts a profound psychological impact on men's mental health by promoting emotional repression. This study delves into how societal expectations for men to suppress their emotions contribute to adverse mental health outcomes. Using a combination of psychological research, case studies, and empirical data, we explore the consequences of this cultural expectation on men's mental well-being. The findings reveal that the suppression of emotions, as dictated by the "Indoda ayikhayi" ethos, often leads to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression among men. This cultural norm discourages men from seeking emotional support and expressing vulnerability, resulting in a reluctance to engage in mental health services. The study also highlights the role of societal and familial reinforcement in perpetuating this behaviour, creating a cycle of emotional repression that spans generations.

Utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms to Enhance Climate Models.

  • Tshwane University of Technology
  • Contact:Prof Bhekisipho Twala
  • Application invited for:Masters, PhD students & Collaboration

Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in optimizing renewable energy systems significantly advances the fight against climate change. This study explores how AI can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of solar and wind energy systems, which are pivotal to transitioning towards sustainable energy sources. AI algorithms, such as machine learning and neural networks, are employed to predict energy production based on weather patterns, optimize renewable energy infrastructure maintenance schedules, and manage energy storage and distribution in smart grids. By analyzing vast amounts of meteorological data, AI can accurately forecast solar and wind energy outputs, thereby improving the reliability and stability of renewable energy supplies. AI-driven predictive maintenance reduces downtime and prolongs the lifespan of energy systems, ensuring continuous and efficient operation.

Application of RS & GIS in Water Resources

  • Gujarat Technological University
  • Application invited for:Collaboration

Various domains of water resources can be monitored using RS & GIS. Certainty and uncertainty predictions of water resources using RS & GIS.

Rental Script

  • Appysa Technologies
  • Contact:Kirsiya D Meriyo
  • Application invited for:

Appysa offers a versatile rental script designed to power your online rental business. Whether you're renting out cars, equipment, or vacation homes, our customizable solution adapts to your specific needs. With user-friendly features and a focus on seamless operations, Appysa empowers you to manage your rental business efficiently. From booking management and payment processing to owner profiles and real-time tracking, our script provides the foundation for a successful rental platform.

Iverheal 6

  • Ivermectin dosage
  • Contact:Ivermectin01
  • Application invited for:

Ivermectin works by attaching to the muscle and nerve cells of the parasite and increases the permeability of the outer membrane, thus eventually causing paralysis and death of the parasite.

Fenbendazole for cancer

  • Ivermectin dosage
  • Contact:Ivermectin01
  • Application invited for:

Fenbendazole, a broadly recognized anthelmintic drug primarily utilized in veterinary medicine, has recently emerged as a topic of curiosity inside the realm of human effectively being. This textual content objectives to find the prevailing evaluation, every confirmed and unproven, regarding the potential makes use of of fenbendazole in individuals.

Covimectin 12

  • Ivermectin dosage
  • Contact:Ivermectin01
  • Application invited for:

Covimectin 12 Tablet is an antiparasitic medication. It is used to treat parasitic infections of your intestinal tract, skin, and to take Covimectin 12 Tablet and how much you need. Read the instructions that come with the medicine to make sure you take it correctly. Generally, it is taken on an empty stomach. You usually need to take it only once to get rid of your infection.

Multiple Intelligence Assessment Framework and Profile System

Create a new intelligence assessment framework (MI theory) whose assessment methods differ from the traditional paper-and-pencil tests. To specify, output and performance based scoring systems shall be placed.

Analyze of prediction of pranlukast as a PD-L1 homodimer stabilizer

Tumors can be targeted by modulating the patient’s immune response. The programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and its ligand, the programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), are critical immune checkpoints in cancer biology. Effective cancer immunotherapy has been achieved by targeting these molecules using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Small-molecule drugs have also been developed as inhibitors of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis through a different mechanism of action by forming PD-L1 homodimers, causing their stabilization, internalization, and subsequent degradation. Drug repurposing is a strategy that seeks new activities of approved drugs, speeding the clinical translation of the new findings. Using computer simulations, we found that pranlukast, a drug used in asthma, had the potential to bind PD-L1 in a way that resembles that of other reported inhibitors. I analyzed pranlukast as immune checkpoint inhibitor for cancer therapy.

Molecular glues

  • Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research,Pimpri, Pune
  • Application invited for:Collaborators for research work.

Molecular glues represent a promising class of small molecules that facilitate targeted protein degradation, offering novel therapeutic avenues in cancer and tuberculosis (TB) treatment. These compounds work by promoting the interaction between disease-associated proteins and E3 ubiquitin ligases, leading to selective protein degradation. Research has highlighted the potential of molecular glues to address the limitations of traditional therapies, particularly in resistant cancers and persistent TB infections.The exploration of molecular glues is gaining traction, with ongoing studies aiming to further elucidate their mechanisms and optimize their efficacy for clinical applications in oncology and infectious diseases

OAM mode propagation

  • GITAM Deemeed To Be University
  • Contact:Lalkrishna S
  • Application invited for:Journal publication

Designing novel optical waveguide for OAM mode propagation for telecommunications.

Startup India Initiative

  • Startup India Mentor
  • Contact:CE Shreekant Patil
  • Application invited for:Students, college & university

To create startup ecosystem at university & college level


  • Startup India Mentor
  • Contact:CE Shreekant Patil
  • Application invited for:Students, college & university

To create entrepreneurial mindset


In addition to contamination by waste left by visitors, the beaches in the district of Outeiro and the beaches on the island of Cotijuba, which are close to the northwest region of Belém, suffer from the dumping of untreated sewage from the population that lives in these locations. The body responsible for analyzing such areas and determining whether they are suitable or unsuitable for bathing is based on CONAMA resolution n274 of November 29, 2000, which uses the density of E. coli as evaluation parameters, without taking into account other causative microorganisms. of pathologies or possible multidrug-resistant ones. In view of this problem and the danger to public health, this project was developed with the following objectives: Identify the microbiomes of these ecosystems by analyzing the biodiversity and functional profile of these communities, ascertain the quantity of circulating pathogens and the quantity of biomass, determine which of these are pathogenic and pose

Синтез на син водород за промишлени цели

  • Contact:Mihail Doynov
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Разработва се методика за интегрирано производство на син водород за промишлени цели.

Frictional Cladding

  • Osmania University
  • Contact:U. ASHOK KUMAR
  • Application invited for:Collaboration research and new materials for cladding,Testing

Frictional cladding is a solid-state process used to apply a coating or repair surfaces by using frictional heat. A rotating consumable tool is pressed against a substrate, generating heat that softens the material without melting it. The softened material is then deposited onto the substrate, forming a strong bond. This method is used for surface protection, repairing worn components, and joining dissimilar materials, especially in applications requiring wear, corrosion, or thermal resistance.

Laser Cladding - Additive Manufacturing

  • Osmania University
  • Contact:U. ASHOK KUMAR
  • Application invited for:new materials for cladding,Testing

Laser cladding is a surface engineering technique with significant research interest due to its ability to create high-performance coatings. The process involves using a focused laser to fuse cladding material onto a substrate, improving wear, corrosion, and heat resistance. Research areas include optimizing process parameters, developing new cladding materials (e.g., metal matrix composites), and enhancing the understanding of microstructural evolution and bonding mechanisms. Technology is crucial in the aerospace, automotive, and energy sectors to extend the life of critical components.

Post-Finishing of Additive Manufacturing Metal Parts

  • Osmania University
  • Contact:U. ASHOK KUMAR
  • Application invited for:Joint Collobaration

Post-finishing of additive manufacturing (AM) metal parts is a critical research area aimed at improving surface finish, mechanical properties, and dimensional accuracy. Key techniques under study include machining, heat treatment, surface finishing, and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). Research is focused on optimizing these processes, developing hybrid methods, and integrating automation to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and meet industry-specific requirements, especially in aerospace and medical applications.

Challenges and overcome in the management of informal enterprises by men and women.

Informal entrepreneurship can be seen as a way out not only of unemployment, but also of inequality and social injustice. On the other hand, ventures that are born out of a lack of income already have an intrinsic barrier, the restriction of financial capital. As a result, scarce resources prevent the entrepreneur from bearing the costs of formalization, which makes it even more challenging to undertake. In this context, the aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual model that highlights the main challenges in running and formalizing informal enterprises for men and women, and the factors that influence the process of overcoming them.

Iris Liveness

Iris Liveness

“Study of halotolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Rhizospheric / endophytic) from mangrove vegetation of Sundarban, West Bengal and their role in sustainable agriculture”.

  • Department of Botany, Rammohan College, University of Calcutta
  • Contact:Pallab Kumar Ghosh
  • Application invited for:ICAR OR DST (SERB) PROJECT

Soil salinization results in the continuous reduction of agricultural land throughout the world. Salinity, one of the major abiotic stresses, adversely affects plant growth and development as it interferes with several physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes of plants. In this aspect, salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (ST-PGPR) may play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture and in meeting the demand for food for an ever-increasing population. The proposed study aims to study the diversity of halotolerant PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) in the mangrove vegetation of Sundarban and characterization in relation to their plant growth promotion for sustainable agriculture. Identification of isolated ST-PGPR strains would be made on the basis of phenotypic characteristics, molecular approaches like 16 S rDNA analysis, MALDI-TOF analysis, FAME analysis, WGS (whole genome sequence) analysis. Attempts will be made to characterize the important PGP (pl

“Study of heavy metal resistant Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolated from the industrial belt of Burdwan district, WB and the characterization for bioremediation and agricultural appli

  • Department of Botany, Rammohan College, University of Calcutta
  • Contact:Pallab Kumar Ghosh
  • Application invited for:ICAR OR DST (SERB) PROJECT

• The main objective to isolate and characterize novel heavy metal resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from heavy metal contaminated rhizospheric soil of industrial belt under Burdwan district for restoration of degraded habitat particularly increase the yield of agricultural crops. This can be done by following strategies. ● Site Characterization ● Isolation, characterization, identification of heavy Metal resistant PGPR strains. Identification of Heavy metal resistant PGPR strains by physio-biochemical caharacteristics and 16S rDNA sequence based phylogenetic approach. ● Sequencing of nif gene, acdS gene and to characterize the the corresponding enzymes under stress condition. ● Characterization of some stress enzymes (e.g. SOD, Catalase, Glutathione peroxides, lipoxygenase induced due to stress response. ●Study the plant growth promoting ability of the isolated potent Heavy metal resistant PGPR strains in relation to seed germination and stress amelioration under s

EV Battery Management System

  • Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research
  • Contact:Deeapk Biradar
  • Application invited for:EV Battery Management System

EV Battery Management System

CNG storage and liquification

  • Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research
  • Contact:Deeapk Biradar
  • Application invited for:CNG storage and liquification

CNG storage and liquification

Thermal Sensors

  • Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research
  • Contact:Deeapk Biradar
  • Application invited for:Thermal Sensors

Thermal Sensors

Waterborne Luminescent Vitrimers via Pickering emulsion

  • Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Contact:Sarthik Samanta
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Recyclability, weldability and high self-healing qualities are going to be present in the material that would have been synthesized. Within the scope of this research, environmentally friendly bio-based vitrimers will be produced from renewable resource. In addition, this project will completely meet the requirements of our society in terms of sustainability and reusability, which are the most important aspects of our economy's shift toward a circular model. The vitrimers will have reprocessable, self-healing and sustainable properties. The prepared vitrimers can be applied as a light-emitting diode, soft fluorescent materials etc.

Mechanization of agriculture in the scientific thought of Russia 1905-1917.

  • Saint Petersburg State University
  • Contact:Markelov Stepan
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

My future dissertation is devoted to the understanding of the concept of “mechanization” by agricultural scientists of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. it explores a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and the conditions necessary for it, takes into account connections between scientists, and the institutionalization of research on agricultural mechanization

Rentals and Acquisition at Exclusive Concierge Club

Exclusive Concierge Club is your premium choice for car rentals in Bangalore. We offer a diverse range of vehicles, from luxurious sedans to high-end sports cars and exotic rentals. Explore our full range at and find the ideal car for any occasion. For luxury car rentals, visit We provide exceptional service and a wide selection of vehicles to meet your every need. Need assistance or ready to book? Visit for all your inquiries. Our team is here to help you find the perfect car rental solution. Discover the difference with Exclusive Concierge Club!

Sustainable development and biotechnological processing of goat and lamb meat for the creation of authentic national products

  • Toraighyrov University
  • Contact:Kuralay Issayeva
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

The project aims to develop sustainable biotechnological methods for processing goat and lamb meat to create authentic national products. These products will cater to the growing demand for high-quality, traditional food with a focus on environmental sustainability. By applying advanced biotechnological techniques, the project seeks to enhance the value of underutilized livestock resources, reduce waste, and support local agricultural communities. Key objectives include optimizing the biotechnological processes for meat preservation and enhancement, ensuring minimal environmental impact, and improving the nutritional and sensory qualities of the final products. The project will explore fermentation, enzymatic treatments, and microbial interventions to achieve unique product characteristics that reflect national culinary traditions. This initiative aligns with global trends in sustainable agriculture and food processing by promoting eco-friendly practices and contributing to rural dev

A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis on Emerging Competencies and Challenges in Cardiac Nursing: Telemetry, Angio-Guided Interventions and Critical Care – A Sense-making Approach

  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Introduction: Cardiac Nursing is a specialized field emerging with a diverse set of competencies in management of complex scenarios in care and treatment of individuals with cardiovascular disease. With the advent of new technologies and methodologies the role of cardiac nurses has evolved significantly. Aim: This systematic review and bibliometric analysis aims to explore the emerging competencies and challenges in cardiac nursing, focusing on the standardization and integration of telemetry, angio-guided interventions, and critical care practices over the past decade. Methods: A systematic search for literature was conducted with specific keywords related to “Cardiac Nursing Practices” using multiple databases including PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Consensus and CORE. The methodology followed a qualitative search strategy focused on identifying relevant publications related to competencies and challenges in Cardiac Nursing Care.

Percepção e aceitação sensorial do gosto doce e salgado por crianças autistas e típicas

O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é caracterizado por déficits na interação social, comunicação verbal e não verbal, padrões de comportamento repetitivos, estereotipados e interesses restritos. Problemas comportamentais durante as refeições relacionados à recusa e seletividade alimentar são observados e impactam de forma negativa a saúde dessa população. Crianças autistas possuem menor variedade alimentar e são comedores mais exigentes comparados às crianças típicas. Sabe-se que o processamento sensorial disfuncional é um dos desencadeadores de seletividade alimentar entre as crianças com TEA. Estudos mostram que há presença de disfunção olfatória e gustativa em crianças autistas. No entanto, é pouco relatado sobre o limiar de detecção sensorial, como a percepção de gostos básicos doce e salgado. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral desse estudo é avaliar a percepção e aceitação sensorial de crianças autistas e típicas. Até o momento, foram realizadas uma pesquisa transversal, com o obje

Comparison of resin veneers with abrasive toothpastes and their relationship with rupture of veneer rehabilitation treatments.

Currently, toothpastes are showing a wide variety of functions on the market, in which it is possible to notice an increase in abrasive toothpastes. Studies show us that tooth wear with these creams is a reality, so there is a need to understand whether abrasive toothpastes influence the loss of maintenance of resin veneers and their possible rupture.

Gifted students

This study aims to analyze the achievements of gifted students in school, with a focus on developing countries. The study is using the TIMSS, PIRLS, and PISA databases

School Bullying: what is the impact on students' achievements ?

This study aims to analyze the link between bullying at school and its impact on student outcomes. The study is using the TIMSS, PIRLS, and PISA databases.

ecommerce migration checklist

  • Contact:eComm Daddy
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

guide on ecommerce migration

  • Contact:eComm Daddy
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

ecommerce migration guide

  • Contact:eComm Daddy
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Methods and tools for conflict resolution to provide a positive socio-psychological environment inside an educational institution

This PhD research aims to explore and develop innovative methods and tools for conflict resolution within educational institutions, with the overarching goal of fostering a positive socio-psychological environment. Conflicts within educational settings can significantly impact the well-being, academic performance, and overall development of students, as well as the professional satisfaction and effectiveness of educators. By addressing these conflicts through effective resolution strategies, this study seeks to enhance the educational experience for all stakeholders. The research will employ a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating theories and practices from fields such as management, psychology, sociology, education, and conflict resolution.

The Bitter Truth: CyberSecurity

  • Iraje Software Consultants Private Limited
  • Contact:Umang Mehta
  • Application invited for:research

Biohacking, AIJailbreak

The Detection of the Surface Defects in Materials by Distributed and Invariant Features of Image Intensity

  • Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Contact:Yurii Vipshovskyi
  • Application invited for:Collaborators

Detecting metal surface defects is a critical step in the quality control process for industrial products. Defects, such as cracks, scratches, cavities, and other irregularities, can significantly affect product performance and durability. Therefore, the automation of this process is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of high production volumes and growing requirements for product quality. In modern industry, a wide range of methods are used to detect defects, among which the most common are image-based methods. The use of computer vision and image processing allows for a quick and accurate assessment of the surface condition of the material to be inspected, minimizing the human factor and reducing the risk of errors. In this paper, we propose an approach that consists in converting images of metal surfaces into a cumulative reflection for further analysis. The main goal is to detect the presence of defects on the metal surface using a new method of image analys


Abstract Human trafficking is a deeply rooted problem in The Gambia, with young people, women, and migrants often targeted by smugglers, pirates, and human traffickers over the years. Driven by the hope for a better life within and outside the Gambia. The government of the Gambia and the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) conduct awareness campaigns to educate communities about the dangers of human trafficking, its various forms, and the legal consequences of being involved. Despite government efforts and NGOs advocacy for stronger anti-trafficking laws, policies, and enforcement mechanisms, the practice persists. This study intends to examine the role NGOs play in combating human trafficking in The Gambia. Using a qualitative research approach, analyzing primary and secondary data to gain insights into the strategies and challenges faced by NGOs. Interviews will be conducted with NGO representatives, policymakers, and the victims to gather in-depth information on the successes,


Returnees are not a new phenomenon in the Gambia. Thousands of young Gambians, lured by the promise of a better life in oversees, embark on dangerous journeys through the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea, often falling victim to all forms of abuse, such as child trafficking, labor exploitation, sex trafficking, brain-drain, sudden death, and disappearance through the backway or illegal means. Upon their return, they often face a new challenge: reintegrating into a society that has changed while they were away. This study examines the extend at which the NGOs had supported or addressed reintegrating or re-cooperating of the returnees in the Gambia. Interviews will be conducted with NGO representatives, policymakers, diasporas and the returnees to gather in-depth information on the successes, challenges, and best practices on reintegration process. This study reveal that the issue of returnees should be treated as a national challenge in which there is need for holistic approaches.


  • Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan
  • Contact:Romi Novriadi
  • Application invited for:Students

Using a two-stage evaluation trial, this proposed study will evaluate astaxanthin yeast as an immunostimulant in Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei. For that purpose, commercially available astaxanthin yeast produced from a specially selected strain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae will be used. The growth performance of shrimp P. vannamei will be observed using a controlled environment, and the survival of shrimp will be monitored during various challenge tests together with the gene expression during the challenge test, such as Prophenoloxidase (ProPO) activity, Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lysozyme activity. The results of this research will provide all stakeholders, farmers, and academicians with a better understanding at molecular and protein levels of how astaxanthin yeast evoke the immune response in Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei

Evaluation on the Use of Insect Meal ingredients to Partially and Completely Replace Fish Meal for Pacific White Shrimp. Litopenaeus vannamei

  • Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan
  • Contact:Romi Novriadi
  • Application invited for:Students

To evaluate the growth performance of the pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, fed with graded inclusion levels of high protein insect meal to replace partially and completely fish meal (FM) in Indonesia. The study could also be expanded to evaluate the immune response and resistance of Vannamei against the common bacterial pathogen, Vibrio parahaemolyticus


  • Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan
  • Contact:Romi Novriadi
  • Application invited for:Students

This project compares the growth of tilapia fish fed plant-based feed supplemented with proteases with plant-based protein source feeds without proteases.